
Lost with twelve sins

Derrick is gifted a force after exile and today, He is disguised as a flight attendant to save twelve wealthy hot ladies, who are heirs of top incorporations, including his wife to be, despite his warnings concerning a coup... They all looked down on him and never gave him ears to understand him, not until they encountered a terrible plane crash into an unknown island, where Derrick learns that he is the only man alive with the rest of the twelve girls, who now all are dependent on him for their protection. But how can he protect them? Without a bad sweet taste of them all!?

DaoistpaI7jP · perkotaan
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54 Chs

Chapter 50

When they were young, they'd make their pinky promises that way.

"Alright big brother, I will send you the address right away." Nina replied saving her brother's number.

That moment, a call came into her phone. The caller ID was unknown.

"A moment Rochas." Rochas nodded still processing everything he has just heard.

"Hello, Good afternoon." Nina said politely. She's been wondering who'd have her personal number aside her in-laws, Derrick, Vina and Lia.

Even Mr. Brian doesn't have her number.


Nina narrowed her eyes on hearing the voice. She knows this voice so well.

"Sia? What the hell? How did you get my number?" She literally screamed while frowning in displeasure.

"Please Nina don't hang up on me." Sia begged from the other side of the phone.

Nina smirked which made Rochas raised his eyebrows.

His sister has changed so much, aside her behaviour towards him, everything else has changed.

The image of this new Nina is cold, icing, and ruthless?

He really needs to know what changed his sister! She doesn't seem to be the sweet innocent little sister who doesn't fight back when bullied anymore.

This new Nina is strong and not vulnerable.

Rochas wished she had all this quality when his parents and sisters made her go through hell on earth.

Nina has gone through a lot and no doubt, he love this new her.

Anyhow Nina turns out to be, she will forever remain his favourite sister.

Without being told, Rochas knew that whoever called Nina doesn't have a good relationship with her.

"What did you want Sia? Why did you call me? The last time I checked, you will do anything to keep me miles away from you. Even if it means taking my life." Nina said.

"I am sorry, I really am sorry. Please, I came to see you in the agency but they denied me entrance, can you come out let me see you briefly please, it's very important and I promise. I won't take much of your time. I regret ever plotting against you."

Sia said sincerely. She really meant everything she said. Over the time, she discovered the force Nina surrounded herself with is strong.

Nina thought about it for a while wondering why Sia want to see her.

She grinned again shrugging her shoulder.

"I will be there." Nina said and hung up.

Rochas stood up glancing at Nina.

"That's my cue to leave, don't forget to send me your address. Oh well, call me too." He said pocketing his hands.

Nina gave him a hug nodding her head.

"I will bro, I love you." She yelled after Rochas who was almost out of the door.

"I love you too baby sis."


"Where are you heading to Nina?" Lia asked coming out of no where behind Nina who was making her way out to see Sia.

"To the gate, I want to see someone." Nina replied.

"I just left your office now and discovered you were not there so I decided to check out." Lia said

"Okay... any problem? Why did you go to my office?" Nina asked

" Mr. Brian wants to see you in his office right away."

Nina frowned, she's been doing a lot of frowning lately.

"Why? Why will he want to see me?" She asked surprise.

If there's anything Mr. Brian want to discuss with her, he'd call her office line or through Lia so what?

"I don't know either, he asked me to tell you that so I advice you tell whoever is waiting for you to come back some other time." Lia said.

Nina thought about it and sighed.

She will just text Sia, maybe they could meet up some other time.

"Let's go then." Nina replied.

"I am not going with you, he wants to personally see you. That was his order, wait! Did you do anything Nina?" Nina scoffed.

"Do what? I didn't do anything." She defended.

"Okay okay, go see already before he gets angry or something" Lia pushed Nina back in side.

Nina took the elevator to Mr. Brian's floor and gently knocked on his door.

"Come in." Nina entered into his office to see him comfortably sitting on his chair.

"Good afternoon Sir." Nina greeted politely.

"Afternoon Nina, please sit." Mr. Brian said staring lustfully at her.

"You called for me Sir." Nina said mentally rolling her eyes at the way he's gazing at her.

"I did, you see. It's not about business, I called you because I want to have a personal discussion with you."

Nina blinked her eyes in surprise. A personal discussion?

"Okay Sir." She replied giving him one of her fake smiles.

"Sincerely, since you came into this agency. I have had my eyes on you." Mr. Brian said licking his lips with a lustful gaze.

If he goes straight to the point and Nina dare turn him down, he will threaten her with her job here.

The way he longed for Nina's body, he will have her. That's a must.

Nina couldn't help but scoff.

"I don't understand Sir."

"You are not a kid anymore Nina, you should know what I am talking about." Mr. Brian replied standing up.

Nina stood up too and they faced each other.

He grabbed her hand drawing Nina closer to him.

Nina seethed her teeth withdrawing herself from his hold but his grip tightened around her hand.

It came to a point her wrist began hurting.

"What did you want Mr. Brian, let me go. You are hurting me." She said innocently.

How blind she had been to notice Mr. Brian is a perverted boss.

If he can have any of his workers, Nina is an exception. Nothing is ever going to happen between them. Not even in his dreams.

"I want you Nina, just a night with me and I will elevate your status in this agency. I will pay you thrice your salary, I will make sure you are given the best treatment in this agency."

Grabbing Nina by the waist, he drew her closer till they were inch apart.

"I am sorry to say but I am not interested in having a night with you, I don't want your offers. Can you let me go now?" Nina replied angrily, it's taking her all her might to control her anger.

This old cargo is really something.

"You can't turn me down to my face Nina, either will or not, I must have you else..."

"Else what? Huh?" Nina pushed him in annoyance and he landed his back on the desk.

Mr. Brian's eyes widened in shock, how can a mere lady have the power of a horse?

Nina pushed him down! She really did?

He angrily slammed his hands on the table walking back to her.

"How dare you?" Mr. Brian grabbed Nina with her dress dragging her to his front.