
Love At Stake

"Tobin! Tobin!" She called out his name, but he was gone. And was probably never coming back. She had seen that look in his eyes before. He was angry and in that state he was capable of doing anything. "You are ungrateful. After all the Lancaster have done for you. You have no right to be so angry! Do you think staying with your loser father would have been better? Look I know what I suffered as a kid. My supposed dad, your biological father was all I got and I dare say he failed in his responsibility!" Those were the exact words she had said to Tobin few minutes ago. Tobin was hurt. Although he had never met his biological father, but he was sure he deserved more than Sharon was saying about him. He knew right from the start he didn't belong to the Lancaster family. They were all too different from him. He knew something was wrong about the family but he never could tell what it was. He was going to avenge the death of his mother no matter what it will cost him. Sharon was confused. She was torn between her new found family and her love for Tobin. In that moment of despair she felt a sharp pain on her left arm, one which she hasn't felt for years since her supposed father's death, and she has always prayed never to experience it again. She knew what it meant. Someone she loves was about to die but the question on her lips was "Who is it going to be?" ******** A gamble was made, two babies were switched, lives were lost, but love was found, but at what expense?

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Mr Huffington

Mr Lancaster on returning to his study noticed a blue light beeping from his phone. He could tell who had called him. Only one person dares to call him on his personal line and that was Mr Oberon Huffington. His only friend. They were not best friends but they were always there for each other.

They once made a famous bet in the past the outcome of which Mr Lancaster had to cheat to win. The prize was him taking over all the business enterprises of Mr Huffington except one. He feared for the day his past will catch up with him. Mr Huffington like him was not a man to be toyed with.

Mr Huffington was the owner of LA Masia DE Casin. The only business he was left with after that famous bet. He was also involved in drug and arms smuggling. Unlike Mr Lancaster, he had a lot of dangerous friends like himself. To make a mistake in this line of their business was to be killed, and that was why he was more ruthless than Mr Lancaster.

He has just one child, a 17 years old, by name Avero. She was the only one he cared about. As a means of trying to get back some of his wealth for her. He suggested to Mr Lancaster to get one of his sons married to her, but Mr Lancaster would hear nothing of an arranged marriage for his sons.

He told him if she can make anyone of them fall in love with her then he will be support of her. Avero had the freedom to visit the Lancasters mansion from time to time. She had no restrictions whatsoever since she was like family to all of them.

Mr Lancaster picked his phone and called him. It barely rang before it was picked by Mr Oberon. "Hello legend!" by calling him legend Mr Lancaster was reminded of his new title in LA Masai De Casin.

"I tried calling you when I missed your calls. I hope there is no problem because everyone knows you rarely make a call except it is important."

Mr Lancaster smiled inwardly his friend seem to know him too well. He quickly gave him a brief insight into what had happened since Sharon came into his house. He carefully avoided telling him about the allergic incident.

"I will like to get her married to one of my sons. But you know my principle. I don't support arranged marriage. Maybe I will allow nature take its course as usual." Mr Lancaster concluded with a sigh.

Mr Huffington who had been listening suddenly came up with an idea. He knows how addicted his friend was to betting on natural courses, "How about I propose a bet. We should place a bet on who she chooses to marry."

Mr Lancaster smiled at that. He loved the whole idea. "My bet is on one of the twin." Mr Oberon quickly said.

"I guess I'm left with Shaw and Dane then."

At that moment no one thought of Tobin. They felt he was too young to even pose a threat to his brothers.

"What is the catch then." Mr Lancaster asked curiously..

"I will take back all my original companies from you."

Mr Lancaster thought for a while, "Then I will take LA Masia De Casin if I win."

"It is a deal then. A gentlemen's agreement.

I will come around to sign the necessary papers tomorrow."

"At the end I just want sharon to get married to one of the boys Mr Lancaster said before dropping the phone."

At that same moment Shaw walked into his father's study. He overheard the last words of his father speaking about Sharon getting married to one of them but he pretended as if he didn't hear him.