
Lost with twelve sins

Derrick is gifted a force after exile and today, He is disguised as a flight attendant to save twelve wealthy hot ladies, who are heirs of top incorporations, including his wife to be, despite his warnings concerning a coup... They all looked down on him and never gave him ears to understand him, not until they encountered a terrible plane crash into an unknown island, where Derrick learns that he is the only man alive with the rest of the twelve girls, who now all are dependent on him for their protection. But how can he protect them? Without a bad sweet taste of them all!?

DaoistpaI7jP · perkotaan
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54 Chs

Chapter 17

"Are you going to stand there and keep staring at me? Say something Nina." Vina hissed loudly.


Nina shrugged her shoulders again.

"You won't let me talk." She replied simply while her best friend glared at her.

"Okay, there is enough time for you to talk now speak." Vina ordered.

"Yes, I will be living with Derrick but please Vina. Let this be between us, none of my family members should know about it." Vina didn't actually hear Nina's last statement, she's trying to process the first words Nina said.

Vina took Nina by surprise with a loud scream which Nina flinched to.

Is this lady okay?

"Are you okay Vina? Why are you shouting?"

Nina asked as she composed herself.

"I am sorry, I can't just hold in my happiness. You will be living with Derrick! And I will be opportune to enter his big mansion, oh my goodness!" Vina screamed again. This time, Nina didn't wait to hear it.

She began walking out of the room as she shook her head.

She got startled the moment she opened the door.


She forgot Derrick left some guards behind.

"We are sorry young Miss, we didn't mean to scare you." One of the guards said bowing his head in respect.

This is their young master's most treasured. If they get her annoyed, young master will end up making their days on Earth miserable.

"It's fine, please take me to him." Nina replied politely.

They all bowed again, two led the way while two were behind the two best friends as Vina continue to rant on and on.

Don't she get tired of talking?

"I am going to miss you Nina and I am also very happy for you, I can't wait to rub this on your sisters faces. You are now higher than them, Derrick priced possession."

Vina said and Nina smacked her on the shoulder.

She's not Derrick's possession. They could be friends but not possession.

"Ouch! Why did you do that? I am saying the truth Nina, Derrick really like you."

She said again and this time, Nina did not reply.

She was lost in her own thoughts, remembering her family once again.

Her main aim now is to get better first.

Seeing that Nina did not reply, Vina decided to change the topic.

And they continue talking till they get to the car.

Maybe on Derrick's order, no nurses or doctors were in sight.

He really doesn't want anyone to see his Nina before they harm her or take the news to the media.

Derrick wants the world to know that Nina is his woman and directly tell every other man to back off but it's not the right time.

When the time comes, he will definitely do that!

"I can come see you anytime right?" Vina asked.

Only her soul and body knows how happy she is.

Happy that her best friend has someone like Derrick to protect her.

And also happy that she will use this to her own advantage.

The mansion she has dreamt of exploring. If her best friend is there, Derrick can't resist her from coming to his house right?

Although, she will make sure that whenever she's going to visit, he won't be around.

He's too scary, his mood and attitude only changes when he's with Nina.

"Yes, when I get a new phone, I will call you so you could have my number and inform me whenever you want to visit." Nina replied. She doesn't know if Derrick will allow her bring Vina for a visit.

She needs to ask for his permission before Vina can come.

That's his mansion!

Vina nodded in understanding giving her a hug.

"Take care of yourself and heal quickly, I love you puppy." Vina said and disappeared in no time.

Nina shook her head and entered into her side of the car already opened for her.

She can't imagine she's been treated like a queen by an outsider.

Her own family doesn't regard her as a human being but not anymore, the Nina that's back is different.

She sat quietly beside Derrick in car.

First, she's nervous and secondly, this is the very first time she's sitting close to a distinguish personality.

Derrick was staring at Nina through the corner of his eyes.

He just couldn't help but steal glances at this beaut beside him.

She's everything a man will want in a woman.

His wish time could fly.

Something flashed in Nina's mind and she feel gladden.

But she feel scared to speak to the handsome man beside her.

Okay! She have to! At least seek for his help on this.

Without him, she can't take any step further.

"Uhmm... Sir." She finally stuttered out.

Derrick turned to her and chuckled, he could see her struggling to speak only for her to utter a Sir.

"Call me Derrick, we are friends alright?"

He said calmly. Only in front of this angel he display his through self.

Nina gulped down nothing before nodding her head slightly.

"Derrick, I was thinking if you can help me find any modelling agency in need of new models"

Nina said boldly, deep down. She's really scared. How is she gonna get used to this man?

Derrick raised his head staring intently at her.

Is it really what he's thinking? His heart did a happy dance as he gaze at her.

"Why? What did you need it for?" He asked acting oblivious to what she meant.

"I am making comeback into my modeling career."

Nina said with all the courage she gathered.

It wasn't easy but she really did blurt those words out.

She just had to say it out to Derrick because he's the only one who can help her out now.

Its always been her dream as a girl to be a model but it died down because she wanted Sintia her sister to have all the fame in the Business industry.

Nina quitted her dream because her sister asked her to. Sintia believed Nina was outshining her.

Everything she has ever done in all her years was for the happiness of her family.

She loved each and everyone of them but they repaid her back with pure hatred.

After Nina woke up, that hatred for them germinated in her.