
Lost In The Echo

A war broke out between the Humans and Monsters. But for (y/n) she could careless what is happening between them.She has always been on her own.Humans disgust her cause how they treated her kind. Yes she is a Monster but one that been on the suffuse for along time to know how bad they are . Monster there okay for the most part. Will G show her that she is not alone that there is someone that cares?

Renee_The_Vampire · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
26 Chs

Moon Light

(Y/n P.O.V)

I woke up the pain was not as bad as the first time I woke up. I looked around my room and didn't see G there. He probably down stairs keeping a eye socket on things. Then the door open and Papyrus walked in.

"Hello (y/n) how are you feeling?"He asked

"I feel Better then i did earlier" I said giving him a soft smile.

" That is good to hear my brother will be happy to know that your doing good" He said.

"Where is G anyway?"I asked.

"He went back the the base to talk with the king about moving every one else to you" He said.

"That's not a good idea Papy there are still humans out there looking for me. I cant risk all of you getting hurt cause I was not careful."I said

"He thinks that it be better so that way we can help you when your hurt like this" He said.

I sighed trying to think of how I am going to hide the monsters.Then I remembered that there is a tunnel system under the house just in case any one broke into the house.So maybe all the monsters can stay done there to hide. Plus it was a old school that me and jinx had fixed up for emergency.

"On second thought Papy there is a old school under this house that me and my friend fixed up for emergencies you all can stay in there and every thing is powered by 3,000 generator.So you guys wont have to worry about getting power and the water down there is so very clean."I said.

"Wowie that so cool. My brother will be mostly happy to hear that there is a place for use here. To use as a base" He said excitedly

I giggles at how cute Papyrus is being. Hes just so innocent just like how Jinxes acted when she was around. Trying to find good in others when they treated her like shit. I miss her still seeing her smile laugh and just being there.But Papyrus is so much like her it makes me feel like she back and here with me again.

"(Y/n) you sure you are okay your staring in to nothing?"he asked with a bit of worry.

"Oh I'm sorry Papy I was just thinking is all "I said.

"Okay then well G will be back soon probably with every one" he said.

I nod my head as Papy walked out of the room.i sighed and tried sitting up in bed. Oh boy was that a bad idea. Everything started spinning. I waited a little bit for everything to stop spinning. Then the door open and G walked.

"Hay (y/n) how your fe....."He cut him self off and run over to me seeing that i am pale.

'I'm okay G i am just a bit dizzy is all"I said.

"you shouldn't try moving to much" G said.

"I just wanted to get up. I'm sorry"I said.

G remember that you didn't have your blood ever sense you both got back after Undyne almost killed you.He laid you back down on the bed and pulled the covers over your body.

"What blood do you normally drink if there's no humans around?" he asked.

" Animal if your lucky to find one there usually in the forest but be careful when looking some of them will try and kill you even if they look like there the friendliest."I said.

" okay ill be back with blood for you okay"He said.

" take someone with you just in case" I said.

" okay I will bring greater dog with me he big and strong enough to help"he said.

I nod as he left the room. I sighed wanting to get out of bed for a shower.

" Papy" i softly yelled

"Yes what is it (Y/n)!?" he asked.

" Can you help me to the bathroom so i can take a shower please"I asked.

" Sure thing!" he said.

he picked me up and took me to the bathroom. I was able to stand a little bit. But I was still very light headed.Papyrus left the bathroom and is standing out side the door if i need him.After my shower I got dressed. I called for him and he helped me to the bed and laid me down.

"Is there anything else you need me to do for your or get you !?"He asked.

" No thank you very much Papy"I gave him a soft smile.

"Okay ill be down stairs if you need me" he said.

I nod my head as he left the room.I started to get tired again so I fell back to sleep.