
Love at the Crossroads

A deal made,a promise done "Nelli, babygirl do you understand, what you need to do" Nelli looked at her anxious mother's face and clenched the piece of paper in her hands. " yes mama,I will do whatever you say". After a while at midnight Nelli stood alone at the crossroads " Little girl did you loose your way" asked Rage when he looked at an eight years old girl at the crossroads. "No mister,I am here to make a deal with you" said Nelli with an innocent face. Rage asked " what will you offer little girl". Nelli looked at the paper in her hand and repeated what was written on it " A life saved,a soul given, I want you to save my mother from her illness and I will give my soul away for it". Rage looked around if he could find her cold hearted mother hiding somewhere. But to his disappointed he felt the little girl alone, he could feel the heartbeat five miles east probably where the church was. He looked again at the girl "ok baby girl deal done,I will meet you again ten years later to get back what is mine". As Rage was leaving he turned back " A deal made,is a promise done baby girl".

Being_angel · Fantasi
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5 Chs

Ch 1

Nelli lived with her father since young with occasional visit from her mother who lived in the different town.

But it was the first time in last eight years when her mother came to her father's house to take her on a vacation.

Though he was doubtful and anxious at her mother's sudden change of heart but seeing her excited and hopeful look he allowed her to go.

" Nelli honey,do you remember where you kept your phone and my number do you remember it" asked Robert as he rechecked his daughter's luggage.

Nelli gave him a toothed grin,while pointing at her head she said " yes daddy,I have it all locked in my head here".

Rubbing her head Robert looked at the only mistake he ever made in his life i.e.his ex-wife " remember, be careful of her though she is eight and a sensible child she is still a child.Please,if you have any trouble call me".

Crystal smiled " ok Robert,she is also my daughter I kept her inside me for nine months.I even went to rehab for her sake".

Robert was already regretting this but for this trip his wife was ready to waive her parental rights which she never cared for but suddenly she remembered it and insisted that if he would not let her take her on this vacation she would claim her right on the court which would undoubtedly hurt his daughter seeing her parents have an ugly fight over her.

There was another reason too, Crystal claimed she suffered with end stage cervical cancer and she had not much days to live and to fulfill her dying wish she needed her daughter with her.

*Nelli honey are you ready it's time for the road trip" shouted Crystal as she started the car engine.

Robert felt the pit inside his stomach growing large as he saw his precious daughter leave with his poisonous ex wife.

Next ten days was dream like for Nelli. She and her mother were living inside the car with no rules.

They ate anything and everything they ever wanted,played all kind of music on the radio and her mother also played nurse as she went to many hospitals in the way where she would bring out pills which would be her prize after the game.

On the thirteenth day, her mama played a beautiful music, her mother said " honey this man is Rober Johnson,he was the best at what he did and the music that came out of him is legendary. Do you know God gave him this gift for a small price".

" What price mama" asked Nelli as she listened to what her mother was saying in fascination.

" His soul honey,he gave his soul to the devil at the crossroads that we see in front of us" said Crystal with a tone of mystery in her voice.

But her tone became said as she spoke " Nelli honey, listen closely to what I am about to say, this is the last time that you will meet your mama again. I am going far very far sweety".

"Where are you going mama" asked Nelly her eyes stinging as she saw the sad look on her mother's face.

Crystal smile " probably hell honey, I think that's waiting for me at the end of the road.