
Lost In The Echo

A war broke out between the Humans and Monsters. But for (y/n) she could careless what is happening between them.She has always been on her own.Humans disgust her cause how they treated her kind. Yes she is a Monster but one that been on the suffuse for along time to know how bad they are . Monster there okay for the most part. Will G show her that she is not alone that there is someone that cares?

Renee_The_Vampire · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
26 Chs

Danger Ahead of Us

After the storm has passed we went on our way to the next part of a forest. We walked about 6 hrs now and we

"we should rest " G said

'yeah and get some more wood cause we are almost out ' I said

we find a spot ad i go get some wood and put some wood on my bag and use the rest for a fire. I had so much running through my mind. Planing on what way to get in to where frisk is. If she is there. Or that she is even alive but i remember how i got out the first time i was there and then G got me out of my thoughts .

"So how are we getting in to the Capital once we get there ?" G asked

' Well if i remember right there is a opening near the far wall to the east that we can sneak in i know this cause that is how I sneak out before' I said

"Why did you have to sneak out ?" G asked

'I was thrown in jail for stealing 'I said

" you actually stolen stuff" he asked

'Yes i was like 18 in human years when i did' I said

"that's cool doll" G said

'there is a lot more i did then just that wail in here but i am not going to say what else i did' I said

"was they that bad ?" G asked

'yeah they was' I said

"sorry about that" G said

'Its alright don't worry about it is in the past now we need to focus on the task at hand. Beside half of the ones that used to be there are gone or retired from the jail.' I said

G nods and close his eye sockets to rest up. As for me I stayed awake thinking the best way to get in without being detected or have G seen by the humans there. But the best way i know is the way i took to get out unless they have that entry point blocked of or guarded. But i doubt they do cause I know for a fact no one in that dam city knows about it but me that's cause a old lady that was the warden back in the day told me how to get out. But i know that woman s long gone by now. I look up and see a few of the stars. They always give me a peace of mind and calm my self when i am figuring out things or the best course of action to take. After 3 hrs i shook G to wake him up to take watch.

"My turn doll?" G asked

'yeah if anything is coming near us wake me up right away cause this forest is the most dangers cause some of the humans experimented on some of the wild life here and left them go as trackers for the monsters but they never came back to the humans so they are still roaming around here ' I said

"alright i will" He said

I lay down use my back pack as a pillow and fell a sleep.

(G's P.O.V)

she fell a sleep as soon as she lay down I looked around keeping watch over things. She knows a lot about this area for sure. I know she told me that she escaped from the human capital or city before and from what I seen by reading her expressions that she was not sure on if they might be guarding where she come out from or they blocked it off. But she is willing to take that risk to see if Frisk is really in that place. But part of me hope's its not true that Frisk is gone and that I can get more to know (y/n) but will that be the case or will it end in disaster for the both of us.