
The ring that I lost.

Selena looked at her mobile screen where G's name was glowing. She bit her lip and picked the call.

"Where are you? I have been calling you from three days. I have to tell you something."

"G, I have to tell you something too." Her voice was shaky.

"Okay, meet me at cafe Joy."

"Tomorrow morning." Selena cut the call immediately.


From past three days, Selena was in her room, crying her eyes out. Her parents just formally informed her about her engagement to the son of their business partner.

No matter how much she tried to object, they didn't listen anything.

"Selena, either you are marrying Benjamin or we will forget that we have another daughter."

This was the final warning given to her and she lost against them. They were her parents and no matter what they did, they raised her. They gave her everything. How can she just forget that and as a good daughter she decided to forget about her love.
