
Love In Ancient Times

Born as a lowlife bastard, treated like an outcast and ignored by everyone. Never knew how it felt to be loved, dies and was given a second chance to life but this time, time travels back into the Ancient Times. Will she know Love Or Hatred

Maybs_Glix · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
20 Chs

Quan Lun

"Here comes the Emperess Dowager and His majesty; Emperor Quan Lun exclaimed a guard as I saw the Emperess Dowager and the Emperor walk in with the rest of cocoubine's behind him. Is the that the Emperor, he's soo handsome and stern. Is this the man I'm married to, Soo sexy😏. Your Grace, your nose is bleeding; exclaimed Zao with a confused looking face. I wiped away the blood as we all stood up and bowed to greet him.

"Your highness, Emperess Dowager what brings you here today? I asked with a smile on my face.

"Hmm, so you really have no manners; exclaimed the Emperess Dowager furiously. How can you abandoned your duties as the Emperess and just roam around freely, imperial cocoubine San Yao even bothered herself by coming here to call you but you still chose to ignore her didn't you.

"I'm sorry, Emperess Dowager please forgive, I didn't intend to.

"You didn't intend to!!!; she exclaimed furiously, just have a look at what you've done to here because she just said some unpleasant things. I watched as San Yao stepped forward,seeing a lot of marks and scratches on her face and body. But her Grace never did such things; exclaimed Zao furiously but I raised my hand to stop her.

" Uncle, Aunt I never did such things to Imperial cocoubine San Yao. Uncle?!! she has never called me that for years but does she call that now.

"Liar!!!! ; exclaimed San Yao furiously, you hit because I unintentionally said some unpleasant things then you threw me out of with force. Hmm, you bitch you think I'm going to let you get away, you're already unfavoured by the Emperor, is just a matter of time until he throws you out and I became the new Emperess (wicked smile) now just get angry and show us your true colors.

"(smiles) Imperial cocoubine San Yao; I exclaimed as I walked over to her and knelt down,

Your Grace!! ; exclaimed Zao.

"I'm really sorry if I caused you this much harm, please forgive me for my inconvenience, I will never do such things if it was not for self defense; I exclaimed in a pretenticous tone.

"What😨; exclaimed San Yao as she took some steps back, shit this bitch, did she actually see through my plan.

Stand up; said the Emperor as he walked closer to me and held my hands, you don't have to kneel before anyone in my presence, what did you also just call me now.

" Uncle ☺️" I said as I blushed, does calling you that offend you, uncle?.

"No it doesn't, actually it's been a while since you called me that.

"oh then I'll start calling you that often, is it okay with you?; I asked blushingly.

"Yes!, he said with a smile. I don't know but Lin Juluu seemed some what different from before, I don't know but she seemed much calmer and gentle. I looked over her shoulder to see her maid standing there with some children I've never seen before. Who are they? I asked.

" Oh them, they are the reason why I couldn't attend the meeting, I met them on my to town and saw how hungry they were so I brought them over and prepared some food for them. That left The Emperess Dowager speechless, but..but.. why did you decide to roam the town rather than being present at your meeting; exclaimed the Emperess Dowager anxiously.

"Well, it's been awhile since I last visited my people and interacted with them freely so I wanted to go out to the town's people and render my apologies for my rude behavior over the past years(begins to cry), I Know that I haven't been a good Emperess lately so I just... I just...(cries).

"That enough 😠!; shouted the emperor furiously. I don't want to hear anyone question the Emperess for her decision making again,if you have any complaint come to me personally, now everyone leave!!.

"But..but..; exclaimed San Yao anxiously.

I said everyone leave!! don't make me repeat myself and as for you San Yao,meet me at my place; said the Emperor as he also walked out along with everyone else. I could feel San Yao deadly glare on me but you have to be twice as smart it you want to out smart me. So that's the Emperor, such good willed and stern, why were you then avoiding him, is it because of your pride. Well, I'll set everything straight and take revenge on all those whose mistreated you, don't worry; I said to myself as I sighed and turn back to the kids and gave them a tight hug.