
Love Blooms at Second Chances

On the day Catherine’s younger sister died, everything fell into crumbles. Her adopted parents cast her off, her medical license was revoked, and her reputation was ruined. Her best friend, Monique, helped her in moving to another city to start a new life. She became a college professor despite her struggles of hiding her past. A young CEO suddenly entered her lowkey yet the constant world, changing her usual peace. He offered her a contract that she can’t refuse. She has to choose between peace and freedom. Find out what is Catherine’s choice and either her choice will lead her to happiness or another heartache. Catherine:" You must be sent by my younger sister to me. She might think that I will be lonely once she's gone so she brought you to me." Alexander: "On the day before I thought I died, your voice brought me back to life. I promise in front of the grave of your sister that I will protect and love you. You will never be alone anymore."

LadySakura14 · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
20 Chs

Chapter 13: Bar Fight

(Monique's POV)

After our quick shopping at the mall earlier, we proceeded home. It's already 7 in the evening anyway. But, we had our dinner outside before going back to our apartment. On the way back, scenes of that day flashed through my mind. That night at the bar where I met that blue-eyed hooligan.


It was Monday night, around 7 in the evening. We finally wrapped up our work and decided to have fun in the bar. Earlier this morning, I had a photoshoot for a perfume brand. I have been the brand ambassador of this brand since a year ago. It's a big company and they have branches all over the world. I was lucky enough to be chosen as their brand ambassador.

On the way to the bar, I called Catherine and told her that I'd be going home late. I'm pretty sure that she's already at home at this hour and busy doing her school files. I wanted to invite her over but changed my mind. She's not really into this kind of stuff and I might disturb her work.

"Monique, come! Let's dance!" One of my co-models invited me but I refused politely. I was not really in the mood for a dance, so I excused myself from them and headed towards the bar counter. Ordered some drinks for myself and drank in silence.

One good thing about being a model is attending social events, which increased my alcohol tolerance. I'm quite proud of it since I can't easily get drunk. I even had a drinking session with Catherine once and she's not a great drinking buddy. 1 bottle can get her drunk immediately, so it's quite boring.

While drinking, time went by so fast. I didn't realize that it was already my fourth bottle when the bartender asked me if I wanted another bottle. I just laughed at his remark and continued drinking. I was not drunk yet, I'm pretty good at holding my liquor, so I told him to give me another one.

I was about to call the bartender when someone suddenly sat on the empty chair beside mine. I looked at her and saw that it was Pauline Zhou, a co-model of mine. She smiled and ordered the same drink that I had. "Fancy meeting you here Monique."

Ignoring her remark, I rolled my eyes and continued drinking. She chuckled and continued rambling. "You're still the same as ever, Monique Yang. Aren't you happy to see me?"

Without looking back at her, I answered in a cold voice. "And why would I be?"

"C'mon Monique. You're still mad at me? It's been years since that incident happened. Don't tell me you haven't moved on yet?"

Her words made me look at her. I scoffed and raised an eyebrow towards her. "Moved on? Are you freaking kidding me? After you betrayed me and hooked up with my boyfriend? Dream on Pauline!"

She laughed mockingly and took a sip at her drink. "Why? Is it my fault that I'm more gorgeous than you? Was it my fault that the endorser wanted me to replace you? Was it also my fault that your boyfriend liked me? Oppps, Ex-boyfriend I mean. Hahaha"

My grip tightened on the glass I was holding. I'm trying to stay calm and not smash this glass on her head. "Gorgeous? A bigger flirt you mean. By the way, there's something that has been bothering me in the past. Pauline, is it nice sleeping with the endorser? I heard he's an old man with a problem with his private area. How did you do it? Was it fun?"

It's now my turn to mock her. This was her secret and only a few people knew about it. I only accidentally learned about it when I heard her talking on the phone while we were having a photoshoot abroad. She looked nervously around and glared at me. "Shut your mouth, Monique. You don't know anything!"

"Why? I'm just casually asking. Don't get too emotional yet. You're being obvious."

Slowly, I took a sip of my drink and looked at the dance floor where my colleagues were busy partying. "By the way, did that jerk Jefferson know how many men you've bedded with? I bet he doesn't. He had a very big ego so you must not have told him."

