
Lost In The Echo

A war broke out between the Humans and Monsters. But for (y/n) she could careless what is happening between them.She has always been on her own.Humans disgust her cause how they treated her kind. Yes she is a Monster but one that been on the suffuse for along time to know how bad they are . Monster there okay for the most part. Will G show her that she is not alone that there is someone that cares?

Renee_The_Vampire · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
26 Chs

Stay or Leave

Its been 5 days now from the last time I went out to get food or even some blood. Its also odd that no humans have come by here to look for anything.It might be the fact that the resources around here. I think I should move to a better location. I do need food and I have not heard any gun or anything being fired. I also have not seen Papyrus or G in a wail. I guess they moved to a new place as well. I could yous my magic to teleport the house to a new location.I look outside I didn't see anything or hear anything it was quiet.I felt alone and the quietness is not helping with any thing. But one thing is for sure I will go scouting out to find a new area to call home. I gathered some thing and made my way out. I put a shield up around my home as I went off. I walk around the town and so far no sign of life. I don't even see any one. I guess they all left. That means that I will have to move as well. But why should I move I been alone sense this war started. Being alone again wont make any difference. I walk around a bit longer and still nothing.So I just head back home. I got home and i sat down on my couch.

" Well looks like I'm the only one here now. I'm used to be alone so it shouldn't bother me right"I thought.

I then hear a knock at my door. I move the curtain and to see a unfamiliarity face. He look like a goat with a purple clock on.I got off the couch and over to my door.I unlock the door and peek out.

"what do you want?"I asked.

"Are you (y/n) yes?" He asked.

"That's right"I said.

"Oh good Papyrus has talked a lot about you and how kind you are and that you looked human but you are really a monster"He said.

"yeah so what if I am it don't explained why you are here"I said.

"there are some monsters that are missing and i was hoping you could help us find them"he asked.

"Sure I will do it i got nothing else to do"I said.

"Good Now G will try and stop you from going.If he thinks its to dangers"he said.

"You wont worry about that him or Papyrus have been around here for 5 days so don't worry about them trying to stop me"I said.

"I see. Here are the names of the monsters that are missing"He said handing me a paper with names.

I looked it over and see the names Monster Kid,Siren, and Napstabloock.I look up at him.

"I'll leave right away to find them don't worry you came to the right monster.I know this area like a maze in the sewers"I said.

"Thank you so much"He said bowing.

"its no problem sir by the way whats your name?"I asked.

"King Asgore"He said.

"Nice to meet you Majesty.I should be getting going now"I bow my head and walk off to get stuff for my trip.

"be safe my friend"He said.

"I will and don't worry i can take care of myself"I said.

I went off on my way to go find the missing monsters. It going to take me at lest 8 days to find them or even 10 days if i don't find them fast. I look through every building i go by and every other area i been to. So fair i have not found any one yet. But then i hear what sounded like crying.I went over to it and seen its a ghost.

"are you Napstablook?"I asked.

"Y....yes who are you?"he asked.

"I am (y/n) i was sent to get you and the other monster that are missing"I said.

"Oh good I missed my causes"He said.

"I am sure he miss you also now heres a map to get back to your base and back to Mettaton"I said.

He nods his head and left. I continued my search for the rest of the monsters that went missing.I just hope I get to them before the humans do.

(G P.O.V)

I didn't like this one bit Asgore went out to ask for help finding the missing monsters.I just hope he did ask (y/n) help him to find them.I seen that He came back with Napstablook with him.

"That was fast finding him"I said.

"I didn't find him (y/n) did"He said.

"What you asked her to help you!"I shouted.

"She knows this area better then any of us do and she knows the dangers"He said.

"It don't matter you shouldn't have asked her" I said angry.

"She will be alright G she can handle herself. She lasted this long with out any ones help."He said.

I didn't care I just wanted her to be safe .I had to go find her just to make sure shes alright and not hurt.I got some things and went out to find her. I know she knows this area better then us. But there no way i would have let her go alone unprotected when things go bad.