
Chapter 5 : Pure Retardation


The war of the front yard had become even more than a simple fight could be defined as. Even Dolores had began falling behind witnessing with her tried and trusted intuition, as the two apex of war combat continue to clash.

The eastern general Cheol is equipped to the teeth with an oriental plate armor, covered in flames along with two enchanted spears. Accompanied with a seemingly immortal fire lizard on steroids. 

In comparison, Haster Lon Obstein is continuing the fight only in underwear, first degree burns. And a copy of his own flesh and blood in the form of his only daughter. The mere fact that they've been able to keep up is a testament to his skill of brute force and talent.

Dolores has been entrusted to distract at any opportunity to defend against any of the stray attacks. Whilst her father had focused solely on beating the intruder to the next world over with his bare hand.

Haster closes the distance with an abnormal speed for his build, without a shield or any sort of armor he focuses more on evading the blows as He weaves his way around the spears. Like a boxer with a mind's eye, he twists his body to the side as if witnessing the blows beforehand before throwing it into the chest of the plate

The mere punch clashed with steel as if it possesses the force of a speeding vehicle and the red man is pushed back with his still standing firmly on the ground. With a motion, the dragon opened its maw. 

But it simply also signaled Dolores as she instantly closed the distance with a forward leap and a spinning swing. The head of the beast exploded in flames again but it continues to be completely unharmed.

Even now Dolores still couldn't figure out how to take care of the monster, it doesn't seem to resist her attacks but she feels as if her weapon just swings right through its body. 

Dolores has been thinking to try and kill it with her ice or earth sorcery that she had practiced, but has a hard time figuring out how. She expects that her ice would just be melted away or not affect it as much as trapping it in a rock dome will. For one thing she's never tried water before, so she's afraid one mishap might prove to be dangerous.

Even now her blade still hasn't activated yet, and she began feeling anxious about something. It's an eerie feeling at the very back of her mind she couldn't ignore.

With a clank of metal, something is undone from the red man's gear. He had long learn to utilize the range to his outmost advantage, but Haster somehow either eats up the damage barehanded without dealing and injury. Or he closed the distance before he could even react. So of the two situation Haster had managed to force with brute force, Cheol began to commit to the more manageable of the two.

So as a huge streaks of flames began billowing out of him yet again, Cheol held onto a streak of flames as he began spinning it around with a weighted end like a pendulum. The two managed to caught glimpse of a scythe-like blade at the end before it spun in like a fan.

(As if there's something else this madman hasn't shown!!) Dolores could only complained. Faced with a spinning burning blender, Haster had to move back from it now that he's at a disadvantage with that held against him. 

Predicting his repositioning, Cheol stopped the spin as he flung the pendulum from below carrying the same momentum. It slid across the ground in a jet of flames trailblazing in suit. Haster dodged with a hop as it swept below him. 

Yet with a flick of Cheol's hand, the pendulum suddenly whipped up in a explosive whip. It raises up like a guillotine about to cleave into its target. So without anywhere to go, Haster is doomed to just receive it.

Yet in that instantaneous moment, he simply raised his hand up again towards the pendulum as it left him unscratched. Witnessing it, Cheol is baffled again by the abnormal display of defense. As if his opponent skin is made of reinforced steel, it simply didn't do anything when he expect It to cleanly cut off a limb.

Failing to finish him off there, Cheol is forced to keep up his ranged assault. With a pull, the pendulum returned back to him in a dangerous whiplash. And in the same motion, he aim the spear on his other hand and flung it as a javelin. Still on a cautious alert, Haster sidestepped out of the way to dodge it the moment he began to see the throwing motion.

As the spear soar past with a whip. Haster made sure to continue keeping an eye on the projectile as it reached the very end of his vision. He caught glimpse of the spear began lighting up in fire on both its ends, it quickly propelled itself in a spin with the streak of flames at the center of its length acting as a string.

It quickly changed form from a single pointed spear into a burning saw in mere moments. And having already seen first-hand just how capable the opponent is at manipulating it, Haster forced himself to move before it diced him on the way back.

Right as he was pulling the blazing improvised yoyo of death. Cheol began noticing the giant sword wielder on the other side of his focus. But he chooses to occupy himself to the general as he let his dragon handle it.


Without even needing to hear the details, the dragon began to only now advance forward to clash with Dolores. But it began to put Dolores thoughts into a disarray now that she didn't expect to directly clash with it now. 

(Wait- wait-wait hold on, I still haven't figured out how to damage it just yet, ah whatever hopefully my trusty ice throne works!!!)

With that quick train of thoughts in mind, she readies herself to chant her spell.

But that opportunity didn't arrive as the dragon then began open it's wing and with a flap launch off the ground with a hot gale. It didn't seem to flap it's wings much but the mere wind it's pushing down is similar to rough winds Dolores had with royal guard captain Sief. More so the fact that it seems to kill any moisture in the air with it's heat as if in the middle of a dessert.

The dragon quickly took off into the woods as Dolores began to have that bad feeling well up again within her. But focusing on the current battle at hand, she could see her father struggling to close the distance as the red man continue to keep his aggression at a distance.

It's like a cacophony of destruction, and an absurd party trick. As Cheol continue to rotate between his two spears, and each of its pendulums. Allowing him to at any point in time two dangerous point to attack from no matter what he has on hand. Along with the sheer control he had at it from a distance, not only is it a display of what an absurd magic weapon is capable of when it performs but also his own expertise with wielding that very weapon.

Dodge the pendulum and it might snap back unpredictably, even the very whiplash of the mysterious solid flames connecting to it can be even more dangerous than the blade itself. The moment it's retracted, the other end in the form of a spear will come piercing with the very same momentum, avoid that and it can also do the very same and even explode in flames dangerously to an even more unpredictable direction. Survived even that then he has another free hand he can start over with. Continue switching that around, and with a rhythm it'll be a constant assault without break.

Haster had managed to continue surviving with ease as after he dodged the first weapon rotation. He took advantage of the pendulum sliding across the ground as he succeeded to stomp on the whiplash and held it into the ground. Breaking the rhythm and forcing his opponent to throw out his other weapon preemptively in order to release the foot off the other weapon.

