
Basilisk Isles

(Location: Pirate Ship)

(Time: Sunset)

(3rd person)

After being taken aboard the pirates ship the four were introduced to the captain who was so unimportant they didn't even bother remembering his name has he gave his threats about what would happen if they ran and how much coin they'd bring him the group mostly tuned it out, Sansa leaning her head on Rhaenys pretending to be scared but actually grabbing a few moments rest as she hates the girlish sound in his voice.

Jon and Arthur just wanna get to their cell it's been a long day and they wanna grab some sleep, after the pirate finishes droning on and on he finally commands his crew to take them to the cells beneath the deck.

After being thrown in there together due to lack of space Jon and the girls sit on one pile of straw while Arthur sits on the one opposite them. "I never thought the guy would shut up, he couldn't be a more generic slaver if he had tried" Arthur groans out as he lies down noting his hands were still tied he bends his arms in the opposite direction and turns one and slides the other one out easily.

Jon just lights his arms on fire burning the rope to ash, Rhaenys does the same though on a much smaller scale and it takes a bit longer. It turned out sansas arms were so thin and her hands so small they didn't tie the rope properly around it so with a few pulls it just fell off.

"Don't be too harsh Arthur we had some lovely lads help bring all our luggage aboard" Jon says with a chuckle which elicits one from the group.

"We're finally going home Jon" Sansa says with excitement as she leaned into his left side with a smile on her face.

"Yes we are…" Jon says a little more unenthusiastically, he hadn't told Sansa that he wouldn't be joining her back in Winterfell when they he dropped her home, with how close they became he didn't have the heart to tell her and make her cry, but he knew putting it off even longer was a worse idea.

"I wonder if there's any wine onboard" Rhaenys wonders out loud as she leans into Jon's right side.

"Definitely would make this to faster" Arthur adds on as he starts to lie down.

After a few hours below deck Jon goes to the wall of the cell and burns a hole in it with his fingers and looks through to check how late it was.

"Alright I'm gonna head to the kitchens anyone want anything?" Jon says getting the groups attention.



"Cake… and Wine!"

Putting his hand over his face Jon sighs "I meant real food, and wine doesn't even count as a food" Jon states as he looks at the gluttons sitting down beneath him.

They don't reply to him at all and just pout, it looks cute on Sansa and Rhaenys but seeing a man in his 40th decade pout like a child really snapped Jon back to reality.

"I'll be back soon" Jon says before heading to the metal gate and creating a high pressure flame extending from his finger, he does this to cut off the lock and the gate swings open.

Sneaking his way isn't difficult as at night the ship is reduced to a skeleton crew and after a year dodging and avoiding some of the most deadliest animals in the world, drunk pirates barely able to read just aren't on the same level.

Heading into the pantry Jon is shocked at the amount of fruits, cheeses and meats they had available, there were 4 different shelves loaded with wine above the food.

'This must be the captains pantry, there is no way this gets shared with the crew, grabbing a basket that was on a nearby table Jon fills it with cheese, meats and fruits and take two bottles of what look like Dornish Red 'Rhaenys and Arthur will like that' Jon thinks to himself as he puts it into the basket.

Deciding not to push his luck and to save enough for the trip to wherever they're going he leaves barely avoiding any wondering crew, he also grabs a pitcher of water from the main pantry before heading back to the cells.

"The mighty hero returns" Arthur cheers as Jon walks back into the cells with his basket of loot, he walks into the cell and shuts it then welds the metal between the lock so it'll stay stuck.

"I come with gifts" Jon states in an exaggerated manner as he sits back in his previous position.

"I didn't find any cake Sansa but there are fruits and cheeses" Jon says as he hands the basket over to Sansa who looks into it with interest.

"For our Dornish residents I thought you'd like a taste of home" Jon continues as he shows them both the bottles of Dornish red he brought , Arthur immediately grabbing a bottle for himself as well as a hunk of cheese before crawling back into his corner.

