
Lost World: Online

A new user has registered in a lost world. We hope you enjoy your new adventure. Don't die so soon~] With those words, I was welcomed to this new video game world that had taken the world by surprise, as an unannounced storm, with its innovative and yet unknown technology "lost worlds" took a futuristic leap with its overdeveloped A.I., its combat system, rich environments to explore and even more intriguing, its secrets, still shrouded in a thick cloak of mystery. [Let the game begin~]

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Wolves, three idiots and a tortoise (1)

[You have entered the goblin cave.]

I could not help it, as I continued along the path, in the distance I could see a cave that was far from the path, at first it seemed to be a large rock.

As I got closer I couldn't help but notice the footprints on the ground, sharp marks on the rock wall, dry grass, branches, and some bones.

Something or someone was living in that cave, although the notification had already made me aware of what was living there.

I looked back at the country road, it would be a grave mistake to fight without equipment, although at the moment it was a bit debatable, due to the ring I was wearing.

I decided to take a chance, level up, and get loot, I could do that here, but 15 gold coins in my inventory weren't much, hell, I didn't even know if it would be enough for a sword, now that I noticed, I didn't check the coin either.

When I looked at my inventory I noticed something strange, the coin or money section was separated into 3 sections.

[15 G/0 S /0 B]

looking at it, I couldn't understand the initials at first, although sooner or later I would learn what they meant.

"Keeping silent will give me the upper hand in combat." I decided to play it safe, so I decided to crouch down and keep my back to the wall until at a certain point inside the cave I could notice a putrid odor.

The game was not real, but that smell, that smell of rotting flesh, defecation, and urine, suddenly invaded my nose, and my eyes became crystal clear momentarily.

The smell had brought tears to my eyes.

"....." I held my breath and decided to use my clothes like a mask.

The most I could do at that moment was to cover myself with the current clothes on me, it wasn't worth tearing my only clothes.

"What a stench for God's sake!" I couldn't help but swear, though I tried to keep my voice as low as possible. I couldn't afford to waste the surprise factor.

To tell the truth, I had no idea how combat worked in the game, so I decided to experiment with the goblins since a couple of them had made their presence known at the time.

Inside the cave, my vision quickly adapted to the low light conditions, although further into the cave I could already see the illumination of a campfire.

This illumination helped me a lot in my situation, I stayed behind a rock protruding from the wall, using its shadow to stalk a goblin that came too close, although I didn't want to attack it head-on.

The little elf stood still, watching the entrance, without even suspecting that someone had already entered, perhaps the smell inside the cave had also screwed up his olfactory capacity.

I looked from left to right, but the goblin did not move, it firmly maintained its position, which was already starting to make me angry.

It wasn't the fact that I was losing my patience, that smell was starting to make me dizzy.

"Fuck this....!" I insulted one last time, rising from the shadow at an abnormal speed.

"Kiiooo?!" The goblin exclaimed, at the sudden appearance of a human in the cave, though this one didn't last long either.


The sudden crash of my fist on the goblin's head was heard inside the cave.

[You have smashed a goblin] [You have gained 55 EXP.]

"haha...hahaha" I couldn't help but laugh at the excitement of eliminating my first opponent, the first of many.

Although the happiness didn't last long.

I felt viscosity in my hand, sudden warmth, and a slight feeling of discomfort, when I looked at my fist I could notice...flesh.

When I moved my fist, I noticed the goblin, or what was left of him, his head, his head had been smashed open, as if someone had attacked another person with a sledgehammer.

I couldn't help it at that moment, the sudden image of the scattered brain turned my stomach.

I couldn't hold it at that moment, it was a video game, but it was too real, it felt so real.

my hands were shaking, and it seemed like that affect me quite badly.

"I decided to sit down with my back against the rock, I decided to calm down before moving forward.




AshFire outskirts.

"Perfect cut!" A brown-haired young man, fully equipped with metal armor and carrying a flamenberg; He shouted the name of his skill, suddenly his sword was enveloped with a reddish aura, which easily cut off the top of a wolf's head.

[You have killed a meadow wolf][+ 27 EXP].

"Heavy arrow!" Another young man, this time blue-haired, with light green robes, exclaimed, enveloping his next arrow with an aura of blue energy, which with equal ease; pierced the head of another wolf.

You have killed a meadow wolf][+ 27 EXP].

"Could you two idiots refrain from going around shouting your skills as if that would have any positive effect?" [Lia 9].

A young girl with long red hair, and a slim figure, couldn't help but give her opinion on her companions' behavior.

