
Might Be Disappointed

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"There doesn't seem to be a problem on Mr. Daniel's and Ian's physical checkup, let's proceed and check the baby's condition now, starting with Mr. Daniel," Doctor Mendrez informed after physically checking her patients and asking some questions related to their daily routine/experience with their pregnancies, most especially since they just got back from their trip.

Meanwhile, when the four heard her, they all sighed in relief, especially Hanlu for Ian who he believed had exerted too much energy during their Mali trip. Even though the doctor already said that their baby had a strong grip and was very healthy before, he still couldn't help but feel worried. He was anxious that something would happen to his wife and their baby. After all, they all went swimming and snorkeling almost every day! And there was that time he beat up two grown ass men.

"Thank you, doctor," Daniel and Ian responded in sync before Daniel and Laotian were led to the room where the ultrasound was going to happen, leaving Ian and Hanlu to wait. Daniel was already used to it so the doctor didn't need to instruct him on what to do as the nurse helped him expose his abdomen.

"Mr. Daniel is in his 13th week, so next schedule we will finally find out the gender of the baby. But as I said before, although the fetus is very healthy and growing normally, it's rather smaller than the average so this time, be prepared for the possibility that we might get an Omega baby since it is not impossible with Mr. Daniel being an Omega," The doctor informed while proceeding to put warm gel against Daniel's stomach and later pressed a scanner-like device against it.

"We don't really mind, Doc. Since Laotian and I decided this would be our last baby, we're more than happy to have an Omega baby this time around. After all, Minmin just recently came out as an Alpha. I think Chao Yu and Ching Li are the same even though they're still four. I'm also positive Eli as well," Daniel chatted while Laotian hummed in agreement. Truthfully, for him, all babies are the same whether they are Alpha, Beta, or Omega. They would just take all of Daniel's attention even more that's why he was a little bit relieved that this will be their last baby because he was starting to accept that he might one day become a father of ten if they didn't ligate Daniel soon.

Of course, if they have another option Laotian still wouldn't mind having ten children if that was their faith but these little monsters are sucking the life out of his beloved wife. Daniel hasn't even turned 27 yet and needless to say Laotian didn't want to do such surgery on him this young but for his health and well-being, they had to close off any possibilities of him ever getting pregnant again. Daniel had been weakened by his pregnancies—which was partly Laotian's fault—and another baby would surely cost his life if they insisted on continuing with just the contraceptives. After all, such a birth control plan had been proven useless on them as they have now had three consecutive unplanned pregnancies after Luangmin.

"It's unfortunate but you have to prioritize your body. Besides, I think 5 children are more than enough..." The doctor chatted back before she halted focusing her eyes on the HD screen in front of them. Daniel briefly agreed to her but he no longer replied as the image shown on the screen quickly mesmerized him as always. Since the hospital upgraded their machines 2 years ago, they are now able to view a lifelike image of what was inside his stomach and he couldn't help but feel overwhelmed as he waited for his baby to show up. This is already his fourth pregnancy and it still gives him so much joy and thrill every time.

Daniel patiently waited, watching the screen until many minutes later they finally found his baby comfortably curled down sleeping inside him.

"Here it is! One head, no extra limbs, and certainly no bumps..." The doctor happily announced and Daniel chuckled, quickly glancing at Laotian. Laotian on the other hand was also captivated before he leaned down to kiss his wife's forehead. As doctor Mendrez said earlier, it was still very small but they could already see that it was indeed a tiny human inside him.

"Let us hear the pulse and after that, you're off to go." Doctor Mendrez said again while Daniel nodded. The whole process took less than an hour but as they came out of the room, Daniel and Laotian were both smiling.

"How is it? Is the baby okay?" Hanlu was the first to ask as soon as he saw the two coming out. He's been very nervous since earlier and now that it's finally their turn, his heart just couldn't stop smashing against his chest as if it wanted to rip its way out.

"Oh, it's fine, strong and healthy but we couldn't get the gender since it's still too early... Doc told us though that we might get an Omega baby this time," Daniel reported with a chuckle seeing the nervous expression the Alpha had while Ian was calm. He and the older Omega had become closer during the past year and one time he asked him why he hadn't given Hanlu the second child he wanted. Hanlu had been obsessing about having another baby for years but Ian refused to have one until just recently.

In the end, Ian confessed and it turns out that in the past he had a very difficult pregnancy due to constant stress and anxiety. He left Hanlu back then and was unaware that he had bonded with the Alpha and so his body couldn't handle it and almost lost Lan in the process. It was a traumatic experience and even though he knew that Hanlu had been taking good care of him, he still couldn't remove the fear that he had in his heart even after he married him.

Thankfully, years later he slowly regained his confidence and decided to try and finally succeeded in his mid-30s. Now, Daniel was just happy that instead of Ian being anxious and worried, it was Hanlu who was stressing over this whole pregnancy journey.

"Thank goodness... I heard Omega babies are difficult to raise but I'm sure with your experience you two can handle it," Hanlu replied, sighing in relief while putting his hand over his chest as if he was the grandparent of the child. Meanwhile, Ian held Daniel's hand and congratulated him because having to be in another difficult pregnancy yet the baby is growing fine and healthy, that's definitely something to be thankful for and celebrated.