Taking that as a signal of advantage, now that the dragon is gone. Dolores took the opportunity to intercept the red man and end the struggle once and for all after her father caught up with the distance. 

With a swipe she wield her mega greatsword at the ready as she launch herself off the pavement to close the distance. After the red man flung forward his other free pendulum towards Haster, that's when Dolores took her action.

With an overpowering swing in a spin, she puts it all on a single swift strike towards the red man's lower body. But having also keeping his eye out for Dolores, Cheol ignites his spear and puts his spear on the blade's path in a deflection.

A loud metaling clank reverberated from the clash, as the spear managed to minimize the power of the giant sword's swing. Dolores had put her all in that overreaching swing without any care for recovery after the swing, but expected this much. 

She trusted her strike as the sheer power behind the swing and the weight of the blade is still carried through the red man's stance. And from a height he isn't used to it managed to successfully toppled over the man who had seemed stout before. From which point on Dolores could reliably continue her assault after she recovers. 


It felt as if she's within bullet time, but Dolores caught sight of the red man having readied his other hand on the second spear he had on hand. Having overreached with her swing, she is in open to the next strike she didn't expect coming.

(I forgot he still has the other spear end!!)

it was merely the pendulum that the red man had thrown before, but he still had the spear it's attached to. Dolores may had abnormal strength and ridiculous instinct due to her blessing, but she hasn't tried on just how durable she actually is. For all she could know, it's still that of a 6-year-old.

As she dread the spear about to pierce her. It launched with an explosive flames from behind the polearm. And an explosive boom soon rumbled the entire frontyard, the very ground beneath shook in tremor at a sudden force.

It didn't come from the spear. As next thing Dolores could glanced at is a sight of a muscular father flashed by in a blur of motion slamming his body onto the red man.

Metal cracked in strain as Cheol is launched off a distance away rolling down the ground. But as everyone on the scene make out what had happened.

"Fa- Father!!"

Dolores could only caught sight of a giant gash and hole on her father's chest. In that moment, taking the very same strike, it had managed to completely pierced his body through, unlike the several display of durability he had before.

(What am I an idiot!!?)

Thinking back on what her father had already warned about with the intruder. 'do not get into his range no matter what' she had failed to realize why that is, and her father paid the price for her.

She was there to help her father, she was there because she's as strong. Failing to realize her father's wishes and warning, but also her own. She merely despaired inside on what's about to come.

"Ah at last!! I knew the indestructible spear isn't actually indestructible!"

Cutting short on that thought. the red man get his bearings together as he got back up again, now having his chestplate dented in, and him holding his chest steady from whatever unseen injury it has now.

"So the legendary Haster Lon Obstein would let himself be injured for the sake of his own kin. Truly touching, but a weakness nonetheless."

With a motion of his hands, the pendulums retracked back and snapped back onto each of its spears. Before continuing his remark. This time he had put more weight into his words to keep the father and daughter not take the opportunity to strike back for the moment.

"Then let me let you in on a secret, Kasa spotted a young boy circling the estate. You wouldn't know about him don't you? Otherwise my Salamander and Igna are already on their way to deal with him."

Hearing about the subject, it didn't took the two even a second to figure out who he's talking about. Someone stupid enough to be outside and knows of the mansion.


Why was he here, wasn't he supposed to be kidnapped? Either way it'd seem that Dolores older brother had jumped out of the pan and literally into the fire with this turn of events.

"Go help your big-brother sweetie… Training has been cancelled.."

"Oy- oy, so was I just merely a sparring teacher all this time or what?"

"A general of the east as an instructor, now that's one hell of a bargain she couldn't pass up."

"Oh, shouldn't you be more concerned about your son at this point?"

Still looking at her own father in worry. Dolores still can't help the fact to leave him with the evidently dangerous injury her father has at the moment. She simply cursed herself for not already learnt magic to heal from her mother before.

"Don't worry dearie, I'll be fine. Mother has instant healing magic on me at all times because she cares about us so much. So you go to your brother now, he needs you."

Having given another wish from her. She had pushed herself, believing what her father words. After all, he is the strongest. That is one thing Dolores could always be sure about. With that moving her ahead, she dashed off into the burned trees following where the dragon had went.

She dragged her feet as fast as possible entrusting her own father who would clearly know better of the situation than she is. That is the only thing she could wish on at the moment, compared to the fact that her brother is still somewhere and obviously won't survive by himself.


Norton finally escaped into an open field in his rush. As a cold breeze hit him he found his surroundings illuminated by the moonlight refracting off of the lake peering of the cliff. At that sight, he figured out where he found himself in.

So the first thing running through his mind. 

(This isn't the back of the house!)

Is how much he screwed up. he had planned on entering his own house from the back but the chase causing him to overreached and found himself at the graveyard at the forest behind the estate.

Having let the urgency caught up to him and made a dumb mistake like that.

Due to the urgency of the situation the fact that he hasn't gotten to a shelter is truly dangerous. He beat himself up crouching down in anguish frustrated simply at himself.


A loud growling hiss akin to that of a crocodile reverberated in the sky as following suit a powerful gale surrounded the field. The moment he looked up to caught sight of the dragon, it bought another point of his frustration. The simple fact he had walked out in an open field had let him in open cover.

So when the Dragon landed with a loud crashed toppling over the several gravestones. It's huge form and burning presence began lighting up the grass in flames. Having already seen what it had been capable of before at the frontyard, Norton simply collapsed in despair.

He rolled off the ground before running hastily and wastefully. Norton isn't as powerful as his father is, and not as ridiculously talented with power as his little sister does. He's not even able to conjure spells with his own intellect like his own mother is. 

So there he simply run as he tripped over and over again like the young kid he is. It's all he had ever experience in life.

The dragon took a step forward to slam the ground to squish him. The supposed creature didn't even need to waste its flaming breath on the likes of him. There he fell over once again as a it's a mere graze of the beast's tore the strap of his bag along with a piece of his left shoulder.

He simply cried in pain rolling over to on the ground holding onto his bleeding shoulders. As the contents of his bag spilled all over, he could only grimace in the heavy pain he currently has.

He is powerless by himself, everything leading up to this point has been him assisted by someone else more capable. He had realized that the moment he was taken to that shed, He regretted the very fact that he had left the shelter of his guardians. First was Nakt, then when at the front yard, and the with the Menda.

