
Love In Ancient Times

Born as a lowlife bastard, treated like an outcast and ignored by everyone. Never knew how it felt to be loved, dies and was given a second chance to life but this time, time travels back into the Ancient Times. Will she know Love Or Hatred

Maybs_Glix · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
20 Chs

Broken Promises

I can finally find Love In Acient Times; I said in thoughts.

"(sobs) but your Grace, How are you still alive I thought they had renounced you dead; asked Zao whiles sobbing.

"Well about that, I said as I paused for a while, someone really special helped me out that's all.

"Huh, who?; asked Zao in confusion. It's nothing to be worried about.

" Your Grace sorry for the interruption but the Emperor seeks for you; said a royal messanger.

"Okay, tell him I'll be right there,I said as he left without a trail. Zao?! do you know why the Emperor seeks me.

"I'm afraid not, your Grace. Let's go!! I exclaimed as we walked towards the Emperor's court. Here comes the Emperess, Lin Juluu; exclaimed one man as everyone one bowed in my presence, I walked towards the Emperor seeing all Cocoubine's present and I saw how San Yao glared at me full of rage but I did nothing but sneered.

"You may all be seated; said the Emperor as he sat down besides me. I know you are wondering why I called you all out today,well the reason is that someone tried poisoning the Emperess; he said in a cold and stern tone. Suddenly the entire place was filled with whispers and murmurs, I looked around quietly and saw how San Yao sat there nervously and that made me smirk.

"Imperial cocoubine San Yao, why are you trembling so much, is it because you're nervous or something else; I asked innocently 😈 as there then suddenly became quiet and all the gaze shifted onto San Yao.

"What?! said San Yao anxiously. I'm not scared neither am l nervous, your Grace you shouldn't judge people based on their looks. You b*tch you think you can turn everyone here against me, you might have survived the poisoning by mere luck but you won't escape this time. Your Grace, I'm sorry if I did something to offend you earlier but you shouldn't take your revenge on me by putting all the blame on me( pretends to look pittyful).

*Everyone whispers*

"But I wasn't putting any blame on you, I merely just asking you a question; I exclaimed. Hump, this woman thinks she's soo clever well let me show you who the true devil is 😈. I got up from my chair walking towards San Yao when suddenly someone barged in.

"Your Grace ( bows) one of children you took in got hurt really badly; exclaimed the man breathing heavily. What?!!; I exclaimed as I rushed out towards the Soraha Villa in a hurry. I opened the door to see Luan lying down on the bed with Lucy weeping. What happened here?!; I asked as I walked over to them.

"(sobs)we were all studying and left Luan alone to play, we suddenly heard someone crying out for help. I run to see Luan stack in a tree claiming she was putting a baby bird back in it's nest and suddenly got stuck and doesn't know how to get back down, Austin searched all over for you but couldn't find you that's when the branch of the tree broke and she fell(crying). I walked over to her trying to comfort her but she brushed me off.

"(furiously) where were you when we needed your help?!!, where were you when we searched barely everywhere for you, you said that you would protect us and care for us but where were you when we desperately needed you?!!(sobs) because of you my little sister is in comma.

"(shocked) what?! comma?!!.

"Don't you dare pretend to be shocked (sobs) it was all part of your plan wasn't it?.

"Lucy I think that's enough;said Austin.

"You shut up!!! don't you dare butt in on this, "you" as she referred to me, are nothing but a pretentious evil woman, a deceiver! you just make nothing but broken promises; said Lucy as she run out full of agony and frustrating. I was speechless and left in shock just standing there with rushing through my head"do I...do I really make nothing but broken promises 😔