
Lost with twelve sins

Derrick is gifted a force after exile and today, He is disguised as a flight attendant to save twelve wealthy hot ladies, who are heirs of top incorporations, including his wife to be, despite his warnings concerning a coup... They all looked down on him and never gave him ears to understand him, not until they encountered a terrible plane crash into an unknown island, where Derrick learns that he is the only man alive with the rest of the twelve girls, who now all are dependent on him for their protection. But how can he protect them? Without a bad sweet taste of them all!?

DaoistpaI7jP · perkotaan
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54 Chs

Chapter 5

Derrick felt as though he ran mad!

It was hard to believe if it was true at all.

He couldn't believe that he came from such a family, despite knowing back then that his family was well respected for their wealth, he didn't expect that they were that rich, or in this case extremely wealthy.

He definitely couldn't tell of the amount of money they had back as it felt regular for him but then now… He knew.

If his upkeep money was six trillion dollars per week then the amount of how much his family was worth could be quadrillions, definitely an uncountable amount of money that isn't fixed or exposed to the public due to the properties they owned.

He fell speechless but he was overjoyed of what he was going to do next.

Because he had made Nina his official wife but thinking of the death of his mother who died after getting rejected by his grandfather who forced his dad, pained him and to think his father was now dead too, hurt him to the core.

He felt really bad because he never got to say his goodbyes or conversed with his dad like a son would to their father.

Although the fact that his grandfather was behind the entire separation did not sit right for Derrick to forgive him so easily... Although the challenges he faced as a result of his grandfather's decisions is what shaped him into what he had now become.

Whilsts Derrick's face changed, Mr. Cather got worried instantly as he felt that Derrick was about to react and reject it still.

"You're the heir of Vlon incorporation, the only heir for the family and your grandfather has declared that if you accept to go back, he will also sign the rests of the families properties, the estates, the petroleum companies and the rest of the family properties to you, although if you don't accept this invitation... You can still keep the rest." Mr. Cather said to his young master giving him a bow.

"All that for me?" Derrick asked, shocked.

"Of Course and that isn't all, because Xazin incorporation has also been signed to you, I will advise you to visit there to take over as the New CEO, the business there is worth nine hundred bazillion." Cather said to a stunned out Derrick, who couldn't believe his family owned that many powerful companies.

So that amount of money existed?

Xazin incorporation was so powerful that it had other companies it had developed too and it was just one of his family's companies, amongst the hundred others.

His system had made his life unbelievable.

For a moment there Derrick began to wonder how he was going to govern all this wealth.

Six trillion for upkeep and nine hundred bazillion worth of a whole Xazin incorporation was now in his pocket.

Whilsts Megavilla had the biggest of all business monarchs, Xazin incorporation was the beasts and predator of them all.

The Xazin Group of incorporations wealth was so much that adding top business owners such as Nathan family business and the Britton's would never meet up to how rich and powerfully - influencing it was.

He blinked twice before looking again at his son's grave, before letting out a smile.

He was going to make Nacon Proud.

That incorporation is now his own.

"Young master, I pray and hope you return to the company at least, even so you might not wish to visit your grandfather, at least visit the incorporation tomorrow to take over as CEO." Mr. Cather said before tapping over Derrick's shoulders and walked out of the mortuary as well.

Derrick was a bit confused on what to do as he wondered if he should accept the trillions and mouth watering business being offered to him.

He hadn't forgotten what he faced with his firsts wife or with Lugard Britton, nor did he forget the humiliation he was facing presently at the Nathan family together with Nacon's wicked and tragic death.

Derrick had had enough of this circle repeating itself again and again, and now that he has been offered such an opportunity, why doesn't he grab it for himself so it will boost him?

"Are you planning on rejecting your level up?" The voice in his head asked him.

"Never!" Derrick fired back.

"I'm not going to lose this for anything... After I almost died in Lugard Britton's hand that day you gave me a second chance, I promised you, that I will follow your every word and that I would do!" Derrick blurted out, and his system concurred.

His system's voice remains silent.

