
A visit to the castle Part one

when Valentina woke up she found tons of messages on her phone and when she saw them she gasped because all of them were mostly from her childhood bestfriend chase so seeing those messages she decided to call him but as she was about to call his call came in first and when she picked it he bombarding her with questions on why she is late for the competition then was when she remembered that he had a match today but also remembered about agreeing to meet the Prince so lying to him she said sorry chase I can't make because I'm not feeling too well and when he heard it he became worried and asked if she was okay or if he should leave the match and come over but reacting on impulse she quickly said no and that she can manage by herself and that it's not that serious and wished him a great game then she hanged up and took a deep breath in and out then got out of bed took her shower but while she was brushing her teeth she couldnt help remembered what happened yesterday and when she did she couldn't help but blush over his action last night when she was done brushing she looked at her self in the mirror smiled then got ready to visit the castle......

upon standing at the gates of the castle who she is and who she was looking for and she told them her name and told them she was invited by the Prince then they told her to wait called the Prince to confirm then when they got the go ahead they told her to follow them and as she was walking by the drive through she couldn't help but admire the garden,the fountain and the sculptures then when they got inside there was a line of maids there to welcom her and at the end of the line was the Prince with his most sweetest smile and couldn't believe that it was the same Prince with the icy look last night but anyway she approached him and greeted him but instead of a normal greeting he huged her instead and she couldn't help but fell cold stares on her back and when she checked with her side eye she saw that the maids were all glaring at her but instead to push him away she smirked at them and hugged him back imean she just looked wicked right now but she couldn't help it this was a big deal its not everyday you get a hug from the Prince and besides that she is also super competitive when it come to this types of women but then she heard some whispers about how the prince's girlfriend Sofia would feel and started sympathising on how she is a sweet heart and how I am a gold digger just because I got a hug from the Prince and then I wondered who the princess girlfriend might be to be this liked by the staff I mean I did have a crush on the Prince since last night but we aren't dating and I couldn't take this type of insults just because of a hug then when the Prince let go of me he led me to his courters and when we were alone I told him about the ways those maids insulted me and how I got that insult just because of a hug from you and when the Prince heared that his sweet smile faded then he told me he would be back then left the room but when he returned he came with all the maids that were there to greet me and asked them to kneel down and when they did he asked me who had insulted me and I looked at them all and the point out those that insulted me and the on the spot a guards came in and took them away and while the were going they were screaming and begging and some still insulting and cursing me but I didn't care because the looks on their faces were priceless.