"Shut up ironing board, we're enjoying the game!" [Luka 8].

Luka, the brown-haired boy with the flamenber, couldn't help but insult his companions, although, at first glance, it was an offensive insult. It seemed to be that they were both related.

"Shut your useless mouth. We worked all summer for the money and the last thing I need right now is a death penalty because you two morons lured every mob in the vicinity!" [Lia 9]

Lia couldn't help but take it out on her companions as well, and with good reason, the hostile mobs in the area were attacking so frequently because these wolves, being already territorial creatures, would not allow anyone to come into their territory to wreak havoc.

Including two players, shouting at the top of their lungs did not help to solve the problem. Although the experience was always welcome and was a great strategy to level up.

"Oh....so was that why they kept coming up to fight us?"[Seraphin 9].

The blue-haired young man with bow and arrows, dressed in pale green clothes exclaimed, surprised with the level of depth to detail of the world, it was rare to find a game that offered such a level of detail and even more so in a cheap game.

"¿¡How come you two didn't notice that!?" [Lia 9].

Lia couldn't help but shout, surprised at how clueless her teammates were not to notice such a detail. although, In reality, it was an already difficult detail to take notice of since many entertain themselves by fighting, fishing, or doing other types of activities in the game.

"Are you seriously asking me how we're not noticing these kinds of details and not noticing how we're chopping off fucking wolves' heads INSTEAD OF COMPLAINING ABOUT EVERYTHING COME HERE AND HELP US SO WE CAN GET TO THE DAMNED DUNK, DAMN IT!"[Luka 8]

Luka lost his patience. Seraphin was stunned by how Luka just yelled at his sister, but before saying anything he concentrated on his part of fighting the prairie wolves.

"Rain of arrows!"[Seraphin 9].


Seraphin shouted, suddenly the hand which held his bow pointing it towards the sky, his hand was permeated with a green aura which made multiple arrows appear between his fingers, which he shot into the sky, emitting a weak flash of light.




The light stunned the meadow wolves for a few seconds, but for some reason, the arrows had not yet fallen.

"Great skill Sera, I'm sure the light came in handy, but I'd like you to kill something for a change. It's been two hours since you leveled up...?" [Luka 9].



"Kukk..." [Meadow wolf 7]

[You have killed a meadow wolf +27 EXP]

An arrow suddenly landed on the head of a prairie wolf, killing it instantly.

"Aghh!..." [Meadow wolf 7]

[You have killed a meadow wolf +29 EXP]

"gu..!!..." [Meadow wolf 7]

[You have killed a meadow wolf +29 EXP]

"Ughh!!..." [Meadow wolf 6]

[You have killed a meadow wolf +23 EXP]

"GAhh!!..." [Meadow wolf 9]

[You have killed a meadow wolf +31 EXP]

"Grrr..." [Meadow wolf 7]

[You have killed a meadow wolf +29 EXP]

Luka was about to mock Seraphin, though his joke fell short when a new light appeared in the sky and a rain of arrows, began to fall in a wide area, hitting several wolves at the same time, killing several and leaving others badly wounded.

[Group announcement, Seraphin has obtained level 10].

The group message suddenly appeared and at that moment Luka and Lia's expressions changed completely, although Seraphin could only avoid smiling at that moment.

"... Guys... I think you should hurry up or I'm going to leave you behind. HAHAHAHAHA!!." [Seraphin 10].

[Enough creatures have been killed in this area to attract a Field Boss.]

[ ****{Meadow Master Wolf}**** has appeared to avenge the wounded members of his pack and his slaughtered children]

Seraphin said proudly, letting out a macabre laugh mocking his two allies, though the laughter was short-lived and his expression of joy turned to one of disappointment as he saw the creature emerge from the trees.

"!Screw the wolves of the meadows¡" [Luka/Lia/Seraphin].

The three shouted at the same time turning around to run away literally no one wanted to lose their loot and even less to have a death penalty, which at lower levels was not a problem, but annoying to prevent players from advancing levels fast.

"You folks...you're not running anywhere..." [The Wolf Master]

The Wolf Master exclaimed, his deep voice causing the three youths in the group to feel a sudden chill as they listened to him speak.



The giant wolf's footsteps caused small tremors on the ground, due to his body weight. Even though he seemed to be made of vines, plants, and roots, he was still a four-star boss.

"Don't worry, we can take him if we all work together and when we finish him off, we'll split the loot between us all!!!" A player clad purely in metal armor from head to toe with a tower shield in hand appeared in front of the group, proudly exclaiming that he would help them defeat the huge monstrosity.