
Love: A Twisted Curse

Love is a gift, at the same time it is also a curse... "From this day on prince of darkness, I curse you with the six stars of David..." At this point, Lucian had to cough to prevent himself from laughing out loud at Nikel's ridiculous curse. "The day you find love in the hands of a human maiden, the day your destruction begins." Lucian, demon prince of wrath had been cursed to die by love by the great archangel Nikel during a bloody battle. Four thousand years later, the curse manifests and Lucian, who had avoided women found himself falling in love with a young human maiden. The secret about his curse also gets out and his enemies seek for a way to kill him by using the curse. Love is a wonderful feeling, and Lucian knowing that his love for her would lead to his death still tries to fight for his love and fight for his life. Will Lucian conquer the curse and manage to live happily with his love or will the curse manifest and lead to his death in the end?

Chukwuemeka_101 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
25 Chs

Introducing Elora

"What's the matter?" Lucian managed to ask though he knew exactly what was wrong with her.

"My head... It hurts." Repeated memory erasure techniques on a human can lead to permanent brain damage so Lucian was taking a huge risk by erasing Elora's memories but he had to do it, he knew that the idea of having a demon a friend wouldn't sit well with her so he had to do it.

'This will be the last time...' he told himself, 'if I show my abilities in front of her again, I'll have to live with it.'

"It's probably shocking," Lucian assured her, "Come on, let's get out of here."

Wrapping her body in Derek's bedsheet, Lucian led her out of Derek's mansion and had his workers get a car to take them back to his condo.


A few days later, Elora tendered her resignation letter at Gallant Companies after Lucian offered her a well-paying spot at his company.

She was surprised when Lucian showed her his company because she found out that Lucian wasn't just any ordinary millionaire, he was a millionaire without affiliations, meaning that, unlike Derek's parents who had to combine their wealth to be that wealthy, Lucian his own was wealthier than them.

One day after work, Lucian took Elora for a ride in his convertible, and they were having a deep conversation about themselves. The more they talked to each other, the more they realized that they liked each other more than they would care to admit. But none of them said a word about it.

Their ride had been so peaceful and satisfying that none of them wishes it would end, but the weather spoilt everything.

In an instant, the clouds darkened and the wind became more violent. Before Lucian could turn around and drive home, the rain had already begun to fall heavily.

Lucian tried to close the roof of the convertible but it wasn't working so he managed the rain and drove Elora to his condo which was the closest place they could go.

'Tell everyone to act normal and gather at the meeting room, I'm bringing a human.' Lucian said in his mind linking to his second battalion commander, Razor.

After parking the car in the garage, he led Elora into the condo and she couldn't help but keep her mouth agape at the luxuriousness of the condo.

"You mean... This whole house belongs to you?" She asked him as they walked down the hallways to Lucian's meeting room.

The water dripping from their bodies made a trail as they walked.

"Yeah," Lucian replied,

"Wow..." She was dumbfounded and at the loss of words to say. The sort of building that Lucian lived in was usually owned by groups of companies, so for Lucian to own it alone, he must be extremely wealthy.

"I'm sorry if I'm intruding but I couldn't help but notice that we haven't passed anybody since we entered into the building. Aren't there people who help you to take care of the place?" She asked curiously,

"There are," Lucian said and opened the large double doors to the meeting room, revealing all the servants and commanders in the building waiting quietly and patiently for him.

"Wow..." Elora said wordlessly as she looked at the numerous eyes that were curiously staring at her.

If she knew better, she would know that they were wondering why their revered master returned home with a human woman. This was something that had never happened since they began to serve him so they were all interested to know the type of human woman that could make their master bring her home.

"Would you mind if I introduce you to them?" Lucian said softly to her after they had walked past the servants and were now at the head of the room.

"No, I won't mind," Elora replied softly and winked, "after all we all work under the same boss."

Lucian smiled softly at her comment and turned to his people.

"I present to you all the newest addition to the company, Elora," Lucian started, he could feel the apprehension from them. They weren't comfortable with the presence of a human amongst them. The condo was the only place where the demons could act like demons freely without any fear of being seen by humans so it was understandable that they were apprehensive at Elora's presence.

But Lucian had to try his best to placate them, "You'll be seeing her around more often and the only order I have for you people is to accord her the same respect you do for me. If you do that, then there won't be any problems."

Lucian's last words carried a hidden threat, and many of them caught onto it.

"You all are dismissed now." He said with a wave of his hand and they all bowed and began to leave the room.


"I see why Master brought this one home.." Xella said to Lilian with a small smile.

For a moment, Lilian didn't reply, her eyes had a faraway expression on them, like she was lost in thought and her hand clutches her stomach firmly.

"Earth to Lilian," Xella said as he waved her hand in front of Lilian's face, snapping her back to reality.

"Huh? Were you talking to me?" She felt a bit embarrassed at how she spaced out.

"Yes, I was talking about the new human that Master brought home." Xella continued,

"Yeah..." Lilian's voice dropped noticeably, "what about her?"

"I said I've seen why Master brought her home," Xella repeated,

"Really? Why?" Lilian asked unenthusiastically,

"You don't really wanna know, do you?" Xella asked as she jabbed a finger toward Lilian,

"That's not it Xella," Lilian tried to defend herself, "I'm just feeling a bit tired. I think I should have some rest, I'll talk to you later."

Before Xella could say "Jack Robinson" Lilian had already left her standing alone in the hallway.

'Something's wrong with Lilian...' she thought, 'the Lilian I know is always lively and rarely spaces out, especially about a matter concerning master like this, she also doesn't get tired easily, especially after doing nothing all day. Something's wrong and I'll find out soon.'