

so what if born and raised In a brothel, so what if I am called a prostitute I also deserve the right to be loved and cared for. find out the hard life of Xu Xiaomi as she faces different obstacles in her way to happiness.

Sharon_machy247 · Sejarah
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6 Chs

chapter 2, Xu Xiaomi mi

in Biajing city, applauses could be heard by many people who are gathered in the geoxing pavilion, to watch the goddess Xu Xiaomi dance has she performs with great excellent.

in the entire Biajing city, there could only one place where you can find , women.drinks.fun, and pleasure and that place is called geoxing pavilion.

And in the entire geoxing pavilion, there is a woman who's beauty and talent is known all around Biajing city.

After the great performance, Xu Xiaomi who looked just like a phoenix bowed and left the stage for other dancers.

going upstairs Xu Xiaomi was followed by miss su the owner of the pavilion, after entering her room Xu Xiaomi sat down on the chair bedside the dressing table.

miss su : that was nice Xu Xiaomi keep it up and one day you will be known all around the world, speaking of which I had a letter from the sect leader Zhou wang from Kong Lin town saying that he would love your service.... but.. but.. but I know that you don't want to be touched so you can only dance for him and his guest ok so don't worry, anyway he is already married and his daughter is going to be getting engaged so you are only there to entertain them ok.

Xu Xiaomi : if you say so miss su I will get ready.

miss su : good.. good ok now get undressed and get some rest ok the engagement is on the 15th so you need enough rest so that you will look as beautiful as a sunflower ok good... good night.

saying this miss su left the room and allowed Xu Xiaomi rest.

In the beginning Xu Xiaomi mother was a well known dancer known for her beauty and talent she was a priceless gold but because she was weak on the day she delivered Xu Xiaomi she passed away after naming her.

Xu Xiaomi grow up with aunt chenyeu and SiSi her daughter with miss su and order girls in the pavilion, and just like her mother Xu Xiaomi was a goddess in the body of a human, she was beautiful with her black long silk hair and green eyes that glows like gem she truly has all the assets of a woman, although she was raised and born in a brothel, Xu Xiaomi has never slept with any man before in her life she has only entertained them by dancing or singing.

But even with her absurd policy she still managed to reach the top has the best, even sect leaders and nobles bring down their dignity just to see her preform.

Even though she smiles when ever she was performing only few people close to her could see the sorrow and disgust in her eyes and only her could feel the pain the lives in her heart