

I accidentally double-tapped and the red heart appeared on my screen.

"Fuck, my drunkenness is working now," I thought to myself looking at it. I decided to tap on her profile to get a look at her. "She has cool photos," I told my girl and she, in turn, nodded to me

Davids didn't need to put the rainbow sign on her profile to be identified as one of them, her style, sense of fashion defined it all. Just one look at her picture, and it will tell you who she is.

I scrolled through her pictures, most of the pictures were of her and her family, some people I didn't know about maybe her previous friends, she even has a picture with the highest profiled people around the globe! 

I lazily moved to the message section. I don't know why, I just found my hands tapping on that part.

The truth be told, I think I like Davids, as much as I feel am in love with Vin, Davids awakens feelings in me that are confined when am with Vin. Davids doesn't care about anything, she is free and does what she want, the little time I spent with her, I realized that she wants you to speak and listens more than she speaks, that's unlike Vin, who wants to be the one talking, giving you advice and making the judgements at the same time.

'I miss you,' I text. I know the wine is taking effect on me, but trust me this is what I would have told her if she were here.

"Are you sure?" Asks my girl.

"As hell where am heading to girl," I reply grinning at her.

"Dee, your mum has said you go to her room," our house help interrupted me and I accidentally hit the sent message out of shock.

"What the fuck, knock next time," I shouted back at her. 

"Sorry," she mumbled before disappearing.

"I thought that is what you wanted to tell her," mocked the girl in me.

"Not now," I brushed my girl off and headed out to my mum's room.

The music from the mini Alexia was soothing to the soul. My mom was swaying her hips left to right without a care in the world. Wine in her right hand and cigarette in her left hand. She blew the smoke like the pro-smoker she was and the taste of tobacco with a faint smell of mint graced the room. 

"I told you that dead beat of a dad should have been left to rot because no one wants to attend his burial," I mimicked my girl. It seems she was not around because she didn't give me a reply at the back of my mind.

"Can I get that one too?" I asked my mum pointing at the cigar in her mouth.

She inhaled the smoke and let it settle in for some time before releasing it out with a puff, "calm down, soon you will be getting these and many more," she said mentioning the glass of wine and cigarette pack on the table. 

She sounded like she was gonna give them to me any time soon, and I couldn't wait to get some little drugs here and thereafter this tiring day of pretence and faking a cry.

"Are you feeling okay now?" Asked my mother placing the cigar in the ashtray and then looking at me.

"I wasn't drunk mum, just a little tipsy," I told her running my hands on my forehead.

I knew she would start to question my credibility at the funeral and if I will be able to keep my cool and mourn the man like the real girl who lost her father.

"Don't worry, am going to cry and shout out when he is being lowered to the ground," I said to her grinning so that I can ease her off.

We were cut short by a knock at the door, a petite middle-aged lady entered with some language in her hands, "may I come in?" She asked though she was already inside and my mom rushed past me and opened the door for her.

"Emma! Stop being a silly girl and come in," said my mother as she hugged the lady at her door.

She seemed too young but jovial.

"Dee, look at you all big," she shouted hugging me without my consent.

I looked at my mother trying to get any answers about the lady hugging me but she wasn't helping. She was host looking through the language the had been brought in.

"Who are you?" I asked her shocked.

"Come on Dee, it's Emma, your mum's stylist from Dubai," she said and looked at my mother who didn't look back at her to prove what she was saying was true.

"Amanda, you didn't tell Dee about me?" Asked Emma.

"Dee, you don't remember Aunt Emma?" Questioned my mother.

She wasn't even paying attention while questioning me, instead, she was busy sorting out her things.

I looked at Emma and pretended to know her so that all this story can go under the bridge and we focus on what's important.

"Try this on," said my mother handing me a milky white dress!

"I thought it's a burial mum?" I questioned her.

"Yeah, it is, but not every burial requires a dark gloomy dress, this one needs to be a happy burial, we are celebrating our independence and peace after a long-suffering under his brutality." She said while helping try the dress on.

"For the millionth time, this looks like a happy ceremony and not a sad one." I thought to myself again.

My mother was correct, we were going to celebrate our freedom today, We are going to be free today after he has gone six feet under.   Sadly, no one will remember him, after the burial, mum will take over his legacy and she will be the most feared and respected woman and not him.

"Wow Dee, you look gorgeous, the mid-thigh fits you just perfect!" Said Emma cheerfully.

"Can you model for us the way you are going to walk to your father's casket to throw some spite at his body?" Asked my mother.

I didn't hesitate, I gracefully let my slender legs do the talk for me.

"Bravo my beautiful darling!" said my mom as I walked back facing them.

"Emma, this is amazing," I said to her.

As young as she was looking, she has good taste in fashion.

"We are rocking with the red-bottomed heels," said my mother as she changed into her dress. 

Her dress had a breast cut, revealing her cleavage. Her back was opened and it was mid-thigh just like Mine. 

"This is exciting," said the girl in me.

"Good you are back because I can't wait to seduce them people today baby girl," I said to her. We both did our secret dance.

Emma did my makeup, scarlet red lipstick and long eyelashes for my eyes. They were alluring and calling for everyone to come to see I loved them!

I moved back to my room to pick my purse before coming back to my mother's room. 

"How is she handling the news?" I asked Emma asking.

"She is pretty fine, she will get through it with time." Replied my mother. 

I let them finish their conversation before getting into the room. I didn't want them thinking that I was eavesdropping on their conversation.

Walking in, they were finalising on my mother's makeup and Emma dressed in her navy blue dresses. 

I wanted to ask her if she knew my dad and would have loved to give her a proper send of the way my mother is trying but I restrained her from asking her that question. My mother had told me, " not everyone is to be trusted," and am not trusting anyone at this point.

"Guys, are you forgetting something?" Asked Emma spreading her hands in surprise.

"What?" Asked my mother.

"A selfie to start the day darlings," cheered Emma as she removed her phone from her purse and swiped it open. I raised my neck trying to see what her wallpaper looked like, probably I would get a glimpse of who she is. 

Most people have photos of their loved ones as screen savers or wallpaper, but for Emma, it was blank, by blank I mean there was no photos of people just flowers as her screen saver.

"Curiosity killed the cat," said the girl in me. I lowered my long neck and stood as a good pupil and took the selfie flashing my million dollar smile at the camera.

"Dee, we are not done," said Emma pulling me back. "Tongues out now," she said and in two three one we pushed our tongues out like slithering snakes.

We took several photos and till I felt my head spin from the effects of standing for too long and from the wine that I had taken.

After Emma was done, I grabbed some of my pills from my room, gulped them down with a glass of water before joining my mom and Emma as we ascended the stairs down to the living room.


Hello people,

Thanks for reading, just to inform you we are still trending under the LGBTQ+ and that's all thanks to you. Let's keep rating.

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