If only he didn't escape by himself, he'd still be safe. But he fail to hold his pride, thinking that surviving by himself in a run was the correct thing to do. And it lead him to this point, what a fool he has been.

Looking up at the beast that burns just by being within proximity of it. The beast opened its maw as.

"Pathetic, what a distasteful job he had given me this time."

The creature spoke. Through its head is shaped to that of a lizard, sounds akin to human speech comes out of its maw. It continued as it inhumanely stares down at the confused boy.

"Hearing that you might be the son of the opponent, I thought for sure that it'd be a real challenge and effort. The girl is so capable as well, so I thought her brother would be at least if not as powerful."

The beast continues to arrogantly spout his thoughts regarding the boy. And the boy could simply lie down in pain not even talking back.

"But it seems I've got my hopes up too much, like this even Kasa would've been taken care of you by now. I don't think you were the one to beat them."

Norton kept quiet and didn't talk back, not because he has a plan he's concocting. but simply because the boy kept shut the fact that of what the beast saying to be true.

"I thought you were supposed to be blessed with the blessing of Lon Obstein, but what a pathetic display you possess. Hell, even now you I feel disgusted by simply looking at you, you're a real piece of work you know that?"

There was a slight pause as the boy tried to get up. and that is when.

"You don't know me!!"

At that point, the boy shouted in an outburst. He looked up to the beast he has no chance in defeating as he declared himself. So entertaining that thought the beast looked down at his eye level as if trying to teach a lesson.

"Gyahahaha!! let me tell you boy. Us elementals are also like spirits, we could tell at a glance what a person is like. And you, I can tell you that no spirits would ever be anywhere near you, much less will befriend you. Truly a sad life ahead of you outside of their grace."

"Your gecko eye is dumb, you don't know me at all!!"

As that is the breaking point for the beast looking down on its prey. It began to pass by the limit of what he's willing allows before in the Dragon raised its giant claw again in a temper against the young boy's outburst.

"Just being with you any longer is too much, it displeases me less for me to finish you right now."

And within that moment, the ground trembled as the sound of snapping bones creaked.


A distance away within the forest, a figure is being chased as several crossbow shots fired off and exploded in with scents of almonds. one landed ahead causing the runner to divert his path, the second and third jabbed into trees. As for the last one, it hit the man directly.


Or so it should've been, but with a simple motion of his hand. A shield made of soil suddenly appears to block the projectile in it's path. Saving the man's life as he continued running ahead.

"This is getting tiring now…"

Menda Bauns had never been the type to actively train his feet. So he's totally outclassed by the swift and elusive rangers pursuing him. And so the only thing he had superior to them is simply.

"Tel! Tel! Tel!"

He simply grabbed dirt and rocks of the ground before chanting it. To which with a motion akin to throwing it, not forcefully either as he simply lobbed it unimpressively. But the stones and dirt propel faster than a crossbow bolt could to three different targets.

A pebble moving at that speed could easily crush a skull along with it's contents if it connects, so as the projectile collides with trees that with a dangerous creak, toppling entire trees with a small enough trunk. 

But the pursuers reacted according as if expecting a retaliation. Either by keeping hidden behind trunks, ducking down in the foliage or keeping a distance just far enough. As they continue to keep their elusiveness, it seemed as if they meld into the darkness at a simple repositioning.

Menda had only been able to hold them back so far due to using his own expertise at ranged combat with magic. So as he take that time to make as much distance as possible ahead, he waited warily for the next click of the crossbow to resound.

And as he could he a couple of clicks in the silent night, he quickly positioned for cover. 


it jabbed into the trunk of a tree he's hiding on the other side of. He proceeds to abandon that cover as he quickly runs away before the poisonous fume can reach him.


The second fail to impale as it bounced off of a translucent coating around the target's body. Menda covers his face as he simultaneously continue to swiftly run from the fume that still triggered off.

He sensed something as he caught sight of another bolt coming his way. He had to leap down as it soared above his body and landing at a distance ahead of him. Quickly forcing himself up by throwing his body to the side in a roll.

He noticed as the crossbow bolt jabbed itself into a tree trunk ahead. He could see a certain translucence from it before he witnessed crossbow bolt disappear into thin air.

(An illusion? Then what of the third person?)

Next thing he noticed is his body being pushed down by a sudden tackle from above.


With a quick whip of movement, he found his limb in a lock, boot on his back as his body is pressed to the ground. He could only caught a glimpse looking up to a man covering his face with cloth meant to protect themselves from their own poison.

His head is held down as well preventing him from even chanting if need be. Through the lifeless veil, the man spoke as his other ally gathered.

"I'm the second in command after Terofel's death... I'm not sure if you would know what happened, but we insist we return without resistance, otherwise a bodybag would suffice."

Saying that they're going to be taking him back one way or another, Menda could only stayed put swallowing his fate. He thought on the fact that he is surprised he even made it this far, he didn't knew what could possibly happen to the Bane that was always one step ahead to have to stopped pursuing him.

So when he cut his one lead ahead, at the act of saving the boy at the price of paying back his debt. Rationally he didn't need to have done that at the expense of his own escape. So now that he's got at this point, he simply muttered.

"At least the boy will do wel-"

His words is cut short before a sudden tremor shook the entire forest. The pursuers surrounding him simply looked at awe what is happening, for it's clearly isn't the work of the person they apprehended.

The ground began to crackle and streaks of the earth opens up in long cracks.

Before long streaks of dark energy and substance began rupturing out of the ground. The energy whips out across all angles as it flung all of the people who weren't lying close to the ground.

One of the toxicionist is thrown into the creases within the ground as he screams in horror. Protruding out of the ground appeared bones, skulls, ribs, skeletal system of what used to be a living human. As the skeletons began crawl around scratching and tearing into the man's flesh.

He quickly bled out, as the skeletons that had came to life didn't seem to see him as they crawl across the streams of necrotic energy down to where the cracks gather to.


Having slowly gotten up, Menda cautiously witness what had just happened. But he didn't seem so surprised before completely figuring out what had happened.

