
24. Never let go

Elton had come to see me about an hour later. I had a minor head injury that ended up needing eight stitches and I had fractured my left arm that had a cast applied onto it. The doctor had also informed him of me being 4 months pregnant and that the baby was fine.

Elton had asked the doctors about my condition and if I would be released today and the doctor had agreed stating if I had any abdominal pains or anything abnormal I should rush back immediately. They had only given me paracetamol for pain and I was discharged with advice of bedrest.

Looking at the time I had realized that I had missed my flight and decided to head straight back to the house Elton had bought me but was stopped by Elton who said we needed to talk and I had told him I was really tired right now so I will come over tomorrow when I feel a little better and we will talk then.

He nodded and said he would drop me but instead he had taken me to his mansion where he had assisted me in taking a bath which I had clearly refused. He had gotten chicken soup for me and then brought Ria in to see me and we were so excited to see other.

After a little while he had come in to give me a few pain killers that the doctor had given us and he took Ria away saying I should get some rest.

Unable to sleep as I had began to feel really hungry, I got out of bed and headed downstairs where I had gone to the kitchen and the cook had informed me Elton had asked her to prepare me a salad with a pizza and milkshake as he knew I often liked this meal when I was feeling down.

After supper I headed out for a walk with Ria who was blabbering about me being gone for so long and how she missed me when Elton had joined us and told her that I had went away for something important and that I will never leave her again causing me to glare at him.

After the walk I had asked the housekeeper to cover my cast with plastic and headed to the bathroom where I had been taking a shower. I got out wrapped in a towel to find Eddie sitting in my room.

He began to smile looking at my tummy and said I can see now that you are showing a few weeks back I had suspected that you were pregnant because certain parts of your body began changing and I know you thought i didn't pay attention to you but i know every single detail about you Myrah. I also noticed that your moods were a little off but I had realized that you had not been getting any morning sickness or anything else that is why I did not want to alarm you.

How long have you known Myrah?

Not caring to put on a bra I had slipped on a night dress and then removed the towel and I had told him when I had found out and that I still didn't get any morning sickness as I had in my previous pregnancy.

He asked why didn't you tell me Myrah?

I explained about how I had put my pride aside and practically begged him to marry me and he had walked away and that I had become afraid of complicating his life as he had already decided that he was going to marry someone else so I had to leave not wanting to make a mess of things.

Myrah you have already made a mess of things I am already married and Ria had not been able to stop asking for you. Did you ever plan on telling me about your pregnancy?

I had told him what difference would that make as he was already married and I will not be signing any right of this child to him so he can forget it and he can forget that any of this ever happened I will be leaving and would like to take Ria with me.

Elton got up and came close to me grabbing me by the waist and began kissing me and the he had told me that I will not be going anywhere. He said that his children will live with him and he began laughing saying he lied to me, he is not married and that his intentions were never to get married to anyone else.

I had bit him hard on his shoulder and he grabbed me and dropped me onto the bed where he had slipped a ring onto my finger and said Myrah I already know the answer and we both giggled.

Few days later Wesley and Melinee had come to attend the wedding but Milan did not come and I could not blame her knowing that she had her reasons.

Elton and I had been officially married and he had made all my dreams come true. The wedding was everything a girl could ask for and more.