
Love beyond time

A young woman born with an extraordinary gift of second sight who comes from the present time. She is hurled back into ancient Greece and must learn to adapt and protect herself in the past. For there are those who would use her gift of second sight for their own dark purpose. The mortals who serve the gods and Titian's will do anything for power, and a mortal born with a gift from the gods is seen to be blessed or some say cursed. Yet, this young woman finds herself in the protection of a warrior king. Among the people who would use her gift to their own dark purpose of being more powerful than they are now. The young woman finds herself falling love with the warrior, but she knows she mustn't because it could alter history itself. She knows must give her up possibly her one true love and find her way back to her time...

Samantha_Maffei · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
27 Chs

Chapter 17

Maera made her back to the house that she rented out with some of the other students while she was here. All these thoughts were running thru her head, about everything she had learned and knew what was going to happen, that she nearly missed the turn in the road that lead to the house. She slowed down and made the right turn down the street that led to the big white house which sat at the end of the street and had an incredible view of the sea. As she pulled up to the house, she slowed down and then parked the moped right out front.

It was already dark out when she pulled up front, and made her way to the front of the house. There were lights still on inside, she could hear music playing as she approached the front door. As she took her key out to unlock the door, the porch light came on and the door was swung opened for her. "There you are Maera, we haven't seen you all day. I hope everything is alright?"

Maera looked up, saw it was one of fellow students, Mike, who was a senior like her that was studying Ancient Greek mythologies as his major. "Yes, everything's alright. I went into town and ended up at to the museum's library to see if I could find anymore information about the priestess Actaea that lived in the temple thousands of years ago. The stories about her was that she was a sea nymph, a daughter of the sea. I didn't realize how late it was, and got caught up in some the books I found on her." Maera knew she couldn't tell anyone here about what she had learned, no one even knew about her gift of sight. Besides her aunt there was only one other person who knew her and her aunt's secret, that was Lucian. He grew up with Maera back in New Orleans, his aunt and her aunt were close friends. Lucian's aunt Angelique was very famous for having powers of that of an empath. She could read others thoughts and feelings, and rumor said she even made potions, she was called the voodoo queen in the French market, and she figured out my aunt's secret and my aunt saved her life. Lucian and his aunt were the only ones that Maera and her aunt trusted. She was so wrapped up in her thoughts she didn't hear what Mike was asking her.

"That's pretty fascinating, finding some info on her. Any info you found on her would be interesting to hear, you know me any myths or stories about her or others like her would be great for my final paper for my thesis."

"Yes, I'll defiantly give you the info I found on her, Actaea. I'm just gonna head to my room then."

"There's some dinner left over if you're hungry."

"Thanks Mike, I'll just grab something then head to my room." Maera headed to the kitchen and saw there was pasta on the stove and some garlic bread left over. She grabbed a plate and fork and loaded some pasta on it, then she headed towards the back of the house to where her room was. As she entered her too she set the plate down on the desk in the corner of her room and she turned to close the door.

She sat on the bed and began pulling off her shoes and socks, and then changed out of her clothes and into her pjs, which were a pair of stretchy pants, a gray baggy tshirt over her head, and fuzzy socks. Then she grabbed the plate of pasta and started to take a bit when her cell phone started ringing. Maera looked down at it, and saw it was Lucian's number calling her. She didn't know if wanted to answer it, she had a long day and her head hurt with everything she had learned that day was still fresh and heavy on her mind. What the heck she thought, she could talk to someone who she could trust, and she needed to hear a familiar voice. "Hey you, it's been awhile."

"Same goes for you, it's been awhile. How are you? What's it like over there? Have you found anything interesting over there?" Lucian sounded like his usual self. "It's going good, and you would never believe what I found out today."

"Try me, you know me I'm here to listen."

"I hope you got some time then cause it has to do with my gift." Lucian was quite at the other end of the phone. He knew my tragic history of having this power and what could happen to me if it would over take me one day. "Have you talked to your aunt yet?"

"No, I just walked in, and I had a really interesting day where I meet let's say a relative."

"Tell me everything." Maera sighed then she started at the begging of her first day here on Naxos, to the visions she have been having and then everything she had learned from Actaea today. Once she had finished everything it felt like a huge weight was lifted off her. Lucian was quiet at the other end. She was about to ask if he was still there when he answered. "I can't believe that you met her, Actaea, right? She's your ancestor, the one who passed her power of sight to you and your aunt? I still can't underhand how you are going to end up in the past? I mean time travel? I guess it's possible being that there are things out there that can't be explained. Look at my aunt who was born with the power for an empath and she knows more about the supernatural better than anyone else. How it is that you end up in the past? You said there was a stone?"

"Yes it's a dark green stone, that was given to the demigod Aeolus, the son of the god Poseidon. The stone protects the wearer from danger. Actaea says the stone is alive and will do whatever it can do keep the one wearing safe. She said it's very powerful object that was made by the gods, and there are other objects out there that were once used by the them and created on Mount Olympus in Ancient Greece."

"This is just so much to take in, I'm sure your head is spinning too?"

"Yes, I'm just trying to understand all of this myself. This poor woman or sea nymph has been alive for thousands of years, she's been cursed by Poseidon for not being able to save his son, Aeolus. When I saw her that day at the market she looks so much like my aunt Thetis, that I really thought it was my aunt. Which I need to call her and tell her what I learned about our history and how we were born with this gift do sight."

"I'll talk to my aunt too, she might know more about the whole time traveling and mystical stones."

"I'm just scared to think that in a few weeks according to Actaea I'm to travel back into the past and supposedly be destined for great things. I mean I was reading about him Aeolus and how great of king he was but no mention of a wife, only a concubine that he loved greatly. Am I that woman in the past?"

"Hey, it will be alright, we will get thru this together. If you need me I can even come out there to be with you if you're really worried."

"I might take up your offer on that, but for now I need to do some more research about this concubine that he loved in the past and make sure it's not me. I will call you in the next couple of days, and let me know what your aunt knows about powerful stones."

"I will, it will be alright Maera. Have a good night."

"You too, thanks Lucian." As she hung up the phone, Maera turned back at her plate of pasta, she wasn't feeling so hungry and the thought of ending up in the past weighed heavy on her mind. She knew she should eat something, so she stated digging into her plate, she was about half way thru when her cell phone started ringing, it was her aunt Thetis.

"Hi auntie."

"Maera are you alright? I just got off the phone with Angelique, and she told me what's happened."

"I'm alright aunt Thetis, just shaken up over what I learned today. I mean to think that time travel is possible and to learn of my future is actually in the past? I've met her aunt Thetis, I met Actaea, our ancestor. She is the one where it all started with our gift, and she really is a sea nymph."

"Maera slow down and take a deep breath. Now tell me from the begging what happened." Maera took a deep breath in and then she calmed herself down. She then started at the begging with her aunt like she did with Lucian, and she didn't leave anything out.