"That boy…"

At that moment he fail to notice as the recently dead toxicionist began to be evnveloped by the same magical energy protruding out of the soil, as at some point, he began to move as if in life just like the skeletons who had killed him. 


He picked up his crossbow as it's aimed at Menda. He failed to notice in time as the trigger is pushed, and thankfully it had been empty. So as Menda lowered his guard to examine what had happened, the animated body that seems to continue to have a will began to all of a sudden spasm.

At that point the dark energy began to explode out of every holes in the corpse body before he goes limp. The corpse proceeds to ignore Menda as it began to crawl down the stream just like the other skeletons that had appeared.

Witnessing it, Menda observed everything as if with an expertise on the subject. The stream and whips of energy doesn't seem to choose targets as much as it seems to whip around unpredictably, the moment he sees that he simply kept out of range of the cracks. 

"Wha- who casted this!?.."

As Menda then proceeds to hear of the man who had pushed him down just before, he spoke with bated breath as if his insides has already been wrecked after hitting a tree with overwhelming force.

"To think I'd be indebted to that boy again, Rundo"

With a motion of his hand and chant, a bolt of purple energy blasted straight through the toxicionist through the heart. He then proceeds to throw the body into the cracks as well along with the last toxicionist who had hit a boulder so hard it had snapped it's own neck.

"I will have to see how Norton is doing now, I don't think he'd be calm at all about all this..."

Declaring that to himself, he runs ahead to through the forest. To the direction where the cracks had come from.


It was but a simple scroll. Norton remember hearing it from his mother, it apparently it allows any normal human to cast spells they normally wouldn't be capable of. He didn't understand how it works though, all he could remember is how it's powered solely by the magic contained within the papers and ink.

By simply opening the scroll it allows even the kid to activate the spell contained within. So as he did just that after picking up the container that had fallen out of his bag.

And as an unseen force exploded out of the piece of paper. The ground trembled as the sound of snapping bones creaked. The tombstones began being carried up, cracks form from the earth as a sinister energy began billowing out in an ominous atmosphere.


Several skeletal hands began lashing out of the ground scratching the dragon from around it's form. The dragon flap it wing as it carried itself up avoiding it as it observe at what exactly is going on.

Norton on the other hand, witnessing the papers began to lit up in purple flames before perishing into ash. Norton thinks it had been a dud as he runs off taking advantage of the situation running away and crying in terror of what is happening.

The graveyard began to open up and full of corpses that has risen from the ground. Each one surrounded by a streak of some sort of magical energy animating each skeleton. The corpses began picking up old, rusted and broken armaments of war that once knew what a battlefield is. As even those objects began to be picked up from it's death from purpose, into back into action.

Many of the skeletons began crawl together as the ghastly energy seem to be bubbling up at one point into a singular huge form.

It's like a cacophony of bones, skeletons, old rusted armor pieces and weapons as they all meld together into one large abomination of a being. The entire form seemingly only been strewn together by the ghastly magical energy that had risen them.

 In shock about what is being formed, the Dragon opened it's maw as it attempts to burn away all the energy along with everything else in the grave with the same flames it had burnt entire forest with.


A skeleton at very top of the mountains of corpses shrieked in an terrifying growl. Several old rusted greatshields began to be unearthed and pulled out to the front. As if with a command of a leader, each hand moved accordingly to a single objective as they shelter themselves in retired equipment that had passed its glory days.

Having only hidden behind a stone wall, Norton tried to peek over as the curtain of flames that is about to slam into him as well.


He cursed at what a stupid act that was. But that fate didn't come to pass as a wall of greatshields and armors landed in front to shelter him. It was a mystery whether that was luck or a reactive act working upon a will, if so then Norton can't figure out who it is.

"What is this undead!!"

As the dragon swooped down to thrash down with his talons. Weathered and broken weaponry of all assorted coated in the necrotic energy also began to swipe back. Rusted battleax, longsword, and halberds slices into the dragon flaming form. It passed right through but the dragon growl as if in pain.

Armors are dented and flung, a chunk of the ghastly energy dissipated. But the armor quickly moves back in place as the magical energy also form back similar to the dragon's body. The only difference is the ghast skulls continue to gaze ahead devoid of what you call life.

After several more struggles, the two creatures beyond human rationality clashes. As the dragon swoops down with a slash of its claw, the mass of armors resisted it back with an equally powerful shove.

As the dragon flies up throwing a whip of its tail, the undead mass swings it in a riposte as it tore the tail off if it weren't for the fact that the dragon is formless. As the dragon soars down in a crash over the undead legion, it pushes it back in a hold of it's claws before it opened it maw brimming with light.

It blast it's flames directly onto the be giant mass before flying off a distance away from it. With the metal now steaming with a slight light, the mass shrieks in a horrifying cackle. As it moves it's giant mass forward. It finally unearthed itself from the ground as all of the corpses fully gathered into a singular disturbing mass.

The multiple iron helmets at the top are engulfed in the necrotic energy as it screeches in a warcry. Three armor pieces and skeletal structure reaches out in a swing resembling the function of a limb as each holds a different weaponry. The large mass of energy sweeps across with an overwhelming force as the mere slash managed to toss the dragon's body back.

Trees shook and branches are cut merely from the sheer force it displays. The undead legion then began well up in energy, it's visible in a show of the very substance it's being made before the mass of energy explodes out in a beam of raw force.

The dragon quickly flies up in an escape from the beam to which the stream of magical force shoots out into the woods and blasting away entire lines of trees. The continuous blast follows as it's aimed upwards as it connected to the dragon's side, it's a surprise it continues to held it's airborne without from the stagger it would've taken.

To which its maw is began filling with flames as it's swoops down with a breath from above. The undead legion manages to move its body on several greaves acting as solid legs. The dragon didn't stop there as it slides down in a swing, to which in a truly abnormal display.

The giant mass of armor and corpse move dodging the blow with a well-timed and swift sidestep. It managed to carry the large mass its holding, the force required of which is displayed the ground beneath cracked. At the same moment it had thrown its own quick riposte in stabs of several large spears. 

It's swift and precise motion. It makes a weird discrepancy between an elegant and well-trained movement, compared to the disgusting giant mass and power the creature is built upon. The Dragon began to wince in pain at its die that has taken several stabs from that exchange.

