
Episode 7.3

While eating, we overheard someone speaking. “I’m from the mountain tribe, Sean Sebastopol. I heard that you were so skilled at your craft. I also heard that your father is an official of the heavenly court. I want to be a part of your group," a man wearing a green hanfu dress uniform said to the others who were wearing blue. I glanced at them and started watching their interaction.

Those who were wearing blue started laughing at him. “Oh, look at this guy. He is trying to fit in with us. Just keep on dreaming. Go away!” The man from earlier, whose name I think was Shifan, rudely declared. The other guy felt embarrassed and left right away.

As I remember the man, I feel pity for him. I'm always told to stay away and never bother them when I just want to make friends. It hurts. I ate my food slowly and thought of those guys who have large egos. They think so highly of themselves and belittle others. I was distracted when Raven called out to my attention by means of knocking on the table. “Just eat your food. Don’t be to busybody.”

“The man reminded me of myself. I was just like him too. I tried to fit in and become friends with Foxes but they would just shoo me away. They always find a way to embarrass me.” I blurted out honestly. I am saying the truth. They always make me feel like I do not belong and that I am a stranger.

He stopped eating and stared at me. “So, you are from the Fox tribe? For what reason do they dislike you?" He looked at me curiously.

“I don’t know. Since I've lived in Raevisia, they've always treated me poorly, looking at me as a weakling and dumb." I muttered while frowning.

“Here, eat some more.” He offered me another plate of chicken and started rubbing my shoulder. “Stop being sad about the past. You already have me. I’ll protect you,” he comforted me and gave me a reassuring smile.

After we finished eating, we headed back to our room and shared some stories about our past adventures. We didn’t notice that it was already evening and that the moon is high up in the sky. We don't have any plans to stop, but the drill echoed throughout the area. It is telling us that every student must go to the Hall to gather.

Walking out of the room, I saw other students who were just getting up from their slumber. Some even don’t have their clothes on and are topless. I just shrugged my shoulders and saw Raven yawning while walking on his way to the said area. He is probably tired because he roamed around the academy all day while exchanging stories. I can’t deny that he is fun to be with. As well as being playful, he also tells jokes which make me laugh. He also has his serious side, just like I do! He will probably make a good friend. I guess we are compatible enough to become each other's friends.

We reached the Hall and noticed that the seniors, as well as the guy who gave me a punishment, were there. I promise never to laugh or smile in front of him. He will torture me to death. He’s too aloof and moody.

“We have this rule that in order to become a fully pledged student of the Blemore Academy, you have to pass a test,” the moody senior started. He is still wearing the same uniform from earlier.

I frowned. Test? What test? Are they serious? Are we really heading for war? Why are they treating us like this? We aren’t soldiers! Is it that difficult to become disciplined? My lips pouted. I still haven’t got the chance to search for my savior. I need to find him!

A few students murmured and wondered about the test in question after hearing what the senior said.

“We will give each of you a task and anyone who is not able to accomplish it will fail. Those who fail will suffer punishment. They will have to jump in the frozen lake while naked.”

My eyes widened at what he said. Wait, for what? Naked? Is he serious? I gulped at the words. Everyone also started complaining about the punishment. Frozen Lake is known as a death pool, according to what I've heard. The temperature there is subzero, which can turn anything into ice.

I swallowed hard. Oh, my goodness. Can I even pass the test? Oh, my sweet gracious, please help me accomplish the task. I’m begging you.

“The sea tribe will go first and so on.”

The students wearing a blue hanfu picked their paper first. The next to pick are those who are wearing gray which I think came from the Ice Tribe. Next is the mountain tribe and it continues up until everyone has chosen their own.

“Mother, don’t be scared! You will pass the test!" Snow White whispered in my ear. I somehow felt relieved because I hadn't heard from her since I entered the heavenly realm. I am glad that she is here with me and that someone believes in my ability.

“It’s fine. I will pick an easy one. We can swap tasks if you have something more difficult,” Raven said before he walked in front to pick.

He was confident when he picked out the paper but when he opened it, his eyes widened and he seemed stunned at what he was seeing. “What’s wrong? Is it that difficult?" I asked him out of curiosity.

He gulped hard before answering. “Nothing. I’m scared—”

“The last student!” our senior shouted. I turned to him before leaving my place. “It’s fine,” I said and matched in front to get the last paper. My hands are trembling as I hold the paper in my fingers. When I looked at our senior, I noticed that there was a smirk plastered on his lips.

I pursed my lips and opened the paper.

Invite Larisa to be a trainer.

That is what’s written on the paper. Oh, my goodness. Who is Larisa? I asked myself.

“At exactly 10 pm, everyone should be here and have accomplished the task already. If not, well, you already know the drill.” He smiled evilly.

“Time starts now!”

Those words echoed throughout the hall and everyone seemed to panic upon hearing them. Everyone rushes to the location where their tasks are located. I looked at my side to find him, but he was nowhere to be seen. He is missing! He left me all alone! Hmp! Liar!

I took a deep breath and started looking for Larisa. To be honest, I don’t know where to start.