

"What if this was some kind of punishment .. yeah that must be it " but what did I do , and who is so big that he or she would have punished me like this ? Wait "Maybe... I made it to heaven alone , but am sure heaven's streets aren't so ...human damaged . " Ughhh my brain is tired I don't even think this much during end of year exams , maybe cause I didn't have too . " or maybe am in hell . pfft nahh I know a lot of people who have a special place down there " wooow now am the one to judge ? that's not my job . "forgive me God " I pray sincerely in hopes that I will get an answer which never came . _______________________ Rose Habib is a 17 year old who rather prefers to keep her smart remarks at bay and not start a war , except on rare occasions where she would answer to shut up the other party. but this time she chose the absolute wrong moment to talk back .thus she felt like she had to...... but what does this have to do with her finding herself in a deserted neighborhood ? nothing obviously . so why then ? well read to find out .

mE_Sh · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
8 Chs


we sat in silence for a few seconds before baba's deep voice broke the silence " well why exactly am I here ?" . the principal shifted uncomfortably he looked slightly intimidated by baba ' good ' .

"Mr Habib , I called you in to discuss about your daughter's inacceptable attitude " I scoffed ." she expressed disrespect to me as well as to her fellow student calling us ' dogs' may I quote " he said looking stern , baba turned to look at me with disbelief " she what ?" , " Rose kwanini ?" baba asked ( Rose why ?). " baba I didn't call him a dog it was just a question " I defended . " you implied Rose and I don't need to repeat the same words whether it was a question or reference either way it was inappropriate " the principal said getting annoyed by the minute . " let her explain herself " baba said firmly and the principal sank back in his seat " sir what is inappropriate is you using favoring a student to the rest " I said " and referring to us as flavors " said Malik from wherever he was sitting on the sofa next to his mom while his father sat next to mine "wait" "what" they exclaimed " I would say no such thing " the principal tried to explain " are you insinuating my son is lying ? " his mom asked with a challenging look as she crossed her arms . ' boi you messed with the wrong parents' I smiled amused as Malik gave me a knowing smile " I- I mean that he got it all wrong " he stutters ' what a sight ' I was fighting so hard no too laugh " it was one of the students and I will make sure he gets punished as well " he said " you better Malik's dad said . yea-" hold up, you believe him ? " " Rose he is the principal if he was that kind of guy you wouldn't be in this school " Baba looked at me with pleading eyes.. ? .

" there's no way my son staying in this kind of school , Malik let's go " Malik's mother said ushering him out Malik looked back with a look of pity " Salma wait" his dad tried to plead as he followed her outside leaving us . ' what is going on ?'

and you can imagine the rest ...


'I am mad mad ' furious even

how dare he agree with that ... that pig

if I doesn't stop now what else will he do separate the coloured kids from the white kids ? .

Baba is the one who always supports me when I speak up for myself and defend what's right .

Yeah maybe I used the wrong words but I didn't deserve to be suspended .

atleast Malik's mother believed him and he won't have to face that excuse of a principal again. everything was good until something clicked in Baba's head .

'all this pondering is making me hungry'

I slowly open the door not to make noise and listened for any noise from the kitchen . I heard none so I made my way to the kitchen. as I made it to the kitchen the TV turned on making me jump slightly at the sudden sound . " you finally decided to grace me with your presence" Baba says .

'pfft rather the kitchen ' I thought but didn't voice .

I opened the fridge and took out the ingredients for my 'sàndwich de carne '.

I doubt a sandwich will satisfy me but I don't want to stay long enough to prepare something better . I start making my sandwich as baba enters the kitchen and takes out what looks like pasta from the microwave . how dare he make pasta and not share , I bet it is to make me jealous and-

" here I kept some for you " he said with a kind smile . now I feel awful for sure .

" will do me the honor and join me " he said dramatically . I want to stay but I can't help it " if you insist " I say with a tiny smile trying to hold back as much as I can .

we are watching a sappy old movie by old I mean black and white kind of old .

the story honestly sad but the acting is exaggerated as excepted .

Baba looks like he could cry at any given moment , he's probably holding back because I am around .

I sniff and wipe a fake tear . " don't cry there's nothing to cry about " he coos as pulls me close " it's horrible" I dramatize " I know feel like crying" he says not catching on "it's okay for a big man to cry you know " I say faking empathy , he turns his attention to me and I keep mine on the TV " are you mocking me ? "

he asks " I would do no such thing father " I answer back in an British accent he slaps the back of my head lightly and chuckles . " baba am sorry " I say looking down in shame " neither did I explain myself" baba says " why would you explain yourself ?" I ask confused

" when your mother and I decided-" before he finishes " sorry sorry is this going to be long ? no disrespect baba but can I grab a blanket first ? please ..." I say apologetically " hurry up and bring the long one " he says as sprint up stairs to get it.