Lifting his eyebrow at the action Jon goes back to putting together his own meal as Rhaenys looks at the remaining bottle of Dornish wine with a sad smile.

"Are you okay?" Jon whispers to her as he grabs her hand, the familiar bond flaring up and filling them both with warmth, Rhaenys looks up at Jon and smiles "It just reminds me of my mother… I really miss her even after all this time" Rhaenys says tearfully as she leans her head into the crook of Jon's neck.

Arthur sitting on the other side of the cell can be seen getting a little teary as well but hides it by drinking out of the bottle.

Sansa reaches over and adds her hand to Jon and Sansas comforting her.

"I promise we will kill the ones responsible" Jon says quietly as he kisses the top of her head.

(Few hours later)

Sansa can be seen sleeping next to Jon, Rhaenys still buried in Jon's neck had started kissing and sucking on it while her hand had moved to his groin.

Jon makes eye contact with Arthur who can be seen looking back at him, Arthur gives him an expression as if trying to tell him something.

'Jon please don't fuck Rhaenys in this small cell' Arthur says in his head trying to convey the message to Jon.

Jon looks back with him with a raised eyebrow and then with a look of understanding.

'Don't worry we'll keep it down' Jon thinks as he conveys the look back to Arthur with the addition of a thumbs up.

'Gods Im such a good friend' Jon thinks to himself as he feels Rhaenys start to fish his cock out and climb onto him with her clothes still on.

Needless to say Arthur did not get much sleep that night.

(3 days later)

"Wake up maggots" A voice says as he bangs the door to the cell waking the group up.

"We're gonna be arriving at port in a few hours so want you up and dressed for the slave market" he continues.

Rubbing his eyes Arthur sits up and looks at the captain "Where are we docking" Arthur asks as he sits up against the walls and yawns.

"Pirates heaven, we be docking at Gogossos" The Captain says before laughing and heading back upstairs.

"Gogossos, no wonder the journey was only a few days we've barely left Sothoryos" Arthur says getting Jon's attention.

"I guess we should get to work then" Jon says with a bored expression on his face

Arthur nods his head and Jon gets up and approaches the cell door easily opening it with his magic letting himself and Arthur out.

"You girls stay here try get some more sleep looks like it's just passed dawn" Jon says before resealing the cage door so no one could hurt the girls in their absence.

Sansa and Rhaenys just wave their hands up before rolling back over and falling asleep.

Heading out of the brig and into the cargo hold Jon and Arthur wonder where their weapons and armour are being kept.

"Where do you think our swords are" Jon asks turning his head to Arthur who has his hand on his chin.

"Well with the quality of the swordsI'm guessing the captain would most likely have it in his quarters" Arthur states, they both try and locate the captains quarters as quietly as possible.

"Let's split up be easier to search this way" Jon says as Arthur gives him a nod and branches off in another direction.

Jon his heading towards the upper deck as he has a feeling a poncy captain like the one they had would insist on a lovely view with fresh air.

As he walks a corner he bumps into a member of the crew, before the crew member can even shout Jon punches him in the throat before drawing the man's own sword and stabbing him in the heart.

The light dies from his eyes as Jon placed him on the hard wooden floor as to not make much sound, Jon decides to speed up as he heads towards what he believe to be the centre of the ship as a way to get to the upper decks should be possible.

Running into two members of the crew he quickly decapitates one though before he can kill the other

"INTRUDE…" Before he can finish his neck has already been sliced open and he falls back across a table that was in the room they were in.

"Fuck it" Jon says to himself as he now full on sprints through the ship, he comes into a corridor that was currently filling with 8 crew members as it led to the upper deck and someone must've heard the shout from earlier.

All drawing their swords they don't seem to realise the predicament they are in by fighting in this narrow corridor.

Swinging his sword in a circle he then points it to the first man approaching him and then rushes him, Jon ducks under a swing using the same manoeuvre Arthur used against Marlok to cut the man's leg off, but not before extending it and using his moment to throw the sword into the next man.

