

As Greg been cleaning me for some time while he been doing it I said „ok end I need to go to work"

"But it wasn't me who started it," he said while giving me a kiss. When he did this I grabbed Allan and I said to him "it was him standing and being so tempting"

"Sorry, but I can't control him while I'm sleeping," he said while giving me a kiss one more time. When he did with it he gives me a showerhead and while don't know for what I cleaned where he hasn't done this and then we go out. When we did this we dry and then Greg said "I will make breakfast"

"You don't need to its ready," I said and then I added in mind 'oh you haven't seen it'

"Oh where," he asked

"In our bedroom," I said while walking there. As we come there I could see that he sit on the bed. When he did this I sit on his leg and then I said "ok feed me"