
Chapter 1

It was a sun kissed Monday morning and was

eight o'clock in the morning when I was still on

my bed swirling and dreaming while suddenly

something cold I felt, Oh! she was my sister who

threw water on me. I ignored her as I was

thinking of something which kept me busy all

day and night. I was a mature, 17 years old boy

and was getting ready to approach for my dreadly

board exams which I think are too important for

me to set up my career.

I was working hard for my exams but I felt that

why one girl is always flashing in my mind ?, why

I am missing her?, Why I am having feelings for

her? I questioned myself each and every time The next day I went to the school with fine and

ironed clothes and with a red shiny fascinating

bad.... My eyes on the girl and I was really in love

now. The girl was having brown eyes, shiny black

hair and was having allurement personality with

blond highlights.. She applies no makeup but her

natural beauty is also so fascinating just a simple

Kajal and bindi and she defines simplicity.

She was to reading in my class and we both have

chosen the same stream (as we were in class 10

now )but it was a matter of coincidence. In my

class every girl and boy had their own couples

but I think which was only for a jesture time and

was too boring... If I describe love then love is

something that is done from heart. You need

tolerance, endurance, emotions and feelings to

carry on your love. Love is a sweet addiction

which once done ,never leaves you.


I always thought about the girl as her hair was

blowing in the air with the wind. She was riding

her cycle on the plane roads and I was riding

too...and everything was happening like a dream.

The next day without having my breakfast I ran

towards my bus and reached the school. My eyes

were going on searching for the girl. I asked her

friends about her and she said that she has not

arrived yet and gave me a weird look. The

assembly was about to start and she came

running.. Though I was in love with a girl but

nobody knew about this except me and my soul.

I thought to share this, to some of my friends but

then I dropped the idea... Nowadays I was not

paying attention in the class and my half yearly

exams appeared. I was not totally prepared but I

managed somewhere to answer my dreadly

question papers.


I went to Payal and asked her about the test and

she was curious to discuss answers with me. Her

mother came to pick her from the school and

some feeling that arrived in me that she's my

future mother in law. The next day Payal

speaking something to the class but being numb

at a time was not able to hear or see anything

except her like an idiot. As I moved into the class

without asking the teacher I was punished and

asked to leave the classroom the very second

minute . Though it was intended I got

hypnotized because of her beauty. To be honest I

was attracted towards her on the first site. With

her thoughts lingering in my mind I returned

home. I swear, she was damn beautiful. I couldn't

sleep that night and only prayed that to get a

chance to talk to her by any means the next Day.

I was feeling drowsy because I was not getting

any chance to talk to her and I tried my best but

in vain What a lovely sweet voice she had it was

like Lata Mangeshkar singing in front of me.

Classes ended and the break just began ;she went

with her friends to get company and eat. I too

wanted her company but I was not used to her,

seriously she had an attractive firm and beautiful


But it was only a dream to have her as my

girlfriend as I was also handsome and attractive.

While we were playing a game ,one told me that I

am handsome guy in front of Payal. I blushed

and Twinkled a smile. Days passed and the

session was at the end.

Exams were near and for me she was the only

one I always kept thinking about. Exams went

out life strong for me and I was not at all

prepared but I was sumitive and smart guy.. But I 6

had no idea what the teacher were shouting in

the class... We had a break for one week after

exam which proved out to be distratous for me

because I started missing her. I often questioned

to myself that was it love or attraction ? This

question kept me busy for next few days and I

was also nervous as mine result was just going to

be declared the next day and by god grace I

scored 93% and I was very happy and shocked

too, as I have not studied and yet I have scored

such Grace marks. I was too curious to know

Payal's marks...

I reached the college time before just see her but

was unable to find her. I went into the class and

sat where she used to sit during the previous

year. I waited and kept waiting but she didn't

came. I never realised when she became an

addiction for me like a drug. I was getting into

depression and wished to see her once. I got to

know that she went to Nainital with her family

and when I asked them this question they gave

me a wierd look but she was much important for

me than that weird look.

I got her number and wanted to chat with her .

For few days I was just feeling like a 'Majnoo'.

Now we were good friend. But suddenly she

stopped talking to me.she was an extrovert so she

avoided talking to me. "What is silly reason" I

murmured. I went into utter depression when she

stopped talking to me