
Lost with twelve sins

Derrick is gifted a force after exile and today, He is disguised as a flight attendant to save twelve wealthy hot ladies, who are heirs of top incorporations, including his wife to be, despite his warnings concerning a coup... They all looked down on him and never gave him ears to understand him, not until they encountered a terrible plane crash into an unknown island, where Derrick learns that he is the only man alive with the rest of the twelve girls, who now all are dependent on him for their protection. But how can he protect them? Without a bad sweet taste of them all!?

DaoistpaI7jP · perkotaan
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54 Chs

Chapter 22

She said without thinking twice about it, her decision was made right there.

~ Next Morning.

"Here's the key young master or should I drop her off ?" Mr. Arthur asked as he stood before Derrick.

"You don't have to worry, I will drop her off myself." Derrick replied standing up from his bed.

"Yes young master."

"So where's she?" Derrick asked.

"By the car young master."

"Alright, you can leave."

Mr. Arthur bowed his head and left.

Derrick let out a nervous breathe before walking out.

He can't still believe Nina agreed to marry him just like that.

He got outside to see his beautiful Nina standing gorgeous as ever.

Thank goodness she will be his forever. No matter what comes their way, he's ready to fight all the demons for her.

"Ready?" He asked opening the door for her.

Nina passed him one of her killer smile before nodding her head.

"Ready." She replied entering into the expensive ferrari.

The engine roared to life and they took of to LBC Corporation.

"How are you feeling?"

He asked trying not to make things awkward between them.

"Well, a little nervous but I will be fine." Nina replied truthfully.

She's going to spend the rest of her life virtually with this man so why not try to make it work between them?

Starting from having a good conversation with each other.

"I believe you will be fine, I trust you to do well."

"Thank you." Nina nodded.

LBC Corporation is just few a minutes drive from their prestigious home and soon enough, they arrived at the big building.

"I think I should stop here, I don't want anyone seeing us together." Derrick said while Nina nodded in understanding.

"I will come pick you later and make sure you have your lunch okay?"

Derrick said immediately Nina came out of the car.

"Yes young master, I won't fail to do that."

The both of them burst out laughing before she waved at Derrick and entered into the building.

A new beginning for her.

The few people she met on the way kept looking at her like she's a ghost.

She ignored them to the receptionist.

"Good morning I..."

"Welcome ma'am, you must be Nina. We've been expecting you, please come with me, the president want to see you in his office immediately you get here."

"Thank you." Nina replied monotonously not in for a long talk.

"Here please go in."

Nina entered and saw a man who should be in his late forties seated on the chair.

"Good morning Sir." She greeted politely.

"Morning Nina right?"

"Yes Sir."

"Please take a sit." He instructed and she did just that.

She sat with grace like there's nothing bothering her in this world.

This is what she was once into, and the passion is still very much there.

"You are still as beautiful as you were five years ago when you came into the modelling industry"

Mr. Brian complemented and like always, Nina just passed him a smile.

"I am Mr. Brian, I believe you will work so well with us and become one of our best models in this agency." He added.

"Definitely Sir, I will do my best"

Mr. Brian nodded turning on his seat.

"So Nina, there's no need to rest. Business starts immediately."

"You know CQ Magazines right?" Mr. Brian asked.

"Of course Sir." Who wouldn't know CQ Magazines? According to fortune, it's the most popular magazine in America.

"They asked the company to give them their best model, I trust in you Nina so I am endorsing you for their brand. If you perform so well in this CQ Magazines, you will see that more ways will be opened for you."

He explained. Nina nodded again, at least. It will bring back her fame, the fame she lost to her sister.

"Your manager will be here soon, she went to check something for me."

"No problem Mr. Brian."

"So are you prepared? Its been five years you announced your disinterest for modeling."

Nina's gaze was unfazed, it's been five years but she hasn't forgotten her talent.

"I thought you said you believe in me Mr. Brian?" She blurted out.

Mr. Brian was surprised of her outburst but he covered it up with a smile.

"Of course I do, that aside. The photoshoot for the magazine cover is tomorrow so you have now till then to prepare yourself."

"And before I forget, you will be sharing the stage with a model from Nemo agency"

Nina's gaze still held the calm expression that it held earlier which amuses Mr. Brian.

She look so un-bothered. To him, other models will freet sharing the stage with another model from a different agency because they will be afraid of loosing to them.

"Its fine Mr. Brian." Nina replied in a very calm voice and Mr. Brian furrowed his eyebrow.

He's never seen such a calm lady in years now.

"Very well then, I believe you will make us proud." He said nodding his head.

Nina was the best model in the last five years before she stopped modelling, if those skills are still intact then, he has nothing to worry about.

The door to his office opened and a young, slender woman entered.

"Oops! I must have kept you both waiting, I am sorry." She apologized taking a seat beside Nina.

"Nina right? Nice meeting you." the woman said passing a friendly smile to Nina who also smiled in returning.

"This is Miss Lia, your manager." Mr. Brian introduced.

"She will show you to your office and get started with work, I already briefed her on your shoot tomorrow beforehand." Nina nodded. She shifted back her seat standing up.

"Thank you Mr. Brian."

"You are welcome."

"So shall we?" Lia asked asking Nina to take the lead.

They left Mr. Brian's office and Lia stopped adjacent to it.

She opened the office door before entering into it. Nina followed suit.

"Here's your office, I hope you are okay with it." Lia asked.

"Yeah, it's fine."

"Okay then, we need to make sure you come out to the top and become nominated for the Gram's yearly award."