And after witnessing its feat, at which point it's mad clear.

"Hohoh, to think that this mass of undead continue to possess such skills… what gruesome power as well, what kind of powerful individual- no, army is this undead legion made of."

The dragon had taken a few hits to its intangible form. At which point exhaustion and pain began to be visibly seen on its movement. But to the mass of dead it's against, the creature doesn't seem to know exhaustion or pain. As it continued to move forward with its giant mass and weights, it continues to swing its massive power at a hundred percent, easily overpowering the dragon if necessary.

"I can't fathom what they were like originally. I highly doubt even a greater spirit like me would be able to handle this…"


In the forestry. Dolores is skipping with all her might, desperately leaping at long length from footsteps to footsteps.

Sensing a mass of ominous energy. It seems to lead to the graveyard they've visited together a while back. So she hurriedly even more as her mind goes into a race.

(Stupid- dumb! dumb! dumb! how stupid of me!)

That simple thought still rings through at the very core, so looking back at the situation they're now in. she could only push her body even further, for the only way he's going to ever see him again is to bridge the gap and help him moving forward along.

(I'm an even more of an idiot than Norton!)

Hence why the only thing she's fueling she's regretting is simple. And irony that above everything, for all of the thing Dolores herself is capable of. In hindsight, She had made a mistake that not even her own brother would. 

Although a minor mistake to have been easily made, she regrets it dearly at the possibility of losing something truly fragile.

Her brother had been missing, that was an urgency that should've been prioritized. That from the beginning she could've entrusted her father to the intruder and began searching herself. After all, unlike anyone else in the family.

"He's a disappointment, missing any form of intelligence from mother, nor any talent for blades from father."

That is simply stated, so far throughout her experience the past month. He'd been one to just be up to stupid antics, still incapable of standing up for the family's legacy. And even causing the huge mess that was the Lon Obstein Curtain.

Dolores had to always fix it all by herself, the younger sibling. They're like two sides of the same coin with just how different they could be.

It's easy to think very less of him. But even then she still think that above everything else.

(He's still my brother!)

At that thought, the hunk of steel began to shine.


"Very well Cheol Ulkoh, let's say we wrap this up in three rounds at most."

Haster simply chatted opening up to show his all the fingers on one hand. being given such a nonchalant and casual talk after having been stabbed, the recipient simply chuckled at the absurdity of it.

"Oh you know of me? Hearing it from the Lon Obstein himself is an honor then."

"How could I not? Vice General Twin Spear of the east. The wyrmguard loved by fire elementals and spirits alike. I've heard so much from Yeon Geom."

"Big sis? So you've met Crimson Lotus Yeon. And that's General Twin Spear now."

"Hohoh, congrats on the promotion. I had met Yeon a while back, shame I can't meet her after all this time though."

Hearing him talking so fondly about someone seemingly so important to Cheol. He began to ponder on that topic curiously.

"Yo Mister, What relationship do you have exactly with big sis?"

"I'd love to talk more, but that'll have to hold for now."

Haster paused for a moment before putting up into a stance.

"You who had aimed your weapon at my family, I wouldn't care who it is but I'm not going to let it be."

"I suppose, that talk will have to be for another time."

Cheol spun his polearms as they clanked on the ground with a satisfying sound. While Haster simply gets in a stance with his bare hands. Before the entire atmosphere thickens from their battle spirit alone.

"I'll have to finish in three rounds so I won't be holding back here."

"Then let me do the same, to think you were holding back before, I wonder why."

"Sorry about that, but I don't want to be seen as a scary brute to my daughter."

Several more streaks of flames began growing in size around Cheol. Whilst the ground shook from Haster's mere existence. And instantly after without even a moment to catch. the two monsters in the form of a human clashes.

The entire front-yard shook, rocks exploded into dust, and charcoal trees turned into ashes at a single stray blow.

A burning chain and pendulum whip across covering a long and wise area. To which Haster in a burst of speed leaps forward leaving a cracked pavement behind as he instantly closes the distance in a blur, holding a heavy punch at the ready.

It slammed into the dented armor even further, as Cheol had his breath pushed out of his lungs. He quickly shook of his stagger at the danger as he held his spear and spun pendulums in front of him creating a burning fan and barrier between the two.

With all the inertia it gathered, it only merely scratched the bare fist that dented even enchanted steel plates. As he raises his legs for the first time before and bashed the fan at its Achilles heel, that is the center where it's locked by the wielder's hand.

With a precise strike it completely broke that dangerous guard, but behind it is a readied counterattack as Cheol throw a jab forward and a low sweep with his other spear. Haster is finally dealt a strike again as the jab slashed at the hand he used to deflect it as it lacerated it. And for the low seep he swiftly leaped up from in a tremor jumping pass his opponent as he landed behind him upturning the very ground beneath him, to which staggered Cheol's stance completely off guard.

He instantly responded as he throw an all out attack throwing countless jabs with each of his spears at mere seconds. Against it Haster himself simply weaved his body left and right back and forth like a boxer dodging all the blows like he had seen it a thousand times before as all the jabs whiffed. 

Realizing that, Cheol swipes down with both spears as it forced Haster to leap up. Now at a point where he isn't capable of dodging, he continues his persistent assault with a swipe up followed by several jabs.

Haster simply face his arms forward again. each one faced to block the path of the swift and precise strikes as all of the blow simply deflected of his bare skin like it's made of pure steel.

"Why wont you die!??"

"Didn't you hear? I won't!!"

At that shout, he raised his arms up before he punch the blow throwing his entire body in a twist, Cheol dodged the slow and overreaching blow but it landed on the ground destroying even larger sections of the very ground they're standing on.

Before he could throw a dangerous blow again, Cheol held on to his staggered footing. As billows the flames on his back and weapons as he throw a full on assault, Haster caught wind of the reckless attack simply smiled back as he readied his stance.

Fists clashed against burning spears a each one slugged it out in a brawl. Two handing the spears Cheol throw countless strikes in a string that doesn't seem to end simply repeating with alternating patterns making it unpredictable the entire way through. 

Haster deflected whilst bob and weaving besides the jabs and streaks of flames. Whilst his powerful straights are just as meticulously deflected before Cheol made distance again to prevent it from continuing. Some of his punches is extended so quick it couldn't be keep up with the eye with but afterimages.