Moreover, his grandmother's medical bills still need to be catered for, and now that he had money to help he was going to see her immediately, he didn't want to lose her too, like how he lost all his loved ones.

Derrick got into his Lamborghini Zi Urus which looked like a crazily expensive car and he drove to the hospital.

He uses his face masks to cover his face since he noticed people outside kept starring and taking photos.

The car was indeed worth three Billion dollars and people who saw the rare gem were astonished and pushed to take photos immediately.

Derrick walks out, heading into the hospital where he meets the finance manager.

"Greetings Sir!" The lady greeted with respect acknowledging the car that he came to the hospital to check his grandma with.

"I'm here to pay my grandmother's bills, patient room 093." He said to her.

"Okay, please use your fingerprint here, the bill has amounted to Four million as no one has came ever since." The lady said and Derrick did just that, watching as the computer provides his details and he sends the hospital a whooping ten million dollars instead of four million.

"Sir! Wait, you overspent, you sent us ten million dollars!?" The lady said in shock.

"Yes I did, use it to ensure that all the doctors here attend to her till she is alright and treat the rest of the patients here who haven't paid their bills with the balance too." Derrick said as he dashed out of the hospital at that instant.

"Sir!" Someone kept shouting at him.

"Sir! What do you do for a living?" The person asked but Derrick stayed silent entering his car before driving off back to the Nathan Mansion.

As soon as he reaches the entrance, he whines his glass down to identify the gate man who had become his friend long before Derrick had announced his marriage with Nina at Mrs. Nathan's birthday.

"My friend, wow! Who is this car for?" He asked before firing out another gist in that split second, with his eyes bulging out.

"I heard about Sir Nathan's Decision with marrying his daughter to you, but today was so bad after you left, Mrs. Nathan had an argument with Nina's parents after assaulting Nina and she sent the entire Nina's family out of Megavilla because she's married to you." The gate man said and Derrick turned shocked.

"Although Nina asked me to give you this address, they moved there." The gate man added as Derrick collected the address card and reversed out from where his car faced.

"Where are the rest of the men?" Derrick asked his friend.

"They're indoor." The man replied.

"Call them for me, I have a token for them." Derrick said as the security man called the rest guards who genuinely liked Derricks personality and boldness, before Derrick dash's them $50,000 - thousand dollars each, and in cash.

He was buying the security to his side.

Then he used the address given to him and zoomed off to meet with Nina.

"You should watch your Mouth Nina, see what you are making us go through, you must Divorce that born bastard before you get stripped of your inheritance! Don't forget your grandmother is still the queen and you need to do as she says!" Nina's mother yells at her.

"Fine then, I will create a curriculum Vitae and apply to work elsewhere or I would start my own business and grow it!" Nina fired back whilsts her mother covered her own face, disappointed in how much Nina's heart was strong enough to stick to her husband, no matter the threat.

"My Gosh! This girl! What is so special about that liability husband who has nothing to rely on but the job as your personal guard, he is brainwashing you, the person you should get married to is Triumphant Britton, he loves you!" Nina's mother said annoyed at Nina.

"We had to leave the family house because of your poverty marriage, you should marry Triumphant Britton instead so your grandmother can see them as an investor and brought us back in as family." Her father fires after her mother.

"Dad... Mum... Read my Lips!" Nina yells back.

"I will never Divorce Derrick." She fires too, before the butler in charge brings Derrick in, who overhears their conversation.

"Talk about the devil!" Nina's mother said as she and Nina's father glared at Derrick.

"You even dare to visit this place after all the damages you have caused us!" His mother inlaw stood up ready to send him away.

"I invited him and if you both think you can throw my husband out then let me also tell you that I will be going with him as well!" Nina says, shocking her parents who starred amazed.

"Useless man!" Her mother abuses Derrick who was about to bash back at them, since they didn't know he had over six trillion and was now the new CEO of Xazin incorporation but he stayed silent.

He definitely wasn't ready to expose his identity, although he now treasured Nina because he never thought that she would support and fight for him the way she did.