
A handsome rescuer

I had finally decided that I wouldn't take it anymore. "Maybe it's my fate. Nobody will even notice if I went missing. That's it! "

- I said to myself before standing on the bridge ready to jump off in my beautiful red wedding dress.

I finally gathered some courage and stood up all ready to jump off the bridge when suddenly all the moments that I spent with my loved one began to repeat in my mind.

"I wish I also died with you in that car accident back then so I didn't had to go through all of this, but don't worry Mom I'm coming after you."

- I said it in a faint sound while the tears were rolling down my cheeks layered with makeup.

I shut my eyes as strongly as I possibly could and jumped off the bridge shouting out aloud " I LOVE YOU MOM!"

But then I felt a strong force pushing me upwards. I quickly opened my eyes to see who was the person pulling me up. It was a young man all dressed up in a suit. He had a very good body and was a tall white man with pure dark chocolate brown silky smooth hairs . He had so many body gaurds standing behind him.


-I shouted at him with anger.

"Leave me alone. Let me die. Go mind your own business."

- I kept repeating but he didn't listened and pulled me up.

He gave me a jacket to cover my bare arms because it was a very freezing last night of December.

I was just about to scold him for interrupting my business but soon the clock struck 12:00 and fire works started. Yes the new year started. The sky looked soo beautiful and I was absolutely loving it.

But soon I fainted.

Next Morning, I woke up in a hospital. The man from that last night was no where to be seen.