
The Breaking News

"She didn't know how to react to his proposal. Should she be excited because the man of her dreams was proposing marriage to her or should she be sad because this marriage was going to be based on a contract and not love...."

"Ah! No!" she scratched her head and scrunched up her face not liking those particular sentences, "These don't go with the idea of it. Should she be angry instead?" she pushed the laptop aside, shutting it close after saving the draft.

"How should Yi Bei react to this?" she whispered to herself thinking about how should the female lead character of her should react to the contract marriage proposal by the male protagonist. She tapped her fingers against either side of her head in hope that her creative brain would whisper something brilliant into her ears but all she heard was someone knocking at her door.

"Jia, are you in there? We need to talk." she heard her father's voice coming from outside.

Jia stood up from her chair, "Why does it feel as if a boyfriend is trying to initiate the break-up talk with his girlfriend?" she mused opening the door.

"What's up, Dad?"


"I need the blueprints ready and on my desk by tomorrow morning." Xi Men Yan instructed his subordinate, taking sips of his orange juice in between. Because he couldn't go to the office today as his grandfather had ordered him not so he brought the office at home.

For the past half an hour, while his family members had been eating breakfast, Xi Men Yan, on the other hand, had been dealing with office issues.

"Men Yan, end this call immediately. We need to talk." Such was the personality of the head of Xi family that when he said, what he said, everybody else had to follow.

"What do you want to talk about Grandfather?" Men Yan turned off his cell phone and placed it aside.

Grandpa Xi knew about his grandson's personality so he had came prepared. "Lawyer Gu" Grandpa Xi yelled out the name and man in black came inside the dining room. He handed Grandpa Xi the contract that he had prepared.

Grandpa Xi passed the contract into Xi Men Yan's hands and said, "Read it carefully and sign it."

"What's this?"


"Eh, WHAT?!!" Jia jumped up on the sofa seat she was sitting on, "Are you guys my biological parents or did you pick me up from the streets?

"Jia!" Xun Ran yelled, though not surprised by his daughter's response. They had been used to it by now, this kind of behaviour was normal for Jia.

Siyali, Jia's mother, patted her husband on his shoulder in a comforting way. "The scene is clear to me now. This guy you want me to get married to, he must be suffering from some kind of illness or perhaps he is some pervert, old geezer. Someone from whom you will get monetary benefits. And after I am married off, suddenly a girl will come claiming that she is your biological daughter and I am the orphaned misplaced baby."

Li Xun Ran facepalmed while Siyali felt amused at her daughter's thoughts. Clearly, there was nothing limiting this girl's ideas and imagination.

Now there was only one way to settle this issue, "Jia, it was your grandfather's last wish, the only thing that he demanded on his deathbed. He wanted you to marry his best friend, Xi Ting Shen's grandson. If only either your Dad or Mr Xi's son was born a girl then your grandfather would have gotten them married but they only had one son each. So the promise was passed down to your generation." Siyali explained.

"So? Is it my fault that I am born as a girl?" Jia's nostrils flared, "Why couldn't that Xi Men Yan be born as a girl as well?!" she muttered the last part to herself.


"What is the meaning of this? You want me to get married to this random girl?" Xi Men Yan pushed the contract back towards Grandpa Xi.

"She is not some random girl! She's a beautiful, sweet and kind girl, a girl with a heart of gold." the way Grandpa Xi said it, it clearly looked as if he was exaggerating the whole thing.

"What did she do to impress you this much? What cat of hers got you so much interested? Are you sure she is not after our money?" asked Xi Men Yan.

"Aye! You stupid grandson of mine!" Grandpa Xi picked up an apple and threw it Men Yan's way who caught it with ease, "She is my best friend's granddaughter! Haven't you heard the names of Li Xun Ran and his wife Siyali?"

Now Xi Men Yan was interested, "She is Li Xun Ran and Siyali Sharma's daughter?" he asked, his interest dripping like honey from his tone.

"So what's your decision? You want to get married to Jia or shall I donate all my wealth, leaving you with nothing?!"

Xi Men Yan didn't say anything further but signed the contract that was presented to him.


"Jia, I know this is hard for you but I am in a fix right now." Xun Ran held his daughter's hands in his and said, "On one side, it's you, my daughter and I love you very much but I also have to fulfil my father's promise."

Jia felt sad about her father's situation, "Just think about it okay? Xi Men Yan is a nice guy. I won't force you into marrying him but please think about it, okay?!"

Jia gave him a sad smile, "I will." she said.