Approaching and then pulling the sword from the man's chest he kicks him into men behind him, the men look a lot more uncertain as they look into the narrowed eyes of the boy who until an hour ago was their prisoner, or so they thought.

One of the foolish pirates decided to charge Jon sword overhand yelling at the top of his lungs, as he goes to bring his sword down to strike the arrogant brat he realises that nothing came down, looking at his right arm he realises his arm is gone and then starts screaming.

Though not for long as he's also cut down by Jon as he starts to approach the remaining victims.

"Please stop"

"I promise I'll be better"

"I have a family"

It all fell on death ears as Jon was like a death god incarnate striking down all the pirates, until it came down to the last one who was a person only a few years older than Jon.

"Please I had to do this I didn't want to live this way " he says with teary eyes as he approaches Jon.

"P-P-Please h-help me, I don't wanna do this anymore" The boy says as he stands in front of Jon.

He then pulls his arm from behind his back attempting to stab Jon in the gut, Jon simply sidesteps swiping his sword upwards removing his hand.

As the boy starts screaming at his missing hand Jon just sighs "That probably would've worked over a year ago but now… for all I know you're the drowned god disguised as a young boy" Jon says simply before holding up his index finger, compressing his magic into one point he create a small violet sphere of fire that looks like a miniature sun he presses it into the boys body and he falls onto the floor and starts convulsing until his body starts to turn to ash.

Jon looks uncaringly at the scene before heading upstairs to the main deck.

Walking up the stairs he walks towards what looks to be a cabin below the wheel of the sheep, approaching the door that leads into the cabin he is greeted to the sight of it being broken open as Arthur seemingly flies through it and lands just before Jon.

"Having trouble" Jon asks with a smirk.

"Fuck off" Arthur eloquently replies.

Helping Arthur up, Jon looks at the terrible enemy that seemed to be able to get the better or Arthur only to see the big pirate that had captured them in the first place.

"Really? Only one of them managed to defeat you" Jon says with a raised eyebrow as he folds his arms across his chest.

"I couldn't find a sword anywhere and before I could reach dawn the captain woke up and screamed" Arthur explains dusting himself off

"Why would he be in there if the captain was sleeping" Jon questions with a confused look.

"They were sharing the bed…" Arthur continues

"Oh… well good for them" Jon says with an encouraging smile.

"Though it doesn't explain why you couldn't beat one person" he says waiting for an answer.

"I'm the Sword of the Morning, not the Fist of the Morning what do you want from me" he says throwing his arms up in the air.

"Whatever let's get this over with" Jon says giving Arthur his acquired sword.

Arthur smiles and approaches the big pirate who was busy getting his own sword, releasing it from the sheath Arthur can see it was dawn.

'Dick' he thinks to himself as he approaches the pirate.

The pirate wields the great sword with one hand attempting to hit Arthur from above to which Arthur dodges and swings at his neck, the pirate blocks that with metal grieves that he had put on, pushing Arthur's sword away he attempts to kick him but Arthur pivots slicing his leg.

"AAAAH" the big pirate screams in pain before falling to the ground in pain, he attempts to swing dawn at Arthur from his position but arthur moves around it and grabs his hand slicing it off with his sword and taking dawn back from the man, he then uses it to slice the man's neck.

"Use my sword against me…" Arthur mutters as he kicks the body a few times.

Jon just claps him on the back with a helpless smile on his face before entering the captains quarters and seeing the frail captain who obviously padded his clothes holding bright roar at him. As Jon approaches the man starts to shake more and more.

"I'll give you Gold"

"What about land, I'm quite important on. Gogossos you know"

"Women you can have as many as you want"

"PLEASE DON'T KILL ME" he finally shouts before dropping the sword and crying.

Jon looking at the man with a pitiable expression just sighs

'It would've been much simpler if he had swung at me' Jon thinks to himself as he looks down at the cowardly man.

"It seems you managed to save yourself from us, we happen to be men of honour and won't kill someone who has surrendered" Jon says with a smile as he drags the man up and out of the cabin.