Looking like a blunder, Haster twist his body to face his sides, as Cheol took advantage to it as he landed several burning gashes on that open back in an instant. Yet Haster pushes through as he slams his sides into his opponent with the brute force of a train pushing him dozens of miles away into another brick wall that crumbled at the crash.

The clash of reckless assaults is momentarily stopped. But the rubble of what remains of the wall quickly exploded as streaks of flames whip ahead wildly yet precisely to Haster. Without any way to attack back without closing the distance again, he defended himself from the whip as he swiftly caught it in its trajectory. 

He then grab ahold of the chains burning his bare hands as a painful singe sizzles. He then quickly tangled the whip with his hands as the wave is transferred through the chains as with it he threw back an attack in a whiplash with his opponent's own weapon. 

Yet midway the chain snapped as it strangely breaks apart. Being also one step ahead, Cheol stopped the whiplash back, the broken ends of the flames then began billow into a visibly burning heads of snakes as it bites into Haster in a sizzling hiss.

Yet he stood still in a stance. He simply bent his body down, with his arms forward and behind. A few fingers are closed leaving the middle and index- No! just the disrespectful middle finger.

"Vengeful stake of the dead!"

He shouts the attack he's about to do. Completely revealing what he's going to do and how he's going to attack. But instead of utilizing it, Cheol simply braced himself in terror.

The very pebble in the surroundings jumps solely due to the pressure being emanating into the atmosphere. At the epicenter of which, the ground beneath Haster began to crumble next instant he leaps forward with the speed of a bullet.

Next thing in a flash, a row of trees could be seen no more as a line as far as the eye can see had tore off splitting off entire trunks and barks into dust and ashes.

At a miraculous feat against an attack that seems to defy physics and done with a mere single finger. Cheol is dozen of feet in the air as all his weapons and armor began to burn a bright yellow. 

"Heavenly Star Vajra!! Four Direction!!!"

At his own shout back, the courtyard is illuminated by a radiant light in a cross.


"Hah! I'm Beat!!"

"You know how to use that better, as sorry for my little brother and everything, please take it, I've gotten used to just using my fist now."

(Take it?)

Hearing a confusing line, Dolores had to double take what exactly said. But he simply nodded in affirmation of it.

"Would you? It looks way too important to just give it away."

"No, as ashamed as I had to admit it. just when I thought I had figured out all the ways to use it. You managed to figure out another one of its innate capabilities on your first use. I'd be ashamed to not give it to someone more promising, for all I could know you might even find another use of it. "

The man simply scratched his nose whilst giving his admiration. But seeing the one who bested him still hesitant about it, he pushed her along.

"Also, It'd do well as an apology for my younger brother challenge."

"Well it's my stupid older brother who started it though. So, I'm having a hard time not being the one sorry."

"No, I was completely beaten. Against a prodigy like you as well, he sure knows his stuff sending you out. If you're already like this, can only imagine what your brother is capable of."

"Haha, yeah…"

(Well Norton is closer to a harmless brat than anything alike.)

She held that thought in so as to not disappoint him.

"Here's one of the cool thing its capable of, you can lend it to the wind spirits around you to carry it. Do well to try, it seems that they also really like you."


Hearing what that might entail. Guided along by Sief, she simply raised her hand forward whilst holding the blade she's holding in front of face. It began enveloped in the gust on the balcony before next thing she knows to have disappeared.

Impressed by the cool display, even Dolores young mind still felt proud of it being in her possession.

"Hooh, I'll name it Stormbreaker."

"Heh, a better name than the one I had for it."


Witnessing an illuminating light from behind. She realizes she had to be more of a rush than before. And remembering something from the weeks prior she instinctively figured out how.

So Dolores raised her hand as strong winds gather around her, before solidifying into her hand. And literally out of thin air, the white saber appears in her grasp.

Her giant greatsword trailing behind her, she's so focused on ahead that she fail to notice it changing. So as she charges onwards with her core she leaps up in a skipping step. It's as if with a raging gale, her tiny form quickly disappeared from the scene.

Leaving behind a booming thunder and faint light blue glitter and falling leaves of rustled trees


"Djinn Ifrit!! Wish to favor!! Lend thy aid!"

As the dragon chanted, it began to grow in size and huge flames began to explode surrounding it. Gazing through the flames, a silhouette of a burly man with glowing eyes flashed for a second before melding into the fire.

"Now have at-"

Soon after, his monologue after the powerup was cut short as the undead legion grabbed it's maw close and slammed it into the ground. As the undead began sprinting on it's four spectral legs, the dragon head is dragged down across the ground in a struggle against the large mass overpowering it.

After being dragged on what feels like forever, the dragon is then flung off the hill followed by an onslaught of axes with several protruding limbs of the undead. Launching the creature into the ground below.

But a booming of flames after, the dragon soared over in an explosive speed, it's fully body now enveloped in flames and the injuries of the axes began to form back to close it. As it screamed a loud roar that pierce the ear, in an absurd display of its elements.

Dozens- no, about a hundred of ornate glyph of flames began to form in the air, after a delay of which it shoots out a spear of fire as it jabbed right through the undead and its shield.

"Infernum, Impetus, Impluo!!"

Declaring his checkmate in a single move and chant, displaying its sheer display of magic. Yet facing it, as if disregarding it completely, the undead legion simply brandished their weapons.

Against such an absurd attack from all angles. The undead legion simply moved to the obvious yet absurd action to achieve goal of defeating them all. It moves and swings with rapid succession, each limb acting autonomously but perfectly coordinated.

The mass of undead zips around in an abnormal display of immense speed and precision. With the huge mass, the upper body of the undead legion is dragged behind and flail around at the imbalance stature it has, yet it swing all of it's weapons with precision as it cleaved everything in its path.

Entire trees, from the highest point to the base of the trunk. each one struck with immense force as it cleaved through the entire area.

From outside it just seems to be a wild swing in all direction, but even that is a display of its strength, the dozens of weapon strikes are swung all at once each one moving at a pace hard for the eye to see. As it succeeded in destroying all source of the fire glyphs.

