
Love In The Shadows Of War

Excerpt- "Are you sure that you will be alright without me being there?", the girl asked, her eyes revealing the unmasked vulnerability tucked within them. The man chuckled slightly, his fingers intertwining with hers, "I am certain that I won't be alright without you.", he asserted and brought her hand up to place a kiss on her fingers. "But I will try my best to be alright in the hopes of meeting you soon." "Besides, I won't want you to use your strength on me.", the man joked, his fingers holding her arms in a manner which highlighted her nonexistent biceps. The hazel eyed girl found herself laughing along with him, her eyes filling with tears as she pulled him in a tight hug. Her teary eyes filling with various emotions but the most prevalent one being fear. Fear of losing him. _____*_____*_____ "Love In The Shadows Of War" follows the journey of high school sweethearts Tian and Cynthia as they experience the thrills and challenges of first love amidst responsibilities and unfavorable circumstances. They navigate their way through the complexities of teenage life, leaning on each other for support and solace. However, as their bond deepens, they realize that their love is put to the test by external forces beyond their control. When Tian makes the difficult decision to join the military after graduation, their relationship is tested like never before. Cynthia supports his choice but is heartbroken by the parting. Just as they begin to adjust to their new reality, trying to keep the flame of their love alive in in the midst of separation and career pressure, an unexpected twist of fate shakes their world. Will they find the strength to stay together despite the odds stacked against them, or will their love story be another casualty of circumstance? "Love In The Shadows Of War" is a tale of young love, resilience, and the enduring power of connection, showing that sometimes, the greatest battles are fought not on the battlefield but in the heart. [No rape] cover image belongs to the owner!

the_ashxx · perkotaan
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29 Chs

We are in this together, right?

"You won't want to do that," Tian remarked, his voice laced with a mix of amusement and concern as he stood beside Cynthia. She was sprawled on the ground, attempting to perform her assigned exercise. Keyword: attempting.

It didn't help that luck had deserted her at the worst possible moment, saddling her with the one exercise she dreaded above all others—crunches. Each attempt felt like a monumental struggle, her body protesting with every movement.

"Right? I really don't want to do this," she replied, a hint of frustration in her voice as she mentally cursed whoever had the brilliant idea of including PE in the schedule, especially during the scorching summer months.

Tian's chuckle was contagious, and soon Cynthia found herself laughing along with him at her own predicament. However, her laughter quickly faded as she raised an eyebrow at him. "By the way, why are you here instead of completing your sets?"

"Miss Cynthia, I'm not sure about the other teachers, but Mr. Harris is already impressed by my ability to perform every exercise with perfection," Tian replied, pride evident in his voice. Cynthia couldn't help but let out a quiet scoff.

With a tilt of his head, he continued, "So, there's no need for me to sit at my place as I've already completed my sets."

"Yeah, and that's why you thought it was the perfect time to point out the one who's barely trying to survive this class," she retorted, annoyance lacing her voice as she fanned her flushed face with her hands. The summer heat seemed relentless, making the exercise feel even more grueling.

Tian's expression softened, his initial amusement giving way to genuine concern. "What a...wrong observation. I'm here to help because, honestly, the position of your back scares me. It might even hurt you later on."

Cynthia looked up at him, a mixture of skepticism and appreciation in her eyes. She knew he was teasing her, but there was an underlying sincerity in his tone that made her pause. Despite her frustration, she couldn't ignore the small, comforting gesture of his presence.

"Fine," she sighed, "show me how it's done properly then."

Tian knelt beside her as she continued to perform the crunches in her usual, albeit incorrect, way. She noticed him shaking his head, a familiar playful smile on his lips. Gently, he reached out his hand, "May I?"

Cynthia hesitated for a moment, feeling a slight flutter in her chest. She nodded, allowing him to guide her. His touch was firm yet gentle, adjusting her posture with careful precision. She could feel the difference immediately, the strain in her lower back easing as she followed his directions.

"See? Much better," Tian said, his voice soft and encouraging. "You need to engage your core more and keep your back straight. It'll make the exercise more effective and less painful."

As she continued under his guidance, Cynthia felt a mixture of embarrassment and gratitude.

Embarrassment because she had been doing it wrong all along, and gratitude because Tian was there to help her correct it. His presence made the task seem less daunting, and for a moment, the sweltering heat and exhaustion faded into the background.

