
23. wont let go

Once dressed in a short red dress that I bought earlier in the week I put on a pair of red heels and decided to curl my hair and put on some makeup.

I heard Elton on the phone saying I will let you know when to send her up. This had made me burn with anger thinking that he had wanted to have a woman over once I had left.

Without saying a word I had left my cellphone in the drawer and I only took a small black purse that contained a few hundred dollars and my bank card.

Going to the bathroom one last time to check myself I had returned to find my cellphone placed on top of my purse. I threw it back into the draw and left.

I had noticed a nanny get out of the elevator which I had gotten into and I started to feel bad as I knew Elton was not about to have any special lady over deciding it was too late for guilt I got into the elevator and went down to catch a cab to club Diamond.

Elton had come out rushing just as he stood beside me I got into the taxi which he had very quickly jumped into before we could take off.

He glared at me when I told the driver where I was headed to and on arrival at club diamond I opened my purse but he had already paid the driver.

We got into the club and I decided to get a few drinks so I headed to the bar where he had followed me. I had ordered a few drinks for myself and the bartender began chatting me up so I played along.

I went to the dancefloor and began to dance alone but was soon joined by Elton who had held me tightly. Deciding I needed to go to the bathroom I walked away from him abruptly causing him to follow me.

Once we rounded the corner I had turned abruptly and kissed him really long and slow then I headed to the bathroom.

When I got out he was waiting outside for me with full questions in his eyes but I refused to pay too much attention, I headed to the bar.

After a few more drinks I had headed to the dancefloor and danced again putting on a show for Elton who was watching me intently. A few guys had come to dance with me but hadnt paid any attention to them focusing on Elton who had scared away all the guys that wanted to dance with me.

Feeling really tired after dancing I went to take a seat and I sat on Eltons lap causing my dress to ride up exposing my thighs even more and I heard I song that I liked causing me to grind against Elton who kissed me and without a scene we headed home. I went to the room he had booked for me but Ria was in his room so I showered quickly and headed to his room.

Ria was wide awake and refused to sleep demanding that she wanted her mommy so when I got there Eddie was glaring at me the whole time as I was taking her to my room to put her to bed she demanded to sleep on the bed with Eddie and I looked up at him and he nodded. I had waited until she fell asleep and I was about to take her when Eddie said to leave her and that I should go to bed. With that I left.

The next day I had gotten up and did my motherly duties deciding not to go out I had gotten ready anyway and this time I wore a short black skirt with a red top and those same red heels.

Eddie had come to the room late and he decided to yell "you got to be fucking kidding me."

Ria was now asleep and I flinched with the tone he had taken. I went to check on Ria but she was still asleep.

He had grabbed my hand and threw me on the sofa causing my skirt to ride up and he could see my white lace underwear which made him even more furious.

"You want to be single Myrah you have my blessings but remember that Ria is legally my daughter so do not think for a moment that I will not hesitate to get rid of you. So go out and live your life but if you leave tonight do not ever return. She needs a mother not a day time nanny I thought we could give her a real family but you have broken my heart, therefore I have decided once we get back home I will be searching for a real mother for my daughter."

Without saying a word I went to the bathroom where I had showered and cried until I felt fine to come back out and that night I went to bed and Elton had left returning the next morning in a very drunken state.

I had let him sleep in and had later taken Ria out to the park for the day. When I got home later that day Ria had told her dad about her day. I decided that I will not be speaking to him so I took Ria back to my room to give her her supper. I gave her a bath and Eddie said he will be taking her to his room for the night.

I had called up Milan to check on her and once I had disconnected the call I broke out in tears. Ria and her dad walked in on me sobbing as they had forgotten to take her favorite blanky and she was fussing about it. Ria began to fuss over why I was crying but I just hugged her tightly telling her how much I loved her. I put her to bed once Elton left and I couldn't get any sleep that night.

I later felt Elton jump into bed without I word he kissed my lip and then my forehead causing me to open my eyes. Tears began to well up so I was about to get up when he had grabbed me pulling me against him and I broke down completely.

The next day we had arrived home and on the eve of Christmas he had informed me that he had found someone he would like to marry as well as a nanny for Ria and that I should start packing up my stuff as I would have to leave soon.

I had felt so heartbroken I just headed out for a long walk and when I got back I had asked him if I could work as the nanny and he had refused saying that it will complicate things if I stayed here especially since the two of us had been in a relationship in the past and he wanted Ria to get along with his new wife to be and if I were around it would just complicate things and confuse Ria.

The day after Christmas I had told him I am willing to marry him and accept any of his conditions and that I would love to be the one to take care of Ria and the only mother she ever knows. I poured my heart out telling him that I would die without Ria.Without saying a word he turned around and left. A week had passed and he hadn't returned home.

About two weeks later I had realized that I had skipped my period and after I had taken a test that night I began packing my items into a suitcase and I took my wallet to see how much cash I had it was just over a thousand dollars. I decided to ask the driver to take me to the nearest bank where I had drew out a small amount of money to buy a plane ticket to anywhere to start over and abit more to last for a few days in order to survive.

I returned back to Eltons home I had called Milan and Wesley telling them that I would be away travelling with Elton and if they couldn't reach me not to be alarmed.

With that I switched of my phone and put it into one of the drawers along with the bank card. I loaded my suitcase into the car and then I went upstairs to see Ria one last time before I left. Ria was still asleep I kissed her and I cried promising myself that I would be back to take her from here as her mother.

I went downstairs and told the caretaker to take care of Ria for a little while as I needed to see to an urgent matter and if I'm not back before it's time for her to leave she must call Elton and he will come right away.

I put on my coat and headed for the door where I had asked the driver to take me downtown to the apartment Elton had bought me 3 years ago when I was supposed to move out and go to college.

Only three days had passed and life had been lonely without Ria and Elton. I missed them very much. I cried most of the time. I could eat or sleep or do anything without wondering if she was okay.

A week had passed and I still didn't feel good leaving Ria but I didn't have any other choice needing someone to talk to I had called Wesley and Melinee and told them and they had said to come and stay with them. I had declined and told them to take care of Milan and not tell her a word and that I would call them soon.

I had booked a flight to Los Angeles deciding it was time to move ahead so I can come back for my daughter and I had to think about this baby that I was carrying now. On my way to the airport I had met with an accident and was taken to the hospital where Elton was my emergency contact.