Moving closer to her ear, I whispered the words that I knew would make her go crazy. "I'm quite curious about this. Do you ask those men you've bedded if they're clean? Because, you know, I'm quite concerned about your health. Imagine you get sick because you have too much s*x. That would be too embarrassing."

I looked mockingly at her angry face and stood up. I put a bill on the counter since I lost interest in continuing my drink. I wanted to have fun tonight but this freaking two-face b*tch just ruined my night. I would rather go home and endure the silence at home.

Pauline suddenly grabbed my arm and made me turn around to face her. A strong slap landed on my face which made me wince from the pain. "That's for mocking me you b*tch!"

My eyes went cold as I stared at her ugly face. 'What I hate the most is me being hurt physically. How dare she slap me?' Without further ado, I raised my head and grabbed her hair, which caught her off-guard. I hurriedly pulled her towards the emergency exit of the bar.

I don't like to be in the headlines by tomorrow, so I pulled her to the backside of the bar where it was quiet and the only light illuminating the area was the bulb placed near the exit door. Pauline kept on struggling as I held her hair tightly and tried to fight back, but no matter how hard she did it, I'm still quite stronger and taller than her.

"Let me go! This is harassment, Monique! Let go of me you b*tch!"

With a strong push, Pauline fell off the ground. Her appearance right now is a mess. Her carefully groomed hair was nowhere to be found. Some strands of her hair left my palm. This time, I kneeled down and slapped her face once again. "How dare you slap me?! Who gave you the right?!"

One slap, two slaps, three slaps, and so on. Pauline tried to grab my hands to stop me from slapping her but I caught her wrists before she could attack me. I pulled her harshly to make her stand up and harshly stomped my foot on her knees to make her kneel painfully.

When I was about to slap her again, somebody grabbed my hands. I turned and looked angrily at the guy who had interrupted our business. "Who the heck are you?!"

He held my wrist tightly and spoke in his low voice. "You should stop it."

His grip tightened on my wrist when I struggled. I kicked him but he managed to dodge it. "Who are you to interrupt our business?!"

He grabbed both my hands in one hand and slightly pushed me towards the wall. Locking me inside. I struggled to free myself from his grip but he held me tightly. I tried kicking him again but he immediately saw through my actions and locked both my feet using his legs.

There was nothing I could do to outstand his strength, so I stopped struggling. With an angry look, I raised my head and looked at him. If only he didn't interrupt my business, I would say that he is totally my type for a man. His eyes are blue like ocean water and his blonde hair makes him look like a prince. But, this b*st*rd doesn't know the phrase 'Mind Your Own Business.

"Who the hell are you?! What the heck are you doing?! Let go of me, you bastard!"

He looked at me straight in the eyes and chuckled slightly. "I'm not a bastard young lady. My name is Michael Song. It's nice to meet you."

Struggling, I answered him angrily. "It's not nice meeting you Mr. Song! Let me go! Don't tell me you are her boyfriend? The knight in shining armor perhaps?"

His smile widened and moved his face closer to me. I tried to move my head back but, there was already a wall behind me, stopping my intent. "I'm not interested in her little tigress. You should let her go, she's already sprawled on the floor anyway. By the way, what's your name?"

I narrowed my eyes at him and refused to back down. "And why should I tell you?"

He just shrugged and moved closer towards my ear, then whispered, "We don't have a choice now, do we, little tigress? You won't be able to free yourself unless you tell me your name."

'This freaking blue-eyed hooligan! I swear, if I'm able to free myself, I will strangle you to death!' An idea popped into my head. My face got closer to him and a seductive smile formed slowly on my lips. I stopped moving when our lips were now half an inch away. His breathing went rapidly and I could see his adam's apple moving because of my sudden action.

I smiled secretly at this and whispered slowly to him. "Why do you want to know? Do you want to hook up with me, Mr. Song?" His grip on my legs loosened and I took this chance to kick him hard in the part where it hurts the most.

He groaned from the pain and loosened his grip on my hands. I pushed him away and ran away from him. Before I could get away, I heard him speak. "We will meet again, Little Tigress! We surely will!"

End of Flashback…

That's how I met that blue-eyed hooligan. I hope we won't see each other again! He is getting into my nerves and that cheeky smirk he had, it's making my blood boil in anger.