
Love and Redemption

(This is taken from my favourite drama 'Love and Redemption, this was supposed to be in the fan-fiction section but this was my first book on webnovel and I wasn't that experienced so I didn't know where to put it, so I have this on the section original, I hope readers will understand this issue. And Beware I changed somethings from the original drama.) (This picture is not mine. And if any of you own this picture and don't want me to use it as a book cover, then feel free to speak) 'I hope this time you won’t lie to me again….' 'I was wrong about you from the beginning! We will cut all ties from now on, right here, right now!' 'Such a mysterious thing, they all say that the Goddess of War killed the Star of Mosha. But, why is it now like this-' 'In this world something can be told and some can’t.' 'It is my fortunate to meet you in every life-time. Without you this vast world is meaningless to me....' 'Birth is not a beginning; death is not an end.' 'What ten lifetimes! 'What kind of reincarnation! These things have nothing to do with me....' 'Am I a heartless person!' 'Was I even born?' 'Where did I come from?' 'Who am I really?' 'Each time when the burst of power appears, the humankind will face great danger.' 'The Goddess of War’s destiny is unstable!' 'Why does the heaven wants to erase my past? Why? Why does it have to be like this!' 'Don’t be scared, no matter what happens, you are still you, Chu Xuanji.' 'The objective has already failed! Goddess of War has come back!' ---X--- The Great General Goddess of war who saved heaven in the deadly battle against the general of demons, the Star of Mosha, that took place 1000 years ago. Both of them descended from heaven and disappeared from that world. After thousands of years passed, suddenly Chu Xuanji was born and she was completely incompetent. Chu Xuan Ji was born without her six senses. But actually she is the reincarnation of the great General Goddess of War from heaven. But why she being targeted by both heavenly realm and demon realm? Is she really only the General Goddess of War or someone else? Chu Xuanji is friends with Yu Si Feng. He is the amazing head disciple of Lize Palace and falls in love with her. So it started an amazing chemistry between them; one is heartless and another is willing to give his heart to her! Sifeng also has a extraordinary past. He is also from the heaven, could it be he knew Chu Xuanji in his past life? Xuanji works together with Si Feng to fight against the evil forces. But there are many misunderstanding which they need to get through. Will they able to get thorough the misunderstandings? Will they able to sort out their feelings? But will they be able to returns peace to the pugilistic world and eventually uncover both their dark past? Can they change the will of Heaven? Will the fate will let them be together?

Yyyyyyyyyyyyy_ · Fantasi
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134 Chs

Goddess Gao

For some reason, she was familiar with this scene, but she couldn't remember where she had seen it. She probably didn't know how touching the expression she was immersed in her thoughts. She turned to around and saw Sifeng went to the corn-stall in the corner.

"Mistress, where is the Gao's mountain," Sifeng asked the corn-staller politely.

"It is in Zonglin City, there is only one mountain called Mt Xianren. It is where Goddess Gao lives. We don't have a Gao's Mountain," the woman smiled.

"Look, see all these people? They are all here to see Goddess Gao to make her appearance," the woman pointed at the crowd in the city.

"Where is this Mt Xianren? Yu Sifeng asked.

"Over there. Mortals cannot go though," the woman pointed in the west.

"Fine. Thank you," Yu Sifeng smiled.

"Sifeng, is it Mt Gao?" Xuanji asked him from behind.

"Let's take a look. Let's go," Yu Sifeng said.

The 6 of them went to Mt Xianren.

"Goddess Gao resides in this mountain," Zhong Minyan looked around.

"The rays of bright sunlight and good fortune shines on the opposite shore," Linglong read what was on the wall.

"This is the Gao's Mountain," Yu Sifeng said.

"Let's go then," Linglong pulled Zhong Minyan

"Wait," Sifeng took out judge's pen and attacked straight to the door of the temple and the judge's pen broke a invisible barrier. Everyone was astound. Yu Sifeng forced the judge's pen into the barrier and it didn't broke. Yu Sifeng got the judge's pen back.