Though surprised by the absurd display of feat done by such an improbable body mass. The dragon didn't let up as it too in a surprising turn, changes the form of its limbs as they're enveloped by blades made of flames to each nail. And the tip of the tail a flame ax, the jaw enveloped by billowing flames.

The dragon resorted to quick attacks utilizing each limb and power it has at close quarters in an attempt to surprise the undead legion. But the creature simply accepted that as it parried each strike with an equally swift strike back, as several clashes collided in perfect cohesion.

Claws to axes, Tail to lances, Talons to longswords, flames to greatshields, and bites to greatswords. The dragon swoops down from the air to make those clashes only for it all to be outdone by mere corpses with an expertise in it's very weapons that isn't lost through death.

Realizing that it flies back up as it's charged the flames in it's maw. As the dragon opened it, it radiates a light that shines the entire graveyard as if it's under the daylight at noon.

Bracing itself yet not defending. A feat that truly blows any expectations again with it's mass. As the undead legion leaps up the dozens of meters the dragon had distance itself.

"Nothing special, Hellfire!!"

It's a nonchalant and disrespectful tone. But in combat it still an unnecessary telegraph. To which the undead legion also follow suit to it. And as it shouted back.

Norton had heard that shout before. '' it had been one of the things his father had tried to teach by beating into him. It jogs his memories back witnessing it at such a uncanny situation. when using an obvious powerful move. By shouting the move, it would bring confidence and moral to yourself and your allies. And confidence brings results.

The skeleton at the top shrieks as it verbalizes human speech. It's hoarse and devoid of normality, yet it screams full of an uncanny and indomitable vigor not seen in an animated corpse, burning with life in undeath. 

"Brigand's Lunge!!!"

With a single mass of spear built by its spectral forms and metallic mass of equipment, a simple leap following by a brutal strike from the spear coming at several possible trajectury. Yet to him, it is just a leap at full power to Norton eyes. though-

(How cool!!)

It simply brings sparkles to the boy's eye.


Meanwhile amidst the frontyard.

With his shouts of will spoken, he held his arm forward in a guard as his main hand is pulled to the back its middle finger extended. To his adversary, his sheer will distort what appearance he currently posses or lack thereof with his chest bare.

His pressure solidifies within the air as it implants the vision of an knight standing above mimicking his stance. Where he could see the middle finger for what it truly is in this moment, a weapon not behind in capability to a lance he's seen before in his lifetime.


The radiant yellow cross is quickly dissipated


The dragon began to dissipate as it's flames flicker in a weak glow in the air. As a thump after and clanking of metal equipments, the undead legion crashed down back on the ground still on its spectral feet.

Entering through the dark trees, a hooded man has become familiar now as he found Norton hidden behind a broken cobblestone wall right near. And looking over to the undead legion in the field, as the two began to shock their brains to run.

What will it do now…

"What happened here Norton!?"


Before any of the sort might happen. Menda spoke up to the concerned boy as it caught him by surprise. So as Norton looked over and see it to be a face he recognized he calmed a bit before realizing the situation he got himself in.

"Mister… Treasure scroll summoned monster, stronger than dragon.."

He answers shakingly as at that moment, the monster in question moved. And as it turn to face the two of them, the one who understood what the monster began to have a most complicated expression. Which is cut short as the monster began hulking its giant mass over their way giving them nowhere to run.

"!!" 2x

With a shriek, the undead legion raised a greatsword up as it swung down. Menda rushed over in a fealty attempt to cover for the young boy.

"!?" 2x

After a gush of wind later, he had found his body still in one piece. As he looked up to see a skeleton at the top gazing down eerily to the two of them, something clicked within him.

"Now this is something else… Norton."


He simply mumbled, as the boy is going to try making sense on the situation. Whereas at this point, the boy began to cower in fear under the monstrosity above him. 

"It'll be fine Norton, we'll get to the mansion soon, with the way it is. this undead won't hurt you."


Moving along with the boy, the giant mass of undeath just seem to keenly keep its eyes on the two of them.

"Even after seeing it first hand, it's still so surreal…"

"Now what do we have here…"


A mask with weird inscription revealed itself out of the shadow of the treetops. Only part which is visible as its figure is entirely melded in to the woods.

"Man who reeks of death, leave little boy away…"


At the frightening presence of the undead legion, unlike the two of them. The old man simply paid it not much his mind. As he continued his inquiry, the boy only now took notice of the mask.

"Mister Nakt!"

"Get over here little Norton... That man is clad with the symbol of Os"


Having been shocked even to hear that, the boy leaped down to the ground at a reflex. Just on who exactly he'd been helping all this time, there are many thing he could be thinking of. But throughout the night and even to now, he continued to feel a constant of fear and uneasiness.

"But mister helped me…"

"Didn't you remember what I said before, He's a man of Os. They're people who made use of people who are supposed to have rested and moved on to the next world. That is heresy that must never be tolerated!"

Necromancy, having that simplified down to him. He'd understood just what kind of vile folks those people are, and what that scroll had summoned. Why it's so grotesque that a kid like him can't help but cry in fear under.

Having that fear struck in him again, the two adults continued.

"That mask... Why would a pharao's hand be doing here… But now I see what had happened with Terofel, he wouldn't stand a chance against you."

After having that investigation, Menda simply turned to the now concerned boy.

"I'm sorry Norton, indeed I'm not a good person by any standards."


"Indeed I'm Menda Bauns, a scholar of Os. A professional at dabbling with heresy, I've used to studied and work for at the sanctum, even paid with scholarships for my research and spells."

"A mistake was made as I had escaped that life, and ever since then I'm on the run. The bane and toxicionist were lead here by me, and if that had caused you to also come to harm."


"I have my reasons, yet to see such a good willed boy like you continue with your normal life is all enough for me after all this."

(Mister sounds concerned..)

"To what purpose you may have done, I'll have to bring rest upon this entire graveyard as well."

"If what I heard of the pharao's hand is true. I know you're not going to let me be no matter what I say…"

What happen next didn't even took a moment.

"Stay away now, Norton!" 2x

As the air abaited for a moment, yet only for a moment. before fist struck and spells were cast. A fist smashes a shield of earth, yet without hesitation it punched right through with brute force. 

it clashed with the soft fleshy body behind it only for the old man to realize his strike went past empty air. Only then noticing his target is elsewhere.

