
Lost In The Echo

A war broke out between the Humans and Monsters. But for (y/n) she could careless what is happening between them.She has always been on her own.Humans disgust her cause how they treated her kind. Yes she is a Monster but one that been on the suffuse for along time to know how bad they are . Monster there okay for the most part. Will G show her that she is not alone that there is someone that cares?

Renee_The_Vampire · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
26 Chs

Safe In The Forest

I put in the cornets and the hole house started shifting and moving.G started looking around in a bit of a freak out.

"What the hell is happening"? He asked

"the house is moving aka teleporting to the new location"I said

"How can you be so calm about this?" He asked

"Cause I have done this so meany times, It just don't bother me any more"I said

Then the house teleported close to the forest and out said of the city but a close to the warehouse is located.I just hope we are safe and out of danger for now.

"Is it over?" G asked

"Yes we are now near the forest just outside the city limits but the tunnels are connected so we can get to the warehouse a lot faster when ever we need food"I said

"that is good" G said.

"But I will have to go back to the other town once in a wail so i can get some of the humans blood to last me."I said

" is there not enough for you back at the warehouse?"he asked

"it will only last be for about 3 months that counting the emergency blood bottles also"I said.

"okay but I will be coming with you"He said.

" no way you stay here with the others i can not risk anyone getting hurt on my watch"I said.

"And what about you what if you get hurt and unable to move?"He said/asked.

"*Sighs* you really don't make things easy for me now do you?"I asked.

" Dam right and you are going to get used to it" he said.

I can help it he kinda like Jinx in away,Every time we have a argument. She always point out the facts of what would happen or if it will happen.It make me so mad when she did that but happy cause it let me know she does care about me.But with G I think he does care about me.I just still have the habit of not wanting anyone to care for me.

"But you do have the point about if i got hurt and losing a lot of blood."I said

"Now your seeing it my way" he grinned.

" okay don't be a smart ass"I said.

"But i don't have a ass just all bone" He said.

" yeah and i am about to kick the bony ass to the wolfs to chew on it"I said

" okay you win this time "He chuckles.

I giggles and went back inside as G follows me, I went down stairs to check on the others.To see of their okay.

"Is everyone alright?"I asked

"We are a little shaken up but we are alright"Toriel said.

"That is to be expected if your not used to teleporting"I said


"He did handle it well but its a bit different then using magic to teleport, I used a machine to teleport us here so if anyone feels a bit shaken up or a bit sick that is normal to feel for the first time"I said

" well gees gives us a bit of warning next time darling" Mettaton said.

"Hopefully we wont have to move a gain for a wail"I said.

" worried that the humans will find us?" said a rabbit monster.

"Yes cause if they find us then more will come and kill us"I said.

"oh" He said.

After checking on everyone to see if there alright and not puking every where.Later Everyone went to bed,but I stayed up and laying on the roof looking at the stars.Then I hear someone walking over to me.I look and its G.

" Not tired?" He asked

" yeah usually when this happens i just lay here and look at the sky.It gives me a peace of mind and calms me"I said

G sat next to me and looks up at the sky, Then he close his eye sockets and listens to the wind blowing.

" Your right is it peaceful" he said.

" yeah differently when there is no explosions and guns going off"I said

"i been wandering something" He said

" what is it?"I asked

" why do you hate humans so much?"He asked

I sigh knowing that this question would come up sooner or later. I already told him i was abandoned. But that is not a real reason to hate the humans.

" Well the real reason why i hate humans is that each human i had come a cross humans that just chose action over words."I said letting him figure the rest out.

" I am sorry"He said.

" its alright like i said not all humans are bad for example Jinx and Your adviser "I said

"true and the people you saved along the way" he said.

"Yeah but ever sense this stupid war started life been hard on everyone, We lost people we care about and end up trying to survive cause of the humans being dum asses"I said

"so true" G said

Then we both fell silent listening to the wind and watching the sky. Then I started to drift off to sleep.G Then picked me up and teleport us back inside to my room.He then lays me down in my bed.He goes to walk away but i grab is Jacket sleeve so he wont leave. He chuckled a little and lays next to me. I snuggle close to him and fell a sleep.