
LOVE IN PARIS: Married To My Brother-in-law

The cathedral was a stunning sight, adorned with exquisite floral decorations that did nothing but added to it's grandeur. "We are here today," The priest began, his tone rich and commanding. "To witness the union of Manuel and Yvette in holy matrimony". "Before we proceed, if there is anyone here who knows of any lawful impediment to this marriage, speak now or forever hold your peace" . . . . . . "I object!". " On what grounds do you object, young man?". This marriage cannot proceed as it would be unlawful. A married woman cannot marry again not when I , her husband is still hale and healthy". Yvette Jasmin, a rising and well-known actress was over the moon about her upcoming wedding. She flew to Paris for her bachelorette party with her friends, however while drunk she haphazardly married an unknown guy who turns out to be her Brother-in-law, the man who had secretly harbored feelings for her for decades. But now entangled, he couldn't help it. Crashing her wedding was another thing, possessively claiming her was another. Whosoever wanted to get to her would have to pass through this wife slave husband.

Silverash863 · perkotaan
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32 Chs


Panic surged through her as she touched her cheeks, which were now covered in red bumps. Her skin itched and burned, and she felt dizzy, her body swaying. Before she could catch herself, her knees buckled, and she fell backward.

Blair and Leila immediately rushed forward, catching her arm to support her before she fell backwards.

Leila's face hardened as she accessed Yvette's condition a d turned to face Dina who was at the sidelines.

"What make-up products did you use on her?. You look at her, she's definitely having an allergic reaction".

The set was now still and as quiet as a graveyard, the earlier murmurs now nowhere to be found.

Dina rushed forward on her knees and she stammered. "I . . I used the same products I use on everyone. I didn't know it would cause a reaction."

"Wasn't that why we told you earlier to use her own personal make-up kits but you didn't listen thinking she looked down on you. Is this your so-called professionalism". Leila fumed.

Blair stood tall with the dizzy Yvette in his embrace, his expression sharp with anger. "This is negligence! You could've seriously harmed her!". He exclaimed as he ran his hands through his hair worriedly. "" You know what . . You're fired".

Yvette still reeling from the pain and the heat radiating from her skin, waved him off weakly. "It's not her fault". She said hoarsely. "She didn't know".

Blair's jaw clenched, but he didn't argue any further. He helped her to her feet and made his way to the emergency ambulance on standby to take her to the hospital.

Director Cole followed behind them,.his face filled with concern. "Yvette take a few days off. Rest. We'll reschedule your scenes."

But she shook her head, wincing as the itching on her face intensified. "No. I'll be fine after treatment. I don't have anything else to do at home. I'll be back tomorrow." She concluded with a tone of finality and he couldn't argue more.


Later in the evening, Olivia invited the girls to dinner and Yvette who was already bored at home couldn't agree more and quickly jumped off the couch to go get dressed. Her skin was now back to it's usual self and glowing after she had received proper treatment.

By the time she arrived at the restaurant, Olivia, Odiette and Leila were already waiting for her seated around the lage booth and she immediately joined them.

Olivia who was seated at the center of the table was unlike her usual self , her slender fingers toying with her wine glass, her expression a mixture of frustration and confusion.

Across her, the trio watched with concern in her eyes.

"I just don't know what's going on with David lately". Olivia began, her tone laced without exasperation as she stabbed her fork in the plate of pasta as if to vent her anger.

"He's been acting too weird and suspicious. He's barely picking my calls and even my texts. I just don't get it".

Odiette, the most practical amongst the ladies leaned forward slightly, her face soft with understanding. "Maybe he's just busy with work, you know how that can be sometimes."

"Yeah". Yvette chimed in, her tone soothing. "Perhaps he's buried in work trying to make you proud or . ."

Olivia sighed, letting go of the fork and allowing it to clatter onto her plate as she pushed her hair back from her face. " It's not that, I just don't know… Maybe. It's just that he's being distant even when we're together, like he's… somewhere else."

"Well, if he doesn't get it together and values you, you can always kick him to the curb. Plenty of fish in the sea, he's been acting too ignorant." Leila said.

"Yup". Olivia cracked a small smile, then she picked up a piece of garlic bread and took a bite, her frustration easing a bit.

"I mean, I've been eating my feelings lately". She joked, chewing thoughtfully. "But seriously, I'm just… I'm not used to this from him."

Yvette reached across the table to gently squeeze Olivia's hand. "You'll figure it out. If he's worth it, he'll stop acting like an idiot and if he doesn't just walk away and don't waste the best years of your life. Take me for an example."

"Thanks, guys". Olivia said with a small smile, taking a sip of her wine. She paused for a moment, her expression growing more excited as she stared at Yvette. Yvette's chest to be precise.

Yvette had already forgotten about the hickeys on her and when she took a shower, the layers of foundation she applied on them washed away and now she was donning a dress with a low cut bodice and her chest and neck were bare and naturally in the open.

Olivia raised an eyebrow and tugged at Yvette's shoulder smirking as she gazed at the hickeys.

"Oh my". Olivia exclaimed as her hands flew to her mouth excitedly. "I never knew the almighty CEO could be this fierce, seems someone is enjoying her marriage happily".

Upon hearing her words, the trio who had been wondering what she was up to then noticed what she was looking at. Yvette face blushed and her hands immediately flew to her chest to cover the eye-catching hickeys and the other duo joined in teasing her.

"You guys should really stop and lower your voice. There are other people nearby". Yvette blushed self aware and truly those near their booths were already throwing curious glances at them.

"Okay. Okay. We won't tease our shy bride any longer". Olivia patted Yvette's shoulder, wrapping her silk scarf on Yvette to cover the hickeys.

"That reminds me, some days ago someone reached out to my agency to leak a news about you. The news concerning your wedding and relationship". Olivia suddenly said as she took her seat. "That time, you were just about to start filming yet people are already pitching against you. You must be careful".

"Really, there was such a thing". Yvette and Odiette exclaimed.

"I didn't hear about that". Leila added.

"It would have been a disaster if I didn't notice the article with one of my colleague. You know how the public is, they would have eaten it up anyways".

Olivia's lip quirked into a small self satisfied smile as she continued. "Then I phoned Knox as usual and soon your husband suppressed the news. If anyone dares to release such article, they'll have to consider if they still want their heads". She giggled and ended her tale.

The trio across her breathed a sigh of relief then Odiette eyed her with curiously. ""Since when did you start calling Knox for favors and you even said as usual?"

"What do you mean by that ?" Olivia responded, her tone innocent though she was blushing.

"We're just friends. I just like teasing him, you know and I just called him a couple of time previously when I'm bored to tease him. Besides I couldn't reach directly to Ezekiel, do you think he's someone I can casually call. I'm afraid only Yvette can make a wolf like him willingly become a kitten".

The others weren't buying it, Yvette exchanged knowing glances with Leila and Odiette who raised an eyebrow.

"Calling to tease indeed, it'll be good if it's just that you know".

"Besides, you can tell us if it's what we're thinking". Leila added.

Olivia rolled her eyes. "Comm'n it's not like that. You guys are misunderstanding the whole thing. We're indeed just friends".

"Mm-hmm," Yvette said teasingly, her eyes twinkling. "Just friends, huh?"

"Yes!" Olivia protested, but the hint of laughter in her voice undermined her attempt at sincerity. "It's not a big deal. He's just… a helpful guy."

Odiette leaned back, grinning mischievously. "I'm sure he is. But if he starts picking up your calls more than your boyfriend does, then maybe we should be having a different conversation."

Olivia threw a napkin at her, laughing despite herself. "You guys are just impossible."