
Where to go....

My name is Jazmine I'm 16 years old I live with my step mom after my mother and father died when I was 5. I don't remember much of what happened to them I just know they were murdered I can't explain why someone would do that to my parents they loved everyone and there kindness and gratitude was shared. But my father made a friend it was a girl my mother didn't approve they got into a huge fight he went to live with her. He came back after a month he told me he was on vacation and just needed some space I again didn't think much of it until that day April 23rd 2006 only 2 days till my birthday I came home and almost my whole family was there crying and sobbing I again didn't understand why. I asked around until I saw my mother and fathers picture put up with roses it all made sense. WOW!!!! Wait what am I doing in class ugh day dreaming again well that's great ell class is dismissed time to go home