
Love Across the Feud

Blurb When childhood friends Alexia and Bryan marry and start a family, their seemingly perfect life is turned upside down by the return of Alexia's first love, Alfred. Ten years ago, their families' bitter feud and a shocking deception tore them apart. Now, with old wounds reopened and passions rekindled, Alexia must navigate the treacherous landscape of her past and present. Will she find a way to reconcile her love for both men, or will the secrets and lies that once destroyed her chance at happiness strike again? Dive into a tale of forbidden love, family drama, and second chances in this emotional rollercoaster of a romance.

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Chapter Ten: Mr. Martin's Memories

Mr. Martin sat in his study, surrounded by books and tea, his servants attentive to his needs. But despite the comforts,

his mind was elsewhere, lost in memories of his beloved daughter,Alexia.

It had been ten years since she left the house, and the ache in his heart still lingered.

As he sat there, memories flooded his mind like a movie playing in his head.

He remembered Alexia's childhood innocence and joy, her bright smile and infectious laughter.

He saw her running towards him, her little legs moving fast, her arms open wide,

"Dad, look! I drew you!"

she exclaimed, holding up her artwork.

"My little princess is so talented!"

Mr. Martin said, beaming with pride, as he hugged her tight.

"You're going to be a famous artist one day!"

He remembered the times she begged to go outside and play with the other kids,

"Dad, please can I go? Just for a little while?"

she asked, her big brown eyes pleading.

"No, Alexia, you can't. You're my princess, and you shouldn't be seen doing that,"

Mr. Martin said, his voice firm but gentle.

"You're too precious to me, and I can't risk anything happening to you."

"But Dad, I want to make friends! I want to have fun!"

Alexia protested, her voice laced with frustration.

"I know, baby, but trust me, it's for your own good. You'll understand when you're older,"

Mr. Martin said, trying to reassure her.

''Okay,I will take you to Bryan's house,''

he said,

''anything to get out of here,''

she replied,and though it wasn't what she wanted,it was better.

As the memories played out, Mr. Martin's emotions shifted from happiness to sadness. He remembered the arguments they had when Alexia was eighteen, her defiance and determination to make her own decisions.

"I love Alfred, allow me to make my own choices,

I'm grown now and I have the right to date whoever I want!"

Alexia exclaimed, her voice firm but shaking.

"Who told you you're old enough, Alexia?

You're grounded, you're not allowed to step an inch outside.Give me your cellphone!"

Mr. Martin demanded, his anger and fear of losing control boiling over.

"You're not listening to me, Dad. You never listen!"

Alexia shouted, tears streaming down her face.

"I hate you! I hate this house! I hate being trapped!"

Mr. Martin saw himself snatching the phone from her hand,

his heart heavy with regret. He remembered the tears in her eyes,

the hurt in her voice, and the sound of the door slamming shut as entered her room.

The memories tormented him, a constant reminder of his failure as a father. He had tried to protect her, but in doing so, he had pushed her away. Now, he was left alone, surrounded by the echoes of their past.

Mr. Martin's eyes welled up with tears as he realized that his obsession with controlling Alexia had cost him the very thing he held dear their relationship.

He wept, mourning the loss of their bond, the years they had spent apart.

"My little princess, I'm so sorry, I was afraid. Please forgive me, Alexia. Everything i did was because I loved you and I will always love you,"

he whispered, his voice cracking with emotion.

In as much as Alexia was now married,they weren't close as they should've been.

The silence was deafening, and Mr. Martin was left to face the consequences of his own actions.

He sat there, surrounded by the shadows of his past, haunted by the memories of the daughter he had lost.

Mr. Martin sat in his study, lost in thought, when another flashback hit him like a ton of bricks.

He saw Alexia's Nanny, Mrs. Lucy, handing him a letter. The letter was written by Alexia,

"What is this?"

he asked, his voice shaking with anger and disbelief.

"I think you should read and find out for yourself, Sir,"

Mrs. Lucy replied, her voice trembling.

"She actually gave me this to give to Alfred, but when I read the content, I couldn't give it to him."

The letter was addressed to Alfred, and as Mr. Martin read the words, his eyes widened in shock.

"Alfeey, my Love, I've missed you so much. My dad grounded me, and that's why I've been unable to contact you. I have something very important to tell you, Alfred. I'm pregnant. I don't know what to do. Please come and take me out of here. Your Heartbeat, Alexia"

As he finished reading, Mr. Martin's face contorted in rage and disappointment. His little princess was pregnant, and he felt like he had failed her in every way possible.

"So, after everything, I failed as her father," he cried out, his voice echoing through the study.

"Mrs. Lucy, I failed!"

Tears streamed down his face but he still didn't realize that his overprotectiveness and controlling behavior had driven Alexia to rebellion and secrecy.

He had been so focused on shielding her from the world that he had forgotten to prepare her for life's challenges.

He was still prepared to keep controlling her.

''i wasn't able to direct my little princess,I will do better.am older and I know what is best for her ''

Mr. Martin's mind raced with thoughts of Alexia, alone and pregnant, and Alfred, the young man who had stolen her heart.

He felt a deep regret for not being the father she needed, for not being there to guide her and support her when she needed it most.

The letter lay on his desk, a constant reminder of his failure as a father.

Mr. Martin's heart was heavy with sorrow, and he knew that he had to find a way to make things right, to be the father Alexia deserved, no matter how late it may be.

In another flashback, Alexia's Nanny, Mrs. Lucy, was seen handing a letter to Mr. Martin.

This time, it was from Alfred. Mr. Martin's expression was uncertain as he took the letter from Mrs. Lucy, his hands shaking slightly.

"Is from Alfred, Sir. He begged me to give it to Alexia,"

Mrs. Lucy explained.

Mr. Martin quickly opened the letter and began reading. His eyes scanned the page, and his face turned red with anger and disappointment.

"Dear Alexia, why haven't you come to our meeting point? And I've been trying your line, but it's switched off. I've missed you.

My love, I love you so much; please don't shut the door on me. There's nothing going on between Sandy and i; I swear. Baby, let's elope; that's the only way we can be together. I've saved up some cash; no one can stop us. I love you so much. Reply when you get this letter. Yours sincerely, Alfeey."

Mr. Martin's eyes widened in disbelief. Elope? Anderson, his little princess, was planning to run away with Alfred? He felt a surge of anger and betrayal, his mind racing with thoughts of how he had failed as a father.

''i have to save my daughter from this shame,I must do something quickly,''

How would have handled this case if you were Mr. Martin?

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