
Lost Shadows

My name is Light Lioween. I was born into a world of magic. My family never had a history of having powerful mages or being the go-to on the subject of magic, but that all changed in one day.

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12 Chs


After defeating the monster, i see something appear on my screen.

[Congratulations, you have completed your mission].

[Here is your reward]. The message disappears and a black sword appears in front of me, with a red handle and a flower attached.

After i win this sword, i see my other sword shattered.

"Was it my attack that was too strong or the sword that was weak?".

As i look, i see a smoke coming from far away. I start to move towards it. It was a distance of 1000 meters.

In just 50 seconds i got there.

"I am faster!? This is going to be a great hobby".

While i was in my thoughts, someone started calling me to help him.

"Hey, kid. Help my village please! My wife and kids are there. I ran out of there and made this fire to call someone." Looking more closely, he seemed to be someone very young, to have children and a wife. Well, i want to have some fun, so whatever.

"Where is your village?"

"Just go in a straight line and you'll find it." There was something strange about him, he didn't seem to care much. Normally someone would beg and give various rewards. This phony will not fool me.


I get there in a few minutes. When i arrive i see a deserted place and there was no one attacking, no fire, no monster... I was right. When am i wrong? I am always right.

"This is the part where you come from behind the houses!". As i said this, several people appeared from the forest and from behind the houses.

"Give me everything you have! Or you will die." A woman says.

A classic. Let's see if you can entertain me a little, after all i am the King.

"Let's make a better deal, you explain to me how you hid your presence and i'll let you live, nice offer, don't you think?"

Everyone who was with this woman starts laughing.

"Are you laughing at the king?". They simply ignore my suggestion and immediately say:

"So you would rather die? Good! Less time wasted." They all start throwing Fire Spells on me.

"How innocent, it would have been better if I had just left things and gone."

Amidst the smoke, i walk out of there.

"You ... Did you try to hurt the King?"

Everyone seeing this is startled realizing that i got out of the situation unharmed.

"So you chose to kill me? Bad choice." I start releasing my aura, and just by releasing it everyone was starting to get dizzy and pass out.

"You are inferiors. You're not even good enough to bring me entertainment."

I take ropes that were in the ground and tie them all up. after they wake up, one of them soon asks:

"Who are you?" I just smile.

"I am absolute. That's all you should know."

"Your aura... Is from a Thunder Mage..."

"And if it is? What are you going to do?".

"That's impossible! The Thunder Mages are all dead!"

"You guys are part of what looting group? If you answer me i will leave all of you alive."

"The PSA! Our main element is fire. I beg your pardon. Let us live."

"How do i find the home of this "group" of yours?"

"We can take you there, but please let us live..."

"Interesting... You are not that useless. In that case only one of you deserves to live."

"No, no, NOO-"

I cut off the heads of all of them.

"Better the person who started all this take me there. After all, he started it."

A blue jacket, black shirt, black boots, black pants, and a black jacket. Those are the clothes i picked up from him. It's kind of nice. In addition i pick up some ropes and a book that caught my attention.

Where is that guy? The one who made me come here? I was really right. I immediately go back to the place, and there he was.

"What do you mean? You're still with that thing." He says

"Shut up, I'm in charge here. I'm the boss, you obey, that's how it works." I hit him with a lion kill, knocking him unconscious. I take the rope and tie him up in a way that he is unable to get out.

"Stay here. I'll be right back." I must go after Wendell, he was not there when i killed that monster. As i was getting ready to go, i see a mirror on the floor.

"The size of my hair... I need to fix it immediately." I do a simple ponytail just so it won't be something extremely ugly.

This place is very dirty, how disgusting. I go back to the place where i killed the monster and look around to see if i can find him.

I stay for a while searching, but then i just gave up and got tired.

"Ah, it seems... That I... I can only use my aura for two hours... What an evolution."

"I better stop using my aura for a while, I'll take a nap."

I lie down in a tree in the forest and start to sleep there.