

The whole crowd cheered as they clapped their hands. Mike grabbed Vicky's butt gently and gave her one hell of a kiss that left the audience in awe.

The reception was heading towards Mr Marcus' restaurant, but before going, it was time for pictures on the red carpet and flower-giving time. 

Victor made sure he took a picture with Davids. He had admired Davids dressing and wanted to inquire if he can get it at a discounted price.

"Is there a way you can give me that suit at a discount?" He asked as he hugged Davids.

Davids gave him the cheeky look before tapping his shoulder. 

"Everything costs money, get me a check and I will give you," she told him.

"Hey, I am still a kid and I don't have any job, please consider the discount," he begged while pouting.

Davids laughed and left him miserable in his look as she run after Daniella who was hugging her mum.

She stopped in her tracks and thought of any way this can go sideways. Amanda can slap her for associating with her daughter or better, they can bury their bad blood and open a new chapter where she will be able to call her mom and Amanda will call her daughter or son if she wants to.

She was lost in her thoughts when a crowd came and settled themselves in front of her taking pictures. 

"Can I get an autograph please?" Asked one of the girls. 

Davids was startled out of her thoughts and decided to mingle with the audience that was present.

She smiled at the lady and held out her hand placing a kiss on top of it.

"I don't mind tonight," she winked to the lady.

The girl gave her a tattoo machine and asked her to tattoo her neck. 

Davids didn't know how to handle a tattoo kit. The infinity tattoo behind her ears was done by Brian. She stretched her neck trying to look for Brian but he was not around. 

'Probably he is shoving his tongues inside Lil Nax's throat,' he thought to herself.

"You know am a very bad artist, I might pierce your vein, " she said to the girl. 

That did not make the girl go away, instead, she opened her dress and asked her to place any tattoo on her boobs.

All the other girls were standing there in awe as they watched Davids do her work. 

She didn't draw something big instead she drew a nice rose flower on her little boobs before handing her the tattoo kit.

"It's beautiful," chorused the girls as they all started lining up for a tattoo session.

Davids wanted to leave them but he thought, why not do some exercise with the tattoo, she might as well escape the interview and the drama of the paparazzi.

"How Much are you going to pay me?" She asked as she was looking at nowhere in particular.

"A threesome!" Shouted one of them.

The rest of them laughed and she bent to start her work. 

"That's my baby," Daniella said while pushing her way into the crowd.

"Babe, you are back," she told Daniella while kissing her on her cheeks.

The other girls felt jealous and were about to run away when Daniella signalled them to stay so that Davids can finish what she started.

After he was done, they thanked her and she was left with Daniella.

"What does my baby want?" She asked Dee as she wrapped her hand around Dee's waist.

Daniella kissed her and lips before looking at her seductively. 

What did she want? She wanted a lot of things, but she didn't know what she wanted.

Tonight was a beautiful night and that was enough for tonight, another beautiful night will come but she wanted her tonight. 

How will she be her that? How will she ask her to take her tonight without her hesitating? She looked at her in the eyes and Davids was left wondering what's in her mind.

"Thanks for today babe," she said sincerely. 

Davids chuckled. In her mind that is not what she thought. She has thought of different things.

Their minds had the same want, so was their bodies but their mouths couldn't talk if what they wanted. So they kept quiet and pretended to congratulate each other for the work well done.

"Why are you thanking me, you did your best and I am proud of you babe," Davids told her.

Daniella locked her eyes with her and placed her hands onto her chest like they were dancing the waltz.

"The interior design, I didn't know those photos you wanted us to take we're for that purpose," said Daniella.

"Did your mother complain about them?" Sue asked her in a worried voice 

"Come on, she didn't even recognize my body to start with," said Daniella.

Davids sighed and hugged her.

When she asked Daniella if they could take a naked picture, Daniella was hesitant at first. She didn't know how Davids will look at her when she sees the cigarette marks on her body. She refused but Davids did jit persist. 

She later came back and asked her if she will hate her for her body, and Davids was okay with the way she was. 

When she decided to show her who she was, Davids kissed all the marks on her body, she made her feel loved and she didn't want to show the marks on Dee's body because she was afraid her mother will recognise her and scold her. 

She had the original copy with her and just edited the one that she used for the show.

"Have you ever thought of having a family?" Asked Daniella.

Davids's heart missed a beat after her question. Where was Dee going with her questions? Family is the last thing that has ever crossed her mind and has never imagined having one. 

"Have you?" Asked Davids. 

She wanted to hear about Daniella's view.

"You answer me first, I want to know about you," said Daniella while shaking her hands.

"The design that had our picture that was my idea of a house that I would want to have, I haven't thought about kids, I just thought about me and you in it and no one else," Davids said while holding her two cheeks.

"Why haven't you thought about babies, I won't babies, someone with your blood and mine, that is what I pictured, you can redesign it, right? " 

Davids didn't know what to tell her. If she wanted babies, she can give her babies they will be cute babies running around. 

"What are you thinking that is making you smile," Daniella asked her.

"The babies, I just can't imagine your photocopy and mine," Davids told her while grinning.

"That is a yes, right? You want babies with me?" She asked excitedly as she kissed her lips.

"Whatever my babe needs I must fulfil it," she chuckled before lifting herb and taking them backstage. 

While moving, they knocked against something. The room was dark, so that thought it was just a normal thing, but While Davids tried to push it and someone shouted and they both started running in several directions knocking over each other.

Davids tried to locate the lights but she couldn't find any lights. Daniella started screaming but backstage was soundproof, no one was hearing them scream.

Davids followed the direction of her scream, she placed a hand on her back and Dana let out another scream but Davids was too fast to place her hands over her mouth.

"Shhh, it's me keep quiet," Davids whispered in her ears.

"Thank God babes, who are inside here," Daniella whispered back while hugging her tightly.

"I think they don't want to be identified, let's keep it quiet and locate the lights," whispered Davids.

Davids tried to settle Daniella on the floor to find the light but Daniella couldn't let go of her hands. She tagged along and followed her everywhere she was going.

She regretted not taking her phone from her dad once they were done. Daniella too had placed her phone inside Clara's bag and Clara was hanging around her Aunt and Damien when the show we over.

"Don't step on anything and be on my back, " Davids whispered as they were walking trying to locate the switch.

The other party were also moving and Davids and Dee had to stop and see where they were going. As much as they did want to see where they were going, they couldn't see shit.

Davids wanted to inquire but she decided to let them be. Standing still, they heard the other party touching the wall with their hands, and boom the lights were on.

"Fuck, Davids!" Shouted Brian

"Don't, Fuck you! How could you guys scream like babies?" Shouted Davids as if they were not screaming a second ago.

Lil Nax was all shy with his hands on his waist and his shirt inside out.

Dee busted out in a peal of laughter after she saw the way Nax was behaving.

"Get a room, you might be having a threesome with a rat in here," mocked Davids as she walked out of the room and Brian run after her.


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