
chapter x

the tunnels

The sun is out as the Vampires lead their villagers to safety, through the underground tunnel, "Chase we need to stop, for now, said. Madison, " I agree we far enough, everyone keeps your voices low, said. Chase, "We five or six miles Fire, said. Baulkin, " mothers is on Dad take Maverick, she hands him to his father, he wakes up and starts to cry which wakes up David, "Shh, shh, shh, Mom will be back boys, he kissed his son's, they kissed each other, Madison ride up to see how far they are from the cottages, " where she ging, asked a boy, "[ Fire how far are we?] Madison ride back up, " six, the cottage is up ahead, so is our evil halves they looking for us, and Bane Son is awken, give us five minutes to put up the shield, and line it, take the twins with you, Baulkin how feel you? asked, Madison, " we be in the open, is there another way in? asked, Baulkin, she saw the fear in his eyes, "go with or sons Water, Captians guide them in the cottages, Trevor Lacesa on my word flare out the Fire and Water shields, Chase and Baulkin I will let you know when to go, " I don't want to raise our sons without you Madison, said. Madison, " you won't water, we raise our sons together, you still have your wife my love. they kissed each other, they rode out of the tunnel, lined up set up the Fire and Water shields, Madison wave room to come through, they rode out the tunnels and down the fields, falling tail, " Archers move out now! They galloped up the fields regrouping with the army, as they ride into the next tunnel, " see I still with you my husband and sons, Trevor Lacesa cave in the entrance with Water, said, Madison, " we happy about that, she strokes his face, they cave in the entrance, He hands her Maverick, Madison took him," come to mommy my little, what I saw the Cottages is up ahead and so is the next tunnel, said. Madison, " What about any of them? asked, Queen Cameila. " one of The Holy Knights, answered. Madison, " they guided us, asked. Becky, " Madison. said, Lilian, " no, girls, they are after us, this is the beginning, " please tell me they are not after me still, asked, Baulkin, " will dear they find marriage to me and having your kids are in inhuman, gross, and evil, they trying to save you from evil, said. Madison, " I don't need saving maroons, I picked her I got her pregnant with my kids, \ this is my life, my choice, not yours. said, Baulkin, They ride out of the tunnels and into the Winter Cottagers, Vermont and Dorsha jump off their horses and close the gates, as the Fire force field goes up over them, " we are here, there his storages of food for all and cottages for everyone, the gates and force field stayed up, we rest in the morning and leave in the night, commanders what you take on this, are we save? asked. King Pheonix, " The next tunnel is one minute away, my king, Leaving at night is a good idea. said, Chase, " we take the first watch this morning, every hour a new watch patrol will take over, said. Madison, ' We locked and put up the force fields we should have no problem, said, Baulkin. " question we are in the open we going to attack, how safe can you ensure us? asked, Sam, " this is the Winter cottage which is connected to the Winter and Summer fortresses, no one or thing in ten hundred years arn to trustpass or enter here, this was sealed and built when our lord the first vampire and army was here, said, Madison. " he highly protecting us and you, his cloth written on it " I shall always swear to protect the people of this land, my forestress Summer, Spring, Fall, and Winter are for the humans, the winter cottages is for them as well, and my armies created by my heires shall follow the cloth to protect" tell Sam after all that you still think we care about ourselves, that you mean nothing to us? asked. Madison, " no, I am wrong I am for my words, " I don't want your apologizes Sam I want your word that you stop with the raids and uproars whenever we are put in charge, well acting with me means nothing, you are lucky I am not the Queen now, or you will not be welcome to come with us, said. Madison, " I give you my word to never do that again, said. Sam, "Good because if you do Sam you be sent to the mines too, understood? said, king Pheonix. " what about you David, you had your chance to step up as a commander prince husband and you didn't want to ride beside her, that was your choice to not take the sword, and no there is no suiter, there is only one she already pick her prince, he accepts the sword of Water,, when they showed attention it not choice just a husband or wife, said. Queen Camelia, "To find a part of the command, our lord said pick a commander a prince or princess, there is on one rule and ride beside, those refuse the sword of command, are not ready what line ahead for them, so you never ready to be a husband or prince until you find that out yourself you always going to have hard feelings for him because he was ready to be leader, husband and father and prince, you weren't you need to let that go because you to will be sent to the mines if you don't stop trying to ruin their marriage, and find out when you are ready to get married to someone, understood! that hit him in his heart what they both said, they walked in the cottages and went to sleep, trouble are out and after the twin prince,