
Lost with twelve sins

Derrick is gifted a force after exile and today, He is disguised as a flight attendant to save twelve wealthy hot ladies, who are heirs of top incorporations, including his wife to be, despite his warnings concerning a coup... They all looked down on him and never gave him ears to understand him, not until they encountered a terrible plane crash into an unknown island, where Derrick learns that he is the only man alive with the rest of the twelve girls, who now all are dependent on him for their protection. But how can he protect them? Without a bad sweet taste of them all!?

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54 Chs

Chapter 24

"Yes I do, the person who told me is from her agency. She sent me a picture of her but she's quite a beauty though."

Louisa surf through her computer with a shrug and Sintia send her a death glare.

No one's more beautiful than she is. No one at all!

"Here." Louisa said turning the computer to her.

Sintia's heart did a 360⁰ leap. This can't be can it?

It can't definitely be Nina. H.how?

Her face turned red, her palms became sweaty seeing how she was classically seated.

Truthfully, she looks beautiful. Seeing the picture made Sintia berate herself.

How did this happen? How did Nina come to the top?

She's even working with LBC Corporation, the third best modelling agency in America. Sintia's dream agency. That agency is far more higher than hers.

She thought Nina was dead! And she came back into modelling?

Sintia blinked her eyes in disbelief, this can't be happening. Her face turned sour and her lips quivered in dryness.

"No." She yelled and ran out of her office.

Seeing Nina in LBC Corporation is a big slap on her face.

Lia rushed into Nina's office panting heavily like someone who just ran a marathon.

"Are you okay Lia? Why are you running?"

Nina asked staring at her. What can be pursuing her that way huh?

"It's Sia." Lia replied with her hand on her chest calming herself.

Nina gazed at her with a confused look. She doesn't understand a thing from the two words Lia uttered even after processing them.

"Sia? Who's Sia?" Nina asked dropping her book and paper giving her full attention to Lia. She haven't come across someone bearing such name before, that she doesn't know of.

"Sia Hilton! She's this agency's most wanted model. The pride of LBC Corporation since I stepped into this company."

Lia sighed and Nina's face turned neutral.

She narrowed her at Lia gesturing to her

' how is this related to why you ran in '

"She's not someone to mess with" Lia sighed again massaging her temple.

"While I was leaving your office, I over heard her plotting against you on how to take you out of LBC Corporation."

she added watching Nina's reaction but to Lia's amusement,

Nina's face was calm as ever. Isn't she supposed to freak out?

Why is she so calm like she doesn't care ? A lot of questions ran through Lia's mind but Nina's voice interrupted her.

"I don't get why she will want me out of here, we haven't crossed parts before." Nina replied calmly thinking of any scenario that she might have possibly met the Sia lady in the past but found none.

"She thinks you took the CQ Magazines endorsement from her, if not for your arrival. She would have been the one to get endorsed."

Lia explained and Nina chuckled.

Seriously? Lia blinked her eyes in confusion. Few minutes ago, Nina was the one confused but now her.

There's no attitude Nina displays that will not amaze her.

She's been serious here because she knows to what length Sia can go to get whatever she wanted and Nina's laughing it off?

"Its not funny Nina, we need to do something to protect you. Sia is very dangerous."

She said worriedly.

"Thank goodness you are here Lia, sit down let's talk business and forget about whatever Sia is planning till she shows it. Don't worry sit."

Lia did as instructed with her gaze not leaving Nina's.

Nina is really someone she needs to study. When she speaks, she speak with so much confidence.

Nina Micheals, who are you really?

Lia shook her head from the thought, she needs to concentrate for the time being and she's glad Nina's tone is more softer on her than an hour ago.

Nina sat down with a signature smirk plastered on her face. She can't really explain why she's feeling excited at the thought

"You haven't tell me where the photoshoot is taking place." Nina said but Lia find it so hard to reply, she felt like her tongue was tied!

She barely hear what Nina said because her mind was wandering somewhere else.

"Lia?" Nina called jolting her to reality.

"Hmm! Sorry, what were you saying?" Lia asked.

"I was asking where the shoot is taking place tomorrow." She answered.

"I totally forgot to tell you, I am really sorry. Its within but in city S."

Nina nodded in understanding, at least not out of America. City S is not fa from were they are which is City Y.

"Okay, you can go back to your office."

Lia stood up with her thinking faculty blank not knowing how else she is suppose to convince Nina about Sia.

That lady is very dangerous. More dangerous than she looks.

Lia is afraid! Afraid that she does anything she wants here, if she wants it blue, it must be blue.

That's Sia Hilton!

All the board members exchanged curious glances without saying anything.

What will make their CEO Mr. Derrick so out of the world?

Eighty percent of his attention was not with them and he was the one that called for the meeting.

He look so happy. The smile that tug on his lips didn't go unnoticed by then.

What happened to their boss?

Hardly will you see him smile but here he is rolling on his chair, staring into space and smilling to himself.

A lot of them had huge questions dancing through their minds but they dare not reveal a thing.

They wouldn't risk getting fired by meddling in their boss's affair.

"Mr... Derrick?" One of them mustered some courage and called him.

Derrick unconsciously played with the desk in front of him like a child and their eyes widened.

Something's definitely wrong, this is the very first time their boss is behaving this way in front of them.

Derrick realized what he just did and shrugged. Not everyday they will see him in a good mood like today.

Only Nina and his family are entitled to see this side of him. No one else.

He's been so engrossed in thinking about his Nina.

He just can't wait for this three coming weeks, he can't wait to make her officially his.

Her innocent and calm face appeared. That moment, he long for her presence.

Gosh! He really can't wait for 6pm to go pick her up.

Derrick glanced through the hall to see that he was still in a meeting.

A meeting he called but haven't said anything aside exchanging of pleasantries.

He totally have forgotten whatever he called them for.

His face turned cold, the aura that came immediately made the employees so composed.

This is the Derrick Xaxin they know. They all kept quiet, a pin drop could be heard if it falls.

"The meeting is cancelled, I will call you all again when I am ready. You can leave."

Without being told twice, they bowed and left one by one.

"Benson." Derrick called his personal assistant.

"Yes Sir." Benson bowed respectfully.

He has being Derrick's personal assistant for a long time now.

"I need you to buy the lastest phone for me, the least it can be is a week out of date. Buy it no matter how expensive it is. Got it?"

Derrick instructed.