"Rouyu, Minyan," Yu Sifeng warned them. Zhong Minyan waved his hand and the Jian sword came . Rouyu got his magical weapon out of thin air. Then, these three men attacked the invisible barrier together but it did not work. All there weapons came back.

"Such an powerful barrier, it definitely is not ordinary," Xuanji said worried that they will not be able to break the barrier.

"Could there be a Goddess here?" Zhong Minyan asked.

"I can't feel the aura of a celestial here. Instead it makes me feel uncomfortable," Xuanji said confused.

"There is no rush. As Aunt Gao makes an appearance today then when she appears, the barrier will be lifted," Yu Sifeng said and Xuanji smiled.

"Let's stay in Zhongli city for a bit. When she make an appearance, let's find a way to go in," Yu Sifeng planned what to do.

"Where will we go then?" Xuanji asked.

"Does that mean we can go and eat something delicious?" Linglong pulled Xuanji and ran away with her.

They all went to the city again.

"Linglong, what is that," Xuanji pointed at the red bean cake. "This? This is the red bean cake, this is the green bean cake and this is the yellow bean cake. This is the purple yam cake," Linglong showed Xuanji so many types of cakes.

Suddenly, Sifeng appeared with two packets of sweets. He gave one to share between Lu Yanran, Rouyu, Linglong and Zhong Minyan. He went to Xuanji and gave her the other paket to eat by herself:

"You like sweet food so this is Qingtuan," Yu Sifeng said softly.

"Thank you," Xuanji smiled and took the packet of Qingtuan. She took one out and tasted it. "This is very delicious. I have never tasted it before, you eat one too," Xuanji asked him to take one. Sifeng smiled and said: " I don't want to eat it. Today is the cold food festival day. You can only eat during this festival. It is very lively there, I'll take you over there."

Sifeng walked and Xuanji followed him.

"Sifeng, look," Xuanji pointed at the man who was making fire out of his mouth.

Suddenly, a blaze of fire came towards Xuanji. Sifeng quickly pulled her and they both met each other eyes. Yu Sifeng stared at her for a while, then he realised it was in the public.

He was shy so, he quickly ran away. Xuanji was confused, so she planned to go to the corner to explore.

A noble man with a servant, came up to her and asked: "Miss, you aren't from around here, right? .

"How do you know?" Xuanji smiled.

"There is no girl I don't know in Zhonglin City, I am not talented but I am from Zhonglin City. If you don't mind, I am willing to offer my services to take you around alright?" He asked.

"Then you have some antiques in Zhonglin City?" Xuanji asked.

"Of course. I have room at my home that has some antiques stored inside. If you are willing, why don't you come and visit is with me?" he had an wild ambition to take Xuanji home.

"Do you have a ancient mirror?" Xuanji asked.

"Yes, you can take as many as you want," he said.

"That's great when my friend comes back we can go together," Xuanji smiled.

"Let's go miss, if you're late, you will miss it," he tried to touch Xuanji by shoulder.

Suddenly, Yu Sifeng was there and he used his power to make that guy hang in the air.

"Sifeng," Xuanji looked at him confused. "Xuanji, are you ok?" Xuanji nodded and smiled.

"This the hairpin I picked for you. Do you like it?" Sifeng gave Xuanji a golden hairpin. "It's so pretty. Can you help me to put it on?" Xuanji asked him. Sifeng took the hairpin and said: "Sure," and he put the hairpin on Xuanji's head. Xuanji smiled at him.

"Deity! Deity!" the boy shouted. Xuanji looked up to see. "Deity please put me down first!" he pleaded. Sifeng turned and looked at him and said coldly: "Didn't anyone tell you not touch girls?" "I just wanted to do my duty as a local, that's why I was a little rude. Deity spare me! Deity put me down!" he pleaded again.