
Lost In The Echo

A war broke out between the Humans and Monsters. But for (y/n) she could careless what is happening between them.She has always been on her own.Humans disgust her cause how they treated her kind. Yes she is a Monster but one that been on the suffuse for along time to know how bad they are . Monster there okay for the most part. Will G show her that she is not alone that there is someone that cares?

Renee_The_Vampire · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
26 Chs

The Darkness And Strange Monster

( (y/n) P.O.V)

Every thing was dark. I look around and see nothing for what looks like a never ending. I started walking around. But there was still darkness. Then a finger come in to sight.

"Hello?"I said.

"Ha yllanif I ma elba ot klat ot ouy"He said.

(Ah finally I am able to talk to you)

"Who are you?"I asked

"ym eman si restaG dna ym nos si edised ouy gnitiaw rof ouy ot ekaw pu I lliw ees uoy erthona emit"He said

(My name is Gaster and my son is beside you waiting for you to wake up I will see you another time.)

"Alright til next time Gaster"I said.

I started to wake up and felt the pain go through my body.I turn my head slowly and seen G sleeping in the chair.I smile a little and look to see he is holding my hand.I started blushing a little and tried to wake him up.

"G"I said sofly.

he groans and as he starts to wake up. He looks over and sees me awake.

"Hay doll how you feeling" he asked.

"I'm not going to lie in a bit of pain but I'm alright"I said weakly.

"That will heal in time but other than that you should be alright you will still have to stay in bed til that wound is completely healed" he said.

"Okay"I said smiling.

"I'll get you something to eat and see if you had any blood left over"He said.

I nod my head as G walked out of the room. I am still unsure of how to feel about G.Yeah he saved me a few times. But other times he just acts like he don't care or even want anything to do with me.Maybe it would have been good if we never meet. I close my eyes and started going to sleep again.

(G's P.O.V)

I went down stairs to the kitchen seeing my brother there.

"Hay paps whats you making?"I asked.

"Oh just some spaghetti and garlic bread"He said.

"Cool bro can you make some for (y/n)"I asked.

"yes brother I can do that.How is she feeling any way?"he asked.

"Shes still in a bit of pain but other than that she should be alright."I said

"That's good to hear I did have a talk with Undyne about it and she is really sorry about what happen"He said.

"Well I am not forgiving her for it. It was uncalled for."I said.

"I know brother but its really up to (y/n) to forgive her or not" He said.

"I know brother" I said.

He gave me a plate and i took it upstairs. I open her door and seen she is a sleep.I smile a little and set the plate down on the stand and waited for a bit til she wakes up again.