"Mister! hold on!"

At that word, a cleaving ax swung between the two. At the same moment of that word, the huge undead legion leaps into the scene and cleave the entire area.

"!!!" 3x

It shrieks in a frightening roar as if it'd kill everyone present. 

"That may be the case, i could punish the man of Os anytime. So it'd be best if I give you rest first."

At the midst of the sudden chaos, the little boy crouches down in disheartenment over the sudden tension and violence at the air. What a mere kid with no power could do in such a situation.

Compared to the situation. Having been noticed as the old man is standing above it's spectral limbs. An onslaught of rusting weaponry sweeps across the air with an abnormal swift and precision.

"For the dead deserve respect, what other way than give it a place to rest beneath the ground."

Yet faced with all that, the old man drops his body and maneuvers around each strike with a precision that beats even that. Many time it seems as if he could walk on the air and manages to twist his body and dodge on the air. 

He reaches to the top of the huge undead as with what only seem to be a mere backflip. Bones and old greatshields are destroyed and scattered into scraps from an unnoticed strike hit with the force of a cannonball.

"They themselves will be judged at their own matters."

At the very top reveals a skeletal body that seem to lead the entire form as a commander. As it readily wields a weapon at the ready. It's an abnormally ornate lance that seem to be untarnished by decay compared to all the other weapons.


With a shriek, it declares it's decisive counter strike back as the lance radiates a magical hue. It collided with the Old-man's bare hands as a hair raising sharp sound, akin to a nail on a chalkboard screeches.

The old man is launched back, his left hand can be seen flung in the air. Detached. Yet he continued to exclude an aura that no one present could ignore.


Having Menda run over to cover the crouching child amidst it all. Norton began thinking it through again. 

(But no, that's wrong. Mister saved me from the fire chicken, The scroll saved me. All that I'm grateful, to him. To mister Nakt too, even the giant Skellington.)

In the mere span of day, his life had been saved by those who he had trusted before. The two of the already told him that they're not an example of what a good person should be, but notwithstanding that. 

(I don't want either one getting hurt. But they believe the other to be bad.)

To the boy, who doesn't understand such difficult concepts he simply wanted that blood won't be shed on the people around him.

(They're both bad so who's right there!)

"Please! stop!!"

So standing up with an ugly crying face. he shouts at the top of his lungs.

It soon followed by the shriek of the undead legion as it brandish it's lance yet again. The old man too as he screams in a bone chilling voice.


Death. It was simply what it felt like, as if being in the very air they're in could take away their life with each passing seconds. It's a more condensed and vicious ominous energy similar to the spectral magic the undead legion is made out of.

Witnessing the scene, the detached left hand of Nakt began to creaked and twist in movement. It's a sinister sight as with a terrible shrill of the air it levitates and began to move on its own.

"Vengeful spear of the dead-"

The hand accelerated in an instant, twisting around in a seemingly random zig-zag in the air. At that instantaneous of moments, several weaponry tries to cleave into the injured Nakt only for it to be deflected midair by nothing.

And so, the black and shriveled detached hand launches into the undead legion. And as they clashed.



Soon after, a deafening reverb silenced everything.



It was an explosion into the scene. As Dolores arrived pushing everything back, she wields a silver saber and her right hand with a raging wind billowing the scene enough to push everything back.

Standing atop of the shining huge greatsword radiating a light blue light it pierced the ground from the heaven as it stopped the clash. She gazes at everyone on the scene as her eye shine in a chromatic light. 


"Stop them!"

After that moment of which. Still unyielding to his own conviction before, the old man had thrown a fist on empty air as it shoots an unseen jet of wind directed at the skeleton. But the strike collided with a gale form a mere brandish of the stormbreaker.

A halberd swung down with immense force at the old man. But it too is intercepted as the giant slab of steel came to life and slammed the halberd back. It's magical blue hue shines trailing behind as it destroyed the old piece of weaponry.

As at this turn of event. A mere 6-year-old managed to hinder the fight from escalating any further. Everyone present shook at the display of power performed by such a unseeming stature, so they all took a moment trying to rationalize what is. Everyone except for one, who had never thought of that person to be anything more than a sibling.

"Mister Nakt, please let shady mister be!!" 

At the boy plead, the tiny guardian affirmed the youthful conviction as the sharp gale cuts the very air and field blades of grass. And with a blue trail of light, the independent blade arcs in a swift motion.

With two simultaneous swipe, Nakt Is pushed aback and the greatsword had disarmed off of the undead legion limbs. And within that moment of clearance did they heard it.

"I'm not hurt, it's thanks to you, and Mister Bauns, even the grave skellington!"

The world crackles again at the power emanating from the girl next to the boy. As if assuring his affirmation and imposing it to everyone present.

"Why can't we be friends!!"

With the watery eyes of the boy's plead followed a clank as the giant sword stabbed into the earth. Everyone simply stood silent towards the two small siblings. The hooded man shook as he realized something as he froze still.

(That girl!! she's the one who pinned me down! Thankfully she doesn't recognize me though.)

With a loud creaking of mass, the absurd turn of events of de escalation follow suit. As hearing to the sibling words, the undead legion simply lowered down it's huge body and stance into what looks like bending on its knees.

And so as for the last person, having witness the current tension.

"Even I'd never intend to harm a little kid."

The old man Nakt simply raised his stance into one more relaxed, and with a magical reverb his dissected hand flies back into his wrist and seemingly stitched itself back, somehow.

And seeing how the tension began to settle, the boy spoke up full of his childish hopes.

"Can we talk now?"

"It's fine Norton, I won't be killing him, yet."

With the old man assurance, kind of. The rest are still unsure what to do of the situation, even the giant undead in the courtyard too. The boy simply continued on.

"I have tasty bread we always share, let's eat first!"

Wiping away the tears with his arm, the boy began to cheer his first smile of the evening.

Editing the text is hell, so with my amateur attempt at patching it up, i did with as much will to do it as i could till i ran out of it, with.

now i kind of understand why editing is a full time job. Any more might drive me insane, hit hard a broken heart, hit hard i gave it all.

Yukana_Rioncreators' thoughts