
LOVE --over-- POWERS

DaoSunflower · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs


It was a freezing night in a town at Norland, snow was seen scattered almost everywhere, on house roofs, on tree leaves even on the street ground leaving some foot steps mark as each human ramble their feet in the fallen snow.

A young lady in her early twenties was seen coming out of a supermarket muttering some words angrily with her boot stepping on any and everything on her path

Half way to her car as she walks clumsily every items with her poured to the floor.

"Holy God. What rubbish" Emily grumbled, feeling so frustrated, she picked up every items and head for the car,

the items were flunged into the back seat and about turning to the driver's seat she collide with a man dressed in black with his head bowed.

Oh no, what's wrong with everyone today, go get yourself a good eye sight she yelled at the stranger who didn't stop his steps even after hitting her.

On hearing her words the young man turned back and walked towards her moving in a lifeless way,

As he gets closer to her, Emily was at first shocked to see him walk back toward her so fast, on getting closer he started sniffing around her closing the gaps between them in such a way you might think he meant to embrace her.

"What the heck, are you some kind of dog or what"

The stranger stood opposite her as she lean on her car with his hands forming a barrier on both sides, he growled hitting the car which startled Emily.

But just within a winkle of an eye the strange man collapse.

'Oh my goodness'

She exclaimed watching the strange man who was now lying on the floor, she was confused on what type of human this was..

I never did anything to him, "she stuttered, talking to no one"

she bent slightly to check his plus but couldn't figure out what went wrong,

After some minutes of parambulating in fear she dragged him aside and rushed into the vehicle. As she drove pass his body she had a second thought and drove back to rescue him. She was totally trembling...

Emily was seen bathing the stranger's fore head with a piece of towel and cold water to reduce his running temperature, afterward a nurse walked in to get him treated then turn to speak with Emily, prescribed some drugs and said.

Sorry how is he to you ' the nurse asked with a curious look on her face'

ehh, emm yeah he is my cousin.

Okay but I'm sorry to say he need to be taking to the hospital for proper check up and you need to act fast on that he needs to be diagnosed I can't really figure out what's wrong with him.

She inhaled and exhaled deeply

I thought has much 'she muttered'

Okay I will Thanks anyway

She accompined the nurse to the door and head back in, the moment she stepped in, she heard the stranger sneezed which made her rush up to him.

OH my gracious Lord "she exclaimed happily awaiting him to open his eyes but the moment he did so his Iris looked abnormal as it turned red then fluctuated back to the normal colour which was sea blue in colour)

oh my goodness what was that "She looks terrified"

Well let me get you a water to drink but before that let me help you seat up ( Emily helped him seat properly and went to get him a glass of water) do you know I noticed alot of mysterious things about you

Firstly am Emily by the way (she stretch forth her hand for a shake) what about you.

Where am I ?

You don't remember, Well probably because you've been unconsious for like a week now.

What's a week I step on this soil just last moon and what did you do to me?

Hello young man I did nothing to you but help. Well just keep calm "Emily said moving closer to pat him on his shoulder, but there certainly was this strong scent coming from Emily's which couldn't make the man control himself but sniff, he drag Emily closer and he placed his nose on her neck then sniff harder which made him had a flash back)

In the ancient world where we have all type of spicies the witches and wizard who are also the sorceress, the vampires which are the blood suckers. the demons which are the devil's. They all onces lived on Earth but when they were minority of them and majority of the humans. They where been drove out of Earth after the humans found out their secret, they were been hunted and killed.

the witches called all spieces together and used their magic power to take them to another world which they named the ancient world which lies in-between heaven and Earth They've been living their for years. But their came a prophecy after the death of their favorite king and his queen which says the power of immortality lies in the Earth.

They've sent down alot of guardians to search for it but they all returned futile while some where been killed at the process. Their oat was to get what ever it is that has the power to make them forever imortal and invade the Earth. But they have no slightest clue what it could be.

Now it was Adonis's turn. He was brought to Earth through a portal which landed him in a garden on Earth, where he met a Gardner. The Gardner was horrified at the sight of him he couldn't help his fear as he collapse,

Adonis got into the Gardner's dress.

On his way to no where in particular he met Emily who he accidentally collide with, but passing by her he felt this strange but nice scent coming from Emily he tried ignoring it but it was so strong that it kept dragging him back to her..

Emily who was still in his grip as the stranger thought were already away.. she was still been withheld by the stranger

"let me go I can't breathe, you are choking me"

He released her as she went out of balance and fell, she got to her feet and rushed for a glass of water which she gulped down her throat in haste, after she was satisfied she stormed into his room

Now get yourself out of my house after saving you what you could repay me with was to strangle me to death, get out

She yelled dragging him out of bed.


In a large conference room we have three old men in laboratory coat and two young men dressed in suit and tie all sitting round a table place before them all was a bottle water and beside it lies some serial band files.

A man among those who had laboratory coat on cleared his throat to gain attention of others whose head were fully buried in the file they were going through.

My colleagues and I have gone through your proposals and we were been informed that you've submitted previously which was severally rejected, can we know the motive behind you not given up in collaborating with us.

Yes truly we've submitted our proposal countless times, and for we not backing out surely we know nothing comes easily at the snap of a finger, and certainly we know before now the company would have been cooperating with some other companies, so we must be able to prove ourselves worthy of the post of you entrusting the lives of your patience in us.

If the hospital could at least try dealing with us which I'm very certain that there will be no dispute during and after the collaborating.

It's just for the hospital to accept us to be the supplier of medicine for the next five years which we are licence to supply by the government itself which means there is no cause for alarm.

And again 'the second man in suit continues from were his colleagues had halted'

We've agreed to give the hospital a great deal of discount when we heard about the new 'Emergency Aid' group organised for the poor on their medical affairs which we are proud of.

The three men in coat smiled to each other as they whispered in each other's ear for few seconds before finally turning back to the men who were sitting patiently before them.

Thou we aren't in the position for final says but we assure you once the CEO arrives back from his trip we shall tender your proposals to him, so we shall dismiss the meeting now..

As the Lab men where about standing a cheque was pushed toward them by the suit men.

I know with this we can start a good friendship if you can help in convincing your CEO in dealing with us.

The three men eyes widened seeing the cheque before them, at first they were staring blankly into each other's eye before the older man among them took the cheque with a grin on his face..

It's nice having business with you...

With this the men shook hands smiling at each other before stepping out of the conference room.