
Love Drawn in Heavenly Online

The innovation of Full Dive technology launched by the game company Virtue was welcomed by game lovers, including Kirika Ishida, the famous fantasy novel writer. She met Setsuna in the game and slowly fell in love until Kirika felt something strange with her memory. Every time she logs out of Heavenly Online, she starts to forget the things she just did before logging in. Until a fact about Heavenly Online was revealed making Kirika hate Setsuna so much.

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9 Chs


"Everything is gonna be a daijobu!"

The strange combination of words was continuously shouted by a player who suddenly appeared out of the blue, along with three Ludvulks. Still another Ludvulk appeared. Even a Ludvulk reappeared from the bush where the unknown player had come out while screaming in hysteria.

Kirika stared at the man with a blank face. Her soul seemed to have left her body before her HP bar even hit zero due to the player's hysterical screams. She watched from head to toe without moving her eyes. Then she realized something. That player?

Kirika quickly forgot the foolish thought that had crossed her mind. She almost forgot that her character's HP bar was in the orange zone. Then, with a quick movement Kirika moved to a safer place, swung her hand in the air, formed the initial of the letter H to open the main menu, chose the bag-shaped icon and then open the inventory. With a gentle tap, Kirika made the healing potion already in her hand.

Different from the old concept games, where the player simply presses buttons so that the character they are playing can immediately use certain items. Heavenly Online makes everything happen like in the real world, to get the benefits of a healing potion, the character the player uses must drink the potion directly in the game.

In the hands of Kirika's Zeunoia character was a glass bottle of green potion, with Monopot written on the top. But right when she wanted to take the lid off the potion bottle, a refreshing green light suddenly covered her body. And slowly her heartbeat returned to normal, as well as the blood circulation and the orange light that filled her vision disappeared within a blink of an eye.

Kirika immediately looked over to where Crimine was. As expected, it was Crimine who had used <Resta>, a healing magic that could be used by magic-type classes. As their eyes met, Crimine nodded her head slowly as if giving Kirika a sign.

"It was a quick response, and I'm pretty sure she was definitely a beta tester," Kirika murmured in her heart. She even nodded his head without knowing the meaning of Crimine's gesture. "But it's no time to be amazed at others' abilities, I might die from losing focus."

Kirika switched her spot again, looking for a safe area where she could freely think and see all the Ludvulks. She did not want to count the number of wolves, just by looking at them she already knew that they were outnumbered.

On top of that, the two unknown players were really hard to rely on. They cannot keep relying on Crimine because Enchanter is actually a support-type class.

In the world of MMORPGs, there is a play role. Each class is divided into several categories to create a unity that is called teamwork in a raid. Each player has their own role and can not rely too much on their own abilities or their good equipment.

Tankers or the one responsible for taunting enemies and holding them, melee DPS, range DPS, magic DPS, debuffers and healers that sometimes fall into one category. Kirika is a Cryomancer, a class that combines physical strength and magic, that means she is an attacker type, Neil who uses the Shieldmaiden class should be able to play the role of a tanker that taunt enemies so that attacker type classes can carry out their duties without worrying about being counterattacked by enemies.

By looking at the bows and arrows in both hands of Vastism-the player who had suddenly came to bring more enemies to them, Kirika could guess that he was using Braver, meaning that the player was a ranged attacker. Even though it was just a bit, Kirika could understand that the player must have been overwhelmed if facing many enemies alone.

"Ze! Do not be daydreaming!" called out Crimine who was about 5 meters in front of her. Their vision was blocked by Ludvulk. However, it seemed Crimine could tell that Kirika's Zeunoia character was deep in thought.

Hearing her name being called out loud, and being accused of daydreaming, Kirika instantly became wary. Then she noticed the Ludvulk in front of her who was howling incessantly while swinging its body forward, as if the wolves wanted to attack all together.

The battle in the virtual world is terrifying. Even if someone is a great player in most games. They may not be able to overcome the terrible feeling of coming face-to-face with a monster. In other words, even if a player is physically strong, it will be useless if that person is not strong in mentality.

It was happening in front of her, a large body that was supposed to be very convincing. instantly became useless if the person using it was scared. Even the two players already had better armor than Kirika.

On the other hand, Kirika had a different problem. Although she says she's not afraid, it turns out that all the memories of how to play that she got long before the game launched can suddenly disappear without any trace.

Kirika quietly re-opens the main menu, she believes Heavenly Online should give an explanation of her character's skills and how to activate them. Her character's eyes which were nothing but a bunch of data instantly sharpened when she found the icons of two swords and a shield twitching.

" Apparently they do exist," she murmured. Without thinking, Kirika tapped her index finger on the icon in question, read all the information, analyzed it, and immediately closed the main menu again with a quick motion.

"I was finally able to play my role properly. Come to think of it, every time Crimine activated magic, her wand would glow. Oh my!" Kirika unconsciously called out what she was thinking a little louder until everyone in the place turned to her.

"Are you okay, Ze?" cried Crimine worriedly.

Kirika immediately waved her palms and shook her head without saying anything. If only she was holding a mirror, Kirika could see her character's face blushing with embarrassment. Kirika was confused, whether she should be grateful to Virtue for making a Virtual game that really resembled the real world, or annoyed. But forgetting everything she had learned made her even more upset.

"Even when I hit the ground, my feet were also covered in light," he muttered. Continuing to regret that she had not carefully read everything that was happening in front of her eyes.

Kirika could not believe that she could lose her concentration and memory just by meeting two strange people.

One more time Kirika turned to Crimine to give the ready sign with a thumbs up. Crimine simply nodded her head, as if she understood, then raised her wand into the air.

A reddish glow covered Crimine's wand as she chanted a skill name. "Shifta!" In the blink of an eye, Crimine's body, Kirika's Zeunoia character was covered in glowing red light, as well as Neil and Vastism.

Before the reddish light disappeared, Crimine had already called out another skill name. "Deband!" Now the bluish light covered the four characters in the area, along with the red light, creating a rhythmical sound and light effect.

Although Kirika did not know the effects of the two skills Crimine used on all of them, she could feel the bodies of the characters he used getting stronger. The energy to play on her first day that had waned suddenly reappeared. She could not wait to move her body, feel the sensation when the skills were activated, and the adrenaline rush of coming face-to-face with monsters that she had only imagined before.

Without wasting any time, Kirika instantly changed her posture, mimicking the skill activation instructions. She spread her legs apart, forming a sturdy fighting stance. The sword held in her right hand was positioned downward with its tip almost touching the ground. Meanwhile, her left hand was made as if to balance her whole body.

Kirika moved her sword a little bit behind her, causing a bluish light to suddenly cover her sword. Just before she charged, she could feel a burst of power in her right hand. Her blood flow was spurred due to the overwhelming fighting spirit.

With the help of the system, Kirika's body darted quickly, the sword in her right hand still in the same position, as soon as she had entered within the effective range of the attack, Kirika swung her sword from the bottom right upwards, forming a blue light trail that curved in the air.

Kirika used <Gusty Wind Sword>. A lifter-type skill that gave a shock effect to the enemy, in one simple movement, Kirika managed to make three Ludvulk lifted into the air and unable to move for a few seconds. Knowing her efforts were successful, Kirika did not want to be quickly satisfied, she immediately activated the next skill to create a combo.

However, before she activated the second skill, a Ludvulk jumped towards her. Making Kirika lose focus.