"Thanks," she murmured, glancing at him with a smile full of gratitude tinged with a hint of shyness. "I guess I needed that."

"No problem," he replied, his eyes meeting hers with a warmth that sent her heart racing. "We're in this together, right?"

"Huh?" Cynthia's eyes widened by a fraction, the simple sentence from Tian making her heart flutter for some reason. She couldn't quite put her finger on it, but there was something about his offer that felt different. The way his gaze dropped to the ground didn't help, and she noticed his face flushing slightly.

"Umm, I meant to say, I can clearly see that you are a novice when it comes to PE," Tian quickly corrected himself, his tone a mix of amusement and genuine concern. "So, let me guide you in this class."

Cynthia nodded, trying to brush off the strange flutter in her chest. She appreciated Tian's offer and the fact that he didn't make a big deal out of her struggle.

"Thanks," she replied with a smile, feeling a warmth spreading through her as they continued the workout together.

The class came to an end and for the first time, her PE class ended with a smile. 'I guess, PE classes wouldn't be too bad if Tian is there to help me'

Students emptied out the school grounds one by one and naturally, Tian and Cynthia were together on their way back to home.

As they walked side by side, Cynthia glanced at Tian, curious about his keen interest in physique. "You appear to be quite knowledgeable about workout techniques and…yeah, those massaging techniques too. Any particular reason?"

Tian smiled- a hint of determination in his eyes. "Well, I guess I've always been interested in fitness and health. But more than that, I've been training because I have a goal in mind.",

Cynthia raised an eyebrow, prompting him to continue.

"I want to join the military," Tian revealed, his voice steady but filled with ambition. "It's been my dream for as long as I can remember. I want to serve my country."

Cynthia was taken aback but impressed by his dedication. "That's a big goal but at least you know what you want in life and truly, that's very admirable.", she generously complimented him.

The compliment seemed to have prompted him to reveal further, "Well, you see my mother is an Army Doctor and I have basically spent my life between soldiers so I am naturally drawn to the military."

Cynthia nodded, her expression thoughtful, "That explains your interest. Are you working towards it though?"

Tian nodded. "Yeah, I've been preparing physically and mentally. Every workout is a step closer to achieving that dream."

"That's incredible," Cynthia said, admiration evident in her voice. "I'm sure you'll make it. And I'll be here cheering you on every step of the way."

Tian smiled gratefully, grateful for her support. "Thanks, Cynthia. It means a lot."

And there it was there again, the weird flutter of her heart as soon as she saw his brown orbs twinkling at her as he spoke her name.

She looked at her front and took a sharp breath, 'Calm down, heart.'

The walk was silent for a few seconds before she suddenly looked at him, "What type of role are you aiming for?"

He paused before replying, "Well, I am still thinking about it.", he replied as he scanned her hazel eyes, wondering what made her react like that.

Cynthia nodded. They were still seventeen years old which left him with the whole one year to think about what he would choose. 'As long as it's not active duty, it should be fine, right? There are many other ways to serve the country while being in the military.'

"Don't overthink. I am not actively looking to join military bases and troops," Tian's words stopped Cynthia in her tracks, her expression turning from curiosity to bewilderment as she looked at him.

"Don't look so shocked. It isn't hard to guess what you are thinking," Tian's lips quirked up into a half-smile as he observed her reaction. "Off you go," he added, tilting his chin towards her back, signaling for her to continue walking. 'Wait, when did we reach here? Anyway.'

She turned her body back to face him, her mind racing to think of a response. There was none. She really didn't have any idea what she should say at such a moment. After all, it was about his ambition.

Cynthia nodded her head, trying to hide her surprise. "See you tomorrow then."

Three footsteps later, Tian called out her name, "Cynthia?" 'Well, it seems like he really has an odd habit of saying things just when I am about to leave,' she chuckled at her own thought as she turned to face him again. There was a short moment of silence as if he trying to find the right words to speak as she waited without any question.

"I am strong, Cynthia," Tian's voice was firm, his eyes meeting hers with determination.

"Even if I choose to be in the active duty sector in the future," Tian continued, his tone unwavering. "I hope you will have faith in me."

 "I can protect you, myself, and my country."

the gradual increase of comfort level between them >>

the_ashxxcreators' thoughts