
Chapter 1

21 years ago.

"Be patient, dear. "The handsome, dark, and beady-haired man rolled his car forward at high speed. While next to her was the painful wife who almost gave birth to him.

Every now and then, a man named Hans stroked his wife's hair and rubbed her bellyache. "Be patient, honey, we'll be at the hospital in no time."

Down at han hospital immediately called the nurses to take Caroline to get immediate treatment.

The tension gripped, han accompanying his wife in the delivery room. The whispers of love hold Caroline together until their child is safe.

"Congratulations, ma 'am. Your child was born safe, of female gender. "The doctor gave the child to Han and Caroline.

"Our child is beautiful, just like you. "Han recognized his daughter and showed her her face.

Blissful beyond measure, how not. They've been yearning for a child for three years now. They have done everything in their power to reproduce immediately. Until they almost gave up on it, but god didn't allow it. They end up with a beautiful daughter. Black-haired, black-brown beads and a pretty face because of her two beautiful, handsome parents.

But their happiness was fleeting. Han's body suddenly stiffened again when he saw a woman of Caroline's age come into their room with a beautiful daughter of about two years old.

"Dad," the little daughter ran over to Han.

Caroline's body still hasn't recovered, having a kid call her dad instead of the kid she was born with. "Who is this han? "The very sight of hate was unleashed.

Han was silent. Her left hand sniffed the child she had just given birth to, while her right hand stroked the soft hair of the child hugging her thigh.

"He's elga, my son and han. "The Elga's mother spoke up, giving Caroline a look.

Caroline looked back at han, who was drowning in silence. "What's this about han? "Han is still budging. "Let's explain han, don't do nothing. "To attract han's clothes, but han just gave up again.

A smushed smile to the two couples. "My name is Rosa, I'm han's second wife. "Folded his hands over his stomach. "Do you know what Han married me for? It's all because you're barren! "Says Rosa without even skidding.

Han's face is red. "Shut your mouth, ros! "Snapped. "It's all your fault, because you set me up! " Defy Han.

Caroline quickly took over her son from his father's arms and vigorously pushed han, so he almost fell. It's a good thing there was a desk supporting his already weakened body.

"Dear listen, I can explain everything. "Han's face groaned at Caroline's. Even tears have begun to fall into han's handsome face.

Caroline stopped han with her hands from coming closer. "Go! I don't want to see such treachery. Stay away from me and my son. " Tears have flowed through Caroline's cheeks. She hugged her newborn son tightly to strengthen him.

"Go, why are you here! "Point to Rosa.

Rosa still stood at the door with a snide smile. "I won't be here if you keep your promise. I'm just here to collect on all your false promises.

"What do you mean. Begone! "Han sent Rosa away.

"From the beginning you told me that you would be fair to us. But what, it's been two weeks since you've come home and you haven't given us a living at all. Is that fair? I'm just here to claim my rights."

"Get out! "The chime that made Rosa shudder at the sight of her husband's angry face. Rosa and her son finally left the room.

Caroline won't stop crying, but her stitches aren't drying out, but they add a deep gash. Her heart was devastated, the day she should be happy that her presence would be the most painful day of her life.

She turned her face away from Han, hugging her child as she burst into tears. Han didn't give up so easily, he took his wife's hand even though Caroline had repeatedly cut him off. "Sweetheart listen to me first. "Subdued.

"Go! "Only the faint husk currently streaming from Caroline's mouth. She clung closer and closer to her child, her hands gently caressing her still-skinned face.

He ignored han who was still there beside him. "Honey," stroked the child's hair gently. "Mom named you alyssa Caroline. "He said. "You will be a strong daughter."

"That's a pretty name," Han smiled.

Han stroked his wife's soft hair, Caroline just shut up, and there was no more strength to fight or rebel. "Listen to my explanation first. I'll explain everything. "Wiped away the tears of Han himself. "I accidentally knocked up Rosa, because I was trapped and unconscious. Suddenly we awoke naked and bleeding from where we slept. Please believe me! "Han explained truthfully.

"Go! I need some time alone. "Asked Caroline.

With the inevitable advance of gontai, Han left in front of his wife. Although it's hard, but he knows it's hard on Caroline. Perhaps letting the wife herself will improve things, he thought.

He didn't want to be separated from his wife because he loved Caroline so much. While with Rosa, he was only a guilty man for taking away the woman's chastity.

"I'm sorry dear," Han's heart is full of remorse.

Getting out doesn't mean going home. Rosa stayed outside the hospital to continue the debate with her husband. He's totally demanding his due. It was all han's fault anyway, if he had given his rights right to Rosa wouldn't have come at this bad time.

All the lies will be revealed, but it would be a good time. Regret? It's of no use. Caroline's been really hurt and broken. I don't know, not that she would forgive han for making such a big mistake.

Some doctors ran into Caroline's office. So does Han who is no less panicked. Just suddenly Caroline's body gave out.

"Doctor what happened to my wife? "Asked han panic.

Caroline's attending physician was worn-out. "I'm sorry, madam's life can't be saved."

Boom. boom.

It was like being struck by lightning at the time. Both han's legs would be weak if not for the crying of lisa he would have collapsed.

Lisa's cry came back to strengthen han, she grabbed her daughter and carried her. "My father you want," kissing his son's head.

Between shock and joy. Rosa approached her tearful husband. "Let's treat the child together. I will love him like my own. "Said Rosa.

Han was gonna divorce Rosa and give her part of the treasure. Considering his wife just died and his son needs a mother figure, he trumps his ego. Han nodded in agreement. A warm embrace greets the new little family.