
Lost with twelve sins

Derrick is gifted a force after exile and today, He is disguised as a flight attendant to save twelve wealthy hot ladies, who are heirs of top incorporations, including his wife to be, despite his warnings concerning a coup... They all looked down on him and never gave him ears to understand him, not until they encountered a terrible plane crash into an unknown island, where Derrick learns that he is the only man alive with the rest of the twelve girls, who now all are dependent on him for their protection. But how can he protect them? Without a bad sweet taste of them all!?

DaoistpaI7jP · perkotaan
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54 Chs

Chapter 28

That's Nina, she was once a well known celebrity but only for a short period of time.

No one knows why she quitted but during her reign, she was the best.

Their mouth were left opened because the picture they all had in their head isn't what they are seeing.

They all thought the model from LBC Corporation that's known to be third rated will look all shabby and ugly but no, Nina's looking splendiferous.

The few crowd began murmuring to each other as Nina and Lia came nearer.

Nina walked into the the building with her head up high, she carried herself with grace.

People must surely have something to say about but she doesn't care.

She released a beautiful smile at the people she sees on her way.

"Good afternoon Mr. Gunn, I hope we are not late." Lia said to a middle aged man as they finally entered into the building.

Mr. Gunn is the director. He has been in the industry for over fifteen years.

He also wasn't left out from the gaping at the model before him.

"Not at all, the shoot is about to start." He replied turning to Nina.

"Nina Micheals." He called sharply, of course. He definitely remember her from three years ago.

She was anything beyond good, her skills shone brightly among others.

She left the industry and came back after three years?

Oh well!

He just hope that she's still capable, this shoot will cost a whole lot of money to the company.

A lady shouldn't come and mess it up, the company can't afford to loose the money and at the end, the magazine won't sell massively in the market but he can't judge too quickly can he?

"Mr. Gunn, it's nice meeting you." Nina said politely stretching her hand for a handshake.

She heard Lia mentioned his name not quite long.

It's obvious the man knows her anyways.

"Like wise, please come with me to the costume room. You need to get changed and apply some makeup."

He said paving way for them to take the step ahead.

After a few minutes of walking in silence, Mr. Gunn stopped at a close door inside the building.

"There are people there ready to help you dress up, you can move in. When you and the other model are done, someone will be there to direct balcony. That's where we will do the first shoot"

Nina nodded muttering a thank you.

She nodded her head at Lia and they entered into the room at the same time.

Sintia hissed continuously, she wish can can punch this idiot dressing her up.

Did she want to damage her flawless skin?

"Are you nut? Can't you take it slowly you lowlife bi..."

The words in her mouth flew away the moment she saw her sister.

The mirror in her hand fell down breaking into pieces.

This can't be! How can Nina look so agile and healthy like she didn't got stabbed few weeks ago?

Sintia's mouth quiver, she opened her mouth but nothing came out.

This wasn't what she expected, she wasn't expecting her sister to stand in front of her with her arms crossed.

This isn't her stupid and vulnerable sister, the lady in front of her is different.

This Nina in front of her doesn't look like the sister she slapped, kicked, stabbed and hurt so much in the past.

"Di... Nina." She called unsure of why she did that.

Nina mentally rolled her eyes as she tried to hold in the surprise that flashed in her face for a split second.

Sintia? She's sharing the stage with Sintia?

She never thought of that. Nina did so well to make sure she hid the hatred smoking from her body towards Sintia.

Nina stared at her sister with utmost calmness. No one can ever knows what she will do next.

The room became utterly silent noticing that there's tension between the two models.

Nina's face was neutral and devoid of emotions.

Well! She guess the war has already begun.

At the end Nina smirked, entered into the curtain that ought to demarcate the changing room from where Sintia was seated.

Lia and lady followed suit...

"What was that about Nina?"

Lia asked, she doesn't understand the problem with Nina and the other model.

It seems they knew each other from somewhere.

"I don't know what you are talking about." Nina replied.

The lady that came in with them helped her out of the dress she was putting on.

She's supposed to put on a different dress anyways.

The lady handed her a blue dress. There's no actual topic for the magazine.

They just want them in the cover to attract people in the economy market and the magazine is about the women right, they want to pass a message to their readers on how to tackle abuse, rape and harassment in the city

Before she could put on the dress, Sintia rushed into the room and snatched it from her.

Sintia gritted her teeth in anger, how dare Nina ignore her?

Was it because she fumbled a little in front of her?

Did Nina think she's afraid of whatever she's become?

"This is the dress I want" Sintia said firmly while glaring at her sister.

Lia and the lady couldn't help but stare, what's that?

"But ma'am, I thought you chosed the pink dress earlier?"

The lady interjected,why is this model always rude?

Is it because she sees herself superior and because she has backups and connections that she sees and treat everyone like trash?

She's not surprised, rich people's kids are always brats. Sintia is not an exemption.

"And I just told you I want this blue one now, did you have any problem with that?" Sintia snapped.

"But ma'am..."

"Let her have it."

Their attention turned to Nina who was calmly and graciously seated like she's not bothered.

She held a little smile on her face.

The rest of the ladies in the room admired Nina immediately.

She's not like other models, so quiet and peaceful.

Imagine she just left the dress for Sintia because she doesn't want any problem.

"It's just a dress, I will have the pink one." Nina added

They already have deep likeness for her, if Nina make a name for herself in the industry again. They will be her loyal fans.

Sintia hissed and left the room, she was worried that her sister has changed not knowing she's still as stupid as they left her.

She can't wait to go home to tell her Jenna and their mother.

Seeing that she succeeded in bullying Nina right now, Sintia believes she can throw her out of the picture.