
Love And Desire

He was walking so fast, I couldn’t catch up with him. Is this how to give someone a walk? He has long legs and I can’t compare. I already told him countless times to slow down but he just said if I can’t walk along without nagging, then I should go in and take a nap. That’s rude! The next thing, he’s humming a song. Now, tell me who’s making the noise – or better still, nagging? I stood and wait to catch my breath. Hoping he would stop, no, he continued. I just told him am going to pee and he didn’t show approval. I left on my own but along the way, something pierce into my foot – underneath my cheap converse sneaker like a needle. I wince and bend over to check on it. Seriously? A pin? Damn this pin! If not for my weak sneaker sole, it’d had cause a serious damage on my foot. As I took it off, I heard someone’s phone ringing from afar me – behind. It was Harry’s. I pause to eavesdrop. And this was what I heard. “How many? Two would be enough. Send them over to my hotel - presidential suite. Thank you.” Who was he talking with and who are the people he sent for? And another thing, why the mention of a HOTEL? I know good things don’t usually happens there. I’ve never ever being to a hotel or motel before but I have clue that it’s all about something lusty.

Ahanuwa_B_Osarugue · perkotaan
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10 Chs

Chapter 10

It's been a year now since I graduated Stockholm and started working as a registered nurse. A lot of things happened after I left the palace. I heard it has never been the same – since my runaway.

For example, Dad being locked up in prison for five years now by his company. They said him to be a fraudster and had duped a lot in the company but I don't believe it.

I think the palace had a hand in it.

As for mom, I haven't heard from her in the years. Some person's told me she is terribly sick and her illness has caused a lot of damage in her system.

It was few months ago I learnt that those two mansions dad had, were only given to him as a compensation by the company he worked for.

And they were taken back from him immediately he was kicked into prison. Including the money he worked for.

As for now, am living with grandma in her hometown – Denmark. I wonder how she's able to sustain the pain of having her son in prison for no good reasons.

She's still in grief about the issue but sometimes, pretend to get over it whenever am around.

Whenever Dad and I talk on phone, he's always bringing the issue of the palace, so for that reast, I avoided talking to him for a week now.

He kept asking me to go back so they could release him from prison. As if he cares more of himself than my happiness.

If I hadn't called my stepsister, Chloe. I'd have remained married to that rascal for five years now.

Chloe and I are both working in the hospital as medical practitioner.

Well, turns out that Chloe is now a medical doctor and my boss. She finished Harvard before me and I wonder how when am older than her.

Apparently, she skipped so many basics back in highschool and got into college before me.

We still don't talk much – only when we're together in a meeting or maybe bump into each other in the same restaurant.

It happens oftentimes.

I like to respect myself and even as am working under Chloe, she still respects me as her elder sister – though, we're not related by blood.

She use to ask about mom and dad. I use to lie to her about their well-being but after a while, I had to stop.

She has been too nice to me to give a lie.

She promoted me to becoming the chief nurse and her assistant. She was the one who provided the house grandma and I lived in after those thugs had come to chase grandma out overnight.

All those times – five years ago, I was thinking the queen of England loved me according to the sweet words that came out of her mouth but later I knew after my family lost everything that she was a liar and probably arrested dad to get her revenge on me.

It is obvious she lied and pretended to be a good person! Talking about red hair babies? She just wanted me to be her slave! How come after I ran away, dad was taken and grandma was kicked out of her son's house?

The palace surely has a hand in it. Big time!

I try not to remember a lot of things about them anymore. What pained me the most was the king's death.

He shouldn't have died that way. I kept thinking it to be my fault and maybe one of the reasons why the queen captured dad.

The king died of shock when he heard that I ran away. I couldn't make him happy with all the promises he expected me to fulfill.

Example, giving him red hair children. I know he wanted them badly more than the queen but never showed it.

I wish...

But I can't go back. Except the fact that I now have a good paying job and a nice place to live in, in Denmark.

At the time I got home in the night, I was already exhausted and famished. I toss my bag on the couch near me and went to the kitchen.

Grandma was already cooking again and I could perceive the aroma starting from the door.

The moment she saw me standing there, her face lit up and at once, she decrease the heat of the gas stove and fasten to hug me.

I fell like a little child in her arms and she kissed my forehead.

"My baby girl is back. Tell me, how was work today?"

"Stressful." I pick a plate to serve myself from the almost cooked rice and stew.

She giggled, leaning against the counter. "How is Chloe?"


I close my eyes and munch the food slowly.

Just one spoon and it tastes so good. I love grandma recipe. She always have the secret ingredients to every meal.

"She's good. She'll pick me up in the morning, so –" I shrugged, fetching for the next spoonful. "Probably gonna stop by and say hello to you."

"Nice." Grandma opened the fridge and hand me a bottle of water.

I thanked her and drank it to half. How did she know I was going to choke soon?

Grandma and I talked for a little while. She even serve herself a plate and together, we had dinner in the kitchen. I volunteer for another plate – two more, actually and went to shower with a belly full.

My nursing uniform is a white top and white trouser, so I had to wash and dry that night before going to bed.

I took my phone to check my IG page. Two miss calls from Chloe.

Chloe and I weren't close when we were kids. We use to hate each other because we had stepmoms. But in this era, life changes.

She helped me and I promise to always be by her side for life. In fact, we became besties since I started working in her hospital.

Despite the fact that her mother still doesn't like me.

I visited my message in-box and found her text waiting to be read by me.

CHLOE: He is back!

ME: When?

She was actually talking about her Ex-boyfriend, Manuel, who left her for six years schooling in Tokyo. She'd thought he had moved on when he didn't call her for four years and she decide to break up with him.

CHLOE: Last night, Irene! And he crave to see me in dinner date tomorrow!

Her exclamation marks shows how happy she is right now. Aww. I just wish I was by her side in person now. She'd have pounced on me and hug me so tight.

Chloe is bisexual but prefers males most.

ME: So, what happened to the silence for four years? Didn't you ask him?

CHLOE: Of course I did! He said to have exams that prohibited phones and other devices.

ME: And he just called you now and you're going on a date with him END OF DAY, TOMORROW?

CHLOE: (Pouting emoji) Come on, sis. I still love Manuel. I'll go see him tomorrow.

I wanted to write back but stopped when something suddenly popped on my screen.


CHLOE: So sis, what do you say?

I paused for over ten minutes. I thought Chloe do be out of line. I couldn't withdraw from the shock of the notification and anger that overtook me. I don't want to spoil my chat with Chloe.

I scroll over to write something but my fingers mistakenly accepted the friend request.

"Fuck! No!" I battle for minutes, trying to unfriend the guy but nothing changes.

A sharp message from him made me grasp my fingers around my phone – almost crushing it.

HARRY SNOW: Hello angel. Long time no see.

I dismissed his chat and scroll to Chloe's.

CHLOE: I assume you're asleep now, big sis. Don't worry, tomorrow morning we'll talk. Goodnight.

I threw my phone aside and fell freely on my bed. My eyes staring up at the ceiling for a while as all my past – five years ago, began to flick into my head.

Somehow, somewhat, I overcame it and slept off that night.