

"Davids, what do you know about Natalia's arrest," came a masculine voice. 

This was not Clinton's voice. It was someone's else, someone whom I don't know. Daniella shot her glance at the person talking and she seemed to have identified him.

"Greg? What are you talking about?" She asked as she looked at his camera?

Greg cleared his voice and placed the phone near his mouth.

"You know the latest news has it that Natalia got arrested and she is being detained in prison, she will not get out any sooner," said Greg and handed the phone near Daniella's mouth to talk.

Daniella placed her hands to block the camera from further filming the both of us and looked at me before looking at Greg. 

"Can you give us some time, you can come during break and we will give you all the information you need."

Daniella quickly pulled me to the music room and closed the door behind her.

"Did you have anything to do with Her arrest? She is just sixteen Davids, what did she do that bad to have you throw her in prison?" She growled at me.


Why would she even think that I had anything to do with her arrest? Seriously is she still doubting me that much? I didn't even have a thing going on with her to start with, but Dee is here accusing me of being responsible for her imprisonment.

I moved forward and held her by her arms to try and reason with her. 

"Dee, you have not even asked me if I know anything about Natalia, you've started with accusing me and thinking it is my fault that she is in prison."

She threw her hands away from my grasp and stood with her hand placed on her waist while the other arm was pointing at me.

"Why don't you tell me, why don't you prove yourself to me then?" She asked in a high pitched voice.

I explained to her the whole story about Natalia and she was shocked about the revelations. I didn't want to tell people anything about what happened because we had not been asked to give out a statement. This was not my story to tell. Natalia will one day come clean and explain the events to people if she wants to.

"I am sorry babe, I didn't mean to lash out or to judge you, you guys looked like a thing before I came to you so I was thinking your family had something to do with her arrest and am sorry," she apologised.

"It's okay babe, but next time, ask me first before you judge someone or open your sweet mouth, listen to the other side, let other people also talk at least we won't be arguing and fighting each other, okay?" I asked her.

She smiled and flashed her thirty-two at me while pinching my cheeks. 

"Noted Mr," 

I dropped a kiss on her lips and escorted her to class. 

Everyone was on phone busy trying to read the news about Natali's arrest. 

This would soon cause drama and everyone will want answers as to why Natalia got arrested. Daniella was right, people will think we had a thing, given that she had already posted about us on social media.

"Love you, babe, bye," said Daniella while stealing a kiss from my lips.

I smiled at her and bid her goodbye, I need to ask Brian to talk to our parents so that the media can release the information about her arrest.


"I told you not to get caught! Which part of every word I repeated to you didn't you understand?" 

"Look, I was just doing what you told me to do boss, I walked over and I didn't see anything there," cried Natalia.

The man in a mask was pacing up and down. He threw the chairs all over the place and slapped Natalia.

Natalia wanted to cry but she held her voice from crying. 

"Just give me any information that you got from them unless you want your breast to remain rotten for the rest of your life!" Shouted the man in an angry voice.

Natalia kept quiet and she was not talking. She was just holding her head down as the man went on pacing up and down.

He removed a gun from his jacket and pointed it at Natalia while pulling her hair and dragging her across the room.

"Are you going to talk or do you want me to put this gun in your head!" He shouted as he threw Natalia at the wall.

"Ouch!" Natalia groaned as her back hit the wall.

She was writhing in pain trying to rub her back but she couldn't reach for it.

The masked man moved forward and placed the gun on her head. "You know I am going to insert this bullet in your head and you will take me nowhere, your life is over!" 

Natalia flinched but didn't move to say a word to him. She just bowed waiting for what she don't know.

She knew deep down, this person only needed information and once everything is over she will be shot and her body thrown deep down into some cemetery or even thrown to some wild animals to feast on.

She decided she better die with what she saw at The Black's house than let this wicked man destroy the good family without any blemish.

She accepted to be the sheep that will be sacrificed but not Davids home.

That's why, as much as this man was trying to pull her, throw her all over the room, she was not going to say anything. Her body has been mutilated more than that, she has possessed over a hundred identity and she does not regret what she did, the only thing she regrets doing is going into Davids life to harm her family. That's the only regret.

The masked man dropped her down and walked away with a chunk of hair that he had forcefully pulled out of Natalia's hair. Natalia's face was all bloody, not the blows she received from them, the cuttings only for her to open her mouth, and now the forceful removal of hair from her head just for information about The Blacks.

"She can't talk, she has muted her mouth kike some fucking mule, what do you want us to do?" The masked man said over the phone.

He has listened carefully as the other person was talking and after some few minutes, he came back to Natalia who had coiled herself on the former of the house humming to herself.

"You have a lucky day, today is not the day you join your filthy parents underground, when that day comes I will be the one to send you off," mocked the masked man as he hit her with a gun and she passed out.

"Take her back into the basement, I can't deal with that face right now!" Shouted the masked man while ordering the other two men who were outside the door.

They rushed in quickly and picked Natalia's lifeless body and they got out of his sight. 

The masked man sat down and removed his mask. He pulled his hair while sipping a glass of alcohol from his glass.

He opened his laptop and tried to look at some documents but groaned after he found nothing that he wanted.

"What are you guys hiding? You guys know something that no one else knows, what is it?" He asked himself while looking at The Black's family photos that were neatly stamped on the secret wall.

"I am going to look for a crack in your life and I will use it to drag you to death!" He shouted while throwing a knife at the picture of The Blacks and it got stuck.

"i don't know what that crack is but I believe no one is perfect, every jas a breaking point, just like ice that has a melting point, I will make sure you suffer, you crawl on your bellies like a snake and it the dust fucking Black's!" 

"That asshole of a daughter you all are proud of, I will make sure she loses everything she has that she calls family and she will die of pain and sorrows before she also follows you to the grave, !"


He let out evil laughter and went on to tear the picture that was on the wall with the help of the knife until it turned to shreds and he burn them into ashes.

He picked the ashes and placed them on his finger and pressed onto the tightly before letting them be flown away by the wind.

"And from the solid, you came, but you will go back in ashes!"


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