

Glow woke up with a headache. She was pressing her temples when she realized a figure was sleeping next to her.

The memories of night flew in her mind and she looked at herself.

She was still wearing the dress from last night.

"Please don't be Sam." She slowly removed covers from that figure and saw Mary sleeping with her.

She ran towards bathroom and removed her shirt to find any mark.

There was no marks on her body.

"Thank God, it was just a dream." She smiled.


Sam was looking at Glow who was trying to ignore him from morning.

"Why is she ignoring me?" He asked himself and walked towards her.

He saw a man standing next to her and she was talking to him. She was all smiles with him and that was what making him angry.

Sam was observing them when Mary came near him.

"They look cute together." Mary smiled.

"Who is he?"

"Bill. He send a proposal this morning. Mother is thinking about saying Yes." Mary informed him.



"Sam, I was thinking about your marriage." His mother sat next to him.

"What about Show Family? Do you like their daughter."

Sam looked at his mother.

"I will think about it." He gave a little nod.

"One more thing, will you go to attend the charity programme. I will ask Glow to go with you."

"Ok." He nodded while looking at his phone.


Glow was getting ready as she was going on a charity event with Mrs Goldberg. She put a last glance over her stuff when her phone start ringing.

She saw the caller id.

"Hello aunty."

"Glow, I can't go to the event. Sam will attend it on my behalf. Please take care of him and the event. I have to go, bye."

Glow sighed and put her phone down.

"I can do this."


Glow was sitting with Sam not knowing how to start the conversation. Her mother asked her to talk about Mary to him.

"So, do you like Mary, I mean she is cute and perfect." She gave a nervous smile.


"You know your mother send a proposal."


"We will become a family." She laughed nervously.


"It's a long journey. I think it was a good idea to travel by plane." Glow looked outside.


"Can you stop playing with your phone."

She snatched her phone.

"You are in my private plane right now. You can't order me." He snatched his phone back.

"Why are you so angry?"

He only glared at her and again got lost in his phone.

"Sam, did I do something wrong?" She was confused over his behavior. He was always friendly with her and now he was suddenly ignoring her.

" Why? why do you even care? Go to your Billy boy."

"That's the reason. O my God, why are you so jealous of him. He is cute but he is not my type. I already rejected his proposal. Geez Sam, stop acting like a kid." Glow clicked her tongue.

"You are really not marrying him." He turned to her.

"Yeah, I know you love me a lot.." Sam's eyes opened wide.

" but one day I have to marry someone, little brother. So, stop your jealous behavior." He frowned after listening the next sentence.

"Why are you so blind? why don't you..... whatever...." He again lost in his phone while Glow was thinking about what she said wrong this time.

"Hmm, Sam.... about Mary...."

"Shut up."