"Yes as a knight I'm honour bound to accept your surrender" Arthur says with the same smile that Jon has.

"Well I'm glad that you men are so honourable I'll be sure to vouch for you once we reach land" The pirate says with a fake smile as he feels that he can take advantage of this.

"That being said…I'm afraid as the new captain of the ship I'm gonna have to ask you to leave" Jon says with an awkward smile as he pats the ex captain on the shoulder.

"B-b-but we are in the middle of the ocean" he stutters out his fear coming back in full force.

"Ah don't be so dramatic you said yourself we are only a few hours away from land, gods I can practically see it in the far distance" Arthur says walking up to the captains other side.

"N-n-no please don't do this, you don't understand I don't make it" the captain starts to plead as he starts to back away from the railing of the ship though he runs into the road block that is Arthur who keeps him in place.

"You'll make it stop being dramatic it isn't that far of a swim, we just need a few hours head start" Arthur explains as he drags him to the edge of the ship.

"No no no no!!! You don't understand, you don't understand I can't go in there!!! We did something bad!!! PLEASE LISTEN TO ME" though his words fall on deaf ears as Jon and Arthur grab him by his arms and prepares to throw him off the ship.

"NO NO NO!!! PLEASE STOP THEY'LL KNOW PLEASE" but it's too late as he gets thrown into the ocean, Jon and Arthur can still hear him screaming in fear as the ship leaves without him.

"Honestly some people are so dramatic" Arthur sighs to which Jon nods his head, Jon then heads back down into the ship to fetch Sansa and Rhaenys.

Now that they're all on deck Jon is standing before them "okay so we got a few more hours till we make landfall we have to dump the bodies before then and clean a bit of the blood off, I'm sure in pirate haven we will go unnoticed enough for us to get together a skeleton crew and head back towards Westeros" Jon explains to everyone.

"Now as your captain, I'll steer the boat while you guys clean up" Before Jon can continue Arthur interrupts him

"I'm sorry as the captain? When did you suddenly become the captain" Arthur says as he looks at Jon with a raised eyebrow.

"I just thought it was assumed" Jon continued as he raises his head slightly in a regal fashion.

"Well as the only person with sailing experience I think I should be the captain" Arthur reasons as he has a small smirk on his face.

Before Jon can reply Rhaenys speaks first "As an ex princess of the seven kingdoms I believe I'm more suited to leading than either of you, I think I shall be the captain" She says crossing her arms together.

"I think you'd make a great captain Jon" Sansa says with her big blue eyes in a cute expression.

"Pffffft, Jon's first plan against the stone giant was to jump towards his death without even warging the Wyvern first" Arthur says as he laughs out loud at the thought of Jon becoming a Captain.

"This coming from Mr if we climb the mountain we'll get higher" Jon says sarcastically as he shakes his head.

"If you had any ideas more complex than if we go up then we'll get higher I'm sure you would turn into Hodor" Jon says with a smirk on his face.

Before Arthur can respond "Enough!" Rhaenys says as she walks up to Jon and whispers something into his ear, his face starts to get a blush.

"Rhaenys is captain" Jon says before heading into line with Sansa and Arthur.

Arthur just gives Jon a knowing look as he shakes his head in disappointment which Jon pretends not to see.

What they didn't realise is that it had only been 5 minutes and yet they couldn't hear the ex captain screaming anymore.

(AN: Alright and that's done, they're gonna be going into the pirate haven next chapter I'm not sure how long they'll be there, I mostly plan an arc in my head and fill out the details of it while I write, so I don't draft anything my first version is what you guys see which I'm sure you can tell 🤣🤣😭😭😭. Anyway I've taken some liberties with some of the lore, not much but it'll go into how the next arc goes. Hope you enjoyed the chapter let me know what ya think, also I might start slowing down on the chapters cause I been considering starting to write some other stories which would be hard to do with daily chapters idk I'll have to see)