"Thank you and I'm sure yours will be fine too. You're going to know the gender today, right? I hope you can get your baby girl, Hanlu," Daniel encouraged the couple as he chuckled remembering how Ian knocked down two grown men recently.

"Thank you—Of course, I will! Hmph!" Ian and Hanlu said at the same time and on cue, Doctor Mendrez finally stepped out to call the two inside the room where Daniel and Laotian had just come from. Daniel laughed again before he watched the two disappear behind the door.

At the same time, as soon as he was inside the examination room, Hanlu nervously assisted his wife to the hospital bed.

"Relax, why are you the one being nervous here?" Ian commented as he had been noticing the Alpha fidgeting since earlier, especially when the nurse was already prepping Ian's abdomen for the wand-shape device that will soon be pressed against his stomach.

"And why are you not? You're the one pregnant, at least be nervous... oh damn, wait I'll record everything for Lan later," Hanlu burst in frustration before he suddenly remembered to video type everything for their son when he gets back from school later. The boy requested it from his father for days and that's why Hanlu was relieved he remembered or else his eldest would be upset since he already couldn't come.

Meanwhile, watching the Alpha hastily fishing out his cellphone, Ian chuckled again. Well, it's not that he wasn't nervous about their baby but with Hanlu being all dramatic with the whole situation, it felt like it was his responsibility to be the calmer one.

Not to mention, the anxiety he feels every now and then would disappear as quickly as it came, being constantly reminded that this time, it wasn't just him. That this time, Hanlu would be by his side every step of the way, he couldn't help but feel reassured. Sure, the monsters inside him continued to haunt him but every time, Hanlu showed how sincere he was towards him and he would be reminded that he wasn't alone. And thus, why he was able to keep himself calm even though in the back of his mind, he was still a little scared.

"Miss, can you please take a video for us," Hanlu suddenly asked the only nurse in the room, making Ian look at Hanlu for being shameless again.

"Oh my God, Luu... She is working so she can't do that for you," Ian scolded as he was about to apologize to the female nurse when she actually took Hanlu's phone and nodded at the request.

"It's okay, I don't mind... Doc, do everything from here on so I'm free," she said and Hanlu happily smiled at Ian, as if saying it's fine since the nurse agreed.

"Are you sure? I'm so sorry he had to treat you this way."

"It's really fine." The female nurse chuckled and began recording. She had been Doctor Mendrez's nurse assistant since he graduated college due to her family connections and for the past years, he had seen Daniel Mo and Mo Laotian visiting their clinic almost every other year but this is the first time Mo Laotian and Ian Mo visited. There were rumors about the two being in a bad relationship because Mo Hanlu used to be a player but upon seeing their relationship now it didn't seem like it. Although they are different from the previous married couple, no one could actually tell they don't get along since they actually treated each other very comfortably.

"Please excuse me, this will be a bit warm but just relax and we will find your little champ soon," Doctor Mendrez soon warned and assured with a smile as she finally pressed the device against Ian's abdomen and rolled it around the surface. The session was silent as the three of them focused on the screen, especially Hanlu who was looking forward to the gender reveal.

Each minute spent looking at this tricky baby, Doctor Mendrez at last settled on one area and hummed in surprise.

"Oh! Surely there is only one head and no extra limbs. What a lively baby we have here," She announced as an image of a human-like creature appeared on the screen. Ian and Hanlu gasped at the image especially when the little one moved ever so slightly. It wasn't a big move that Ian could feel but it was certainly a subtle move that they could see through the ultrasound.

"The position of your baby is where we can see what its gender is, do you want to know what it is?"

"Yes please," Hanlu was the one to reply, still captivated by the image in front of him and Ian, who was also a little bit tearful. Truthfully, Hanlu wanted to have a gender reveal party but he was too impatient to wait until then so instead, the party will be a gender reveal for the rest of the family since he was not the only one excited about it.

"Okay, here it is... What do you think? Normally, it's difficult to tell especially at this early but our devices are highly capable thanks to Mo Empire's generous donations," Doctor Mendrez informed happily as she pointed at the area where Ian and Hanlu could clearly see their baby's genitalia. However, because both he and Hanlu have no clue about the image that was shown in front of them, they look at the doctor with a question mark on top of their heads. Doctor Mendrez chuckled at this and soon began to explain.

"We have a baby Omega. It's easy to mistake it as a male because of this elongated flesh here but we can also see that it has another orga—" Doctor Mendrez elaborated pointing at the screen but as soon as turn her gaze to the couple, she was not able to finish her words seeing the domineering President of a multi-billionaire company crying while still staring the screen.

Of course, it wasn't her who got surprised but also Ian and the nurse.

"I-It's beautiful and s-so precious," Hanlu mumbled between his sniffles. Even though he didn't get the gender that he wanted, just imagining a little baby Omega walking around following him sent him to cloud nine.

"Luu~ You dummy~" Hearing the Alpha's remark, Ian finally couldn't hold back his tears as well. He thought for a second Hanlu was disappointed that they didn't get a baby girl but hearing him say such lovely words towards their baby, how can he not cry?

"Baby, thank you so much," Seeing his wife cry, Hanlu quickly wiped his tears being drawn back to reality before he held both Ian's cheeks in panic, kissing his forehead and later lips trying to get the Omega to calm down.

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To be Continued...