
Lost with twelve sins

Derrick is gifted a force after exile and today, He is disguised as a flight attendant to save twelve wealthy hot ladies, who are heirs of top incorporations, including his wife to be, despite his warnings concerning a coup... They all looked down on him and never gave him ears to understand him, not until they encountered a terrible plane crash into an unknown island, where Derrick learns that he is the only man alive with the rest of the twelve girls, who now all are dependent on him for their protection. But how can he protect them? Without a bad sweet taste of them all!?

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54 Chs

Chapter 36

As securities, they are always seeing them together in the same car. No one knows their relationship but they should be very close.

It's none of their business and they can't tell outsiders. If they do, they will have to compensate Derrick with the money that can better their lives for fifty years.

"You can go now ma'am, we are sorry, we were only doing our jobs."

He bowed to Lia as she entered into her car driving in.

Few minutes later...

Lia's hands flew to her mouth the moment she stepped in staring at Nina questionably.

Nina just shrugged her shoulders without saying anything.

"This place is so magnificent and beautiful. I have never in my entire life been to this kind of mansion. What are you doing here Nina?"

Lia asked while Nina rolled her eyes.

"Is that supposed to be a question? I live here of course." Nina replied.

"How? What..."

"Hey babe."

Derrick came out of nowhere kissing Nina's cheeks.

Nina really wanted to smack him as she said earlier but too bad, they have a visitor.

Derrick held her waist protectively stealing another kiss from her, this time was her lips.

Nina slapped his hand in return and he ended up laughing.

Lia stood frozen in one place watching them display their affection.

This is Derrick! Derrick Xaxin! The most richest man in the whole world perhaps.

Nina knows him, no it seems like they have known each other.

Lia finally met the cold billionaire. He wasn't cold to Nina, he just kissed her.

He even laughed! Derrick Xaxin laughed.

Lia felt like fainting. This is to real to be fake!

Derrick saw her there, he believes if Nina could let her in then she's someone they can trust.

"Oh well, Derrick meet Lia my manager and Lia, meet Derrick, my husband."

Lia held a loud bang in her head. She didn't hear Nina right!

Derrick is her husband! Like Derrick Xaxin. The most powerful man in the country is Nina's husband.


Sia paced to and fro thinking of what to do.

Nina has really stepped on her toe and it's hurting her so badly.

For knowing her secrets, Nina doesn't deserve to live. She will create pain for her.

The pain will break her for eternity.

Sia smiled mischievously, for her plan to work, she needs to make peace with Nina.

That way she can deal with her.

"Wait for it Nina, you won't know what hit you. It will be so hard that you might either die or choose to live in pain and agony for the rest of your life."

Sia said to herself grinning happily.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" Nina asked Lia who kept glancing at her through the corner of her eyes.

Lia sighed and shook her head, she really has a lot to say but where will she start from?

Everything that happened a few minutes ago is still ringing bells in the back of her head.

She's been trying to process all of them.

"Why are you working?" Lia blurted out before she could give it a second thought.

"Huh?" Nina asked furrowing her eyebrows in confusion.

"You have someone like Derrick, why are you working?" Lia asked again with her eyes balls rolling in its socket.

Nina scoffed!

"Because Derrick is my husband I should not work? I have always loved to be independent, that's it." She replied plainly.

"You are so different Nina, very different from other ladies." Lia muttered

Ladies like Nina are rare, heaven knows if she's in Nina's shoe, she will make the whole world know.

The world will quiver with any step she takes all being Derrick's wife.

But Nina, she's just reserve and simple. But... why is she hiding their relationship?

Why is she letting her family bully her when she has someone powerful like Derrick as a husband?

"I don't know why you said I am different anyways, this should be between us Lia. No one should know that I am married to Derrick." Nina said

"Since you don't want anyone to know then, I promise to keep shut about it. I won't tell anyone and I won't pry into your personal life. Thank you for trusting me Nina" Lia replied.

Nina gave her a smile winking at her.

"You two look so in love, I am so happy for you Nina. I wish I can rub this in Sia's face, she will never dare cross your path ever again."

"I can fight my battles myself Lia, don't worry about that." Nina said chuckling.

"I believe you and oh Nina, Mr. Brian said there will be a party tomorrow for the celebration of magazine publication. In his words, it's a must you attend, no arguments."

"I thought you said you love me Dad, she's still in LBC Corporation." Sintia snorted at her father who was boiling in anger.

She knew from the start it won't be easy dealing with the new Nina.

It will be so hard but she needs to do something about it!

But she needs to do something, Nina has to be removed before she can have peace.

Why was that thing given birth to? To think that Nina is her sister hurts Sintia a lot. She hates that fact.

"I tried Sintia but Brian bluntly turned me down but do not worry, I will do something else I promise." Mr. Micheals said leaving the room.

He still has a lot of issues to sort out. Ever since Mr. Xaxin withdrew all his shares from his company, everything changed.

He needed a whole lot of money to get back his company but it's not coming forth including the loan he got from the bank.

Everything was lavished in the company. It ended up being null and void.

And now, the bank are after him.

His friends aren't ready to help him, that alone is making him so devasted.

" Micheal." Catherina called after him but he chose to ignore her. He needs to cool off his head.

He needs to think of a way out of all his problems.

Everything was fine until he woke up one day to Mr. Xaxin message.

He entered his car and drove out of the compound.

Catherina sighed entering back into the house.

Their family is falling including their wealth, they are loosing everything.

Nina is the least of Catherina's problem.