
Lost & Found : Four Knights

She is clumsy . He is an epitome of perfection. She is kind and lively. He is cold and arrogant. She leads simple lifestyle. He leads his life in luxury. What happens when two people with totally different mindset meet? * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Kiara is simple girl, who leads a completely ordinary life, which may seem boring to many. Attending college, working part time, hanging out with friends, curling up on the couch with a good novel and a cup of coffee was her definition of a perfect lifestyle. Zachary William Carrington, one of the most eligible billionaire bachelor.A man, many fear to cross paths with.A man, who gets what he wants no matter what it takes. Popularly termed. As the 'hawk' of the business world for his keen observational skills and judgements.Women literally flock around him begging for his attention, but he never gives them any. He is arrogant and demands perfection in every single thing . Apart from business, Zach carves for adventures that makes his adrenaline rush. Taking risks is one of his favorite pastime. He doesn't believe in leading an ordinary life. One encounter is all that it needs to change their perceptive of life...

RuMaya · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
17 Chs

shop talk and eat

KIARAI shifty ran towards the entrance searching for penny. She saw me first and started waving at me frantically . I gave her a huge bear hug. It had been ages since I had met her, and I missed her a lot."Where were you idiot? You're late" She asked pretending to be angry.I pressed my lips in a thin line and tears brewing in my eyes which I quickly blinked away, thinking about what had happened earlier."Hey! What's wrong" She was concerned."Nothing. Actually I came here before you, but something come up and I got late" I said "sorry!""That's ok, are you sure you're alright? you seem a bit pale? ""No no.. I'm fine" I quickly assured her "So.. What have you been upto these days? " I asked changing the topic." Umm.. This and that" She said linking her arms with mine"Now what's 'this and that'?"" I organise events like galas, conferences, weddings and much more like these and when I'm free I help out at Masi's"."Cool ya.. And how's masi? It's been a long time since I met her too ".Masi is a sweet women who runs a small cafe down street with her husband Rob. When we were kids, we would run to her cafe after school and complete all our homeworks there, rob would help us sometimes when there were no customers. They would give us foody goodies for free and even let us bake in her kitchen. They were such a lovely kind couple. A small smile crept on my face remembering those memories."She is good, a bit older than before" She said. "I think you should visit them sometime""Ya I will". I have to meet them at least once before I return back.We both shopped around. Penny being penny, made me try on loads of dresses and I ended up buying quiet a lot of trendy dress and shoes too. I was exhausted by the time we were done.We chatted, teased and laughed a lot. My early encounter with Mr mean machine was completely forgotten."So?" She asked scooping a spoonful of desert. We were having our dinner at a restaurant."So what?" I questioned her back picking up my wine glass."Anybody I should know about? " She enquired, Her one eye brow going up and down with a cheesy grin on her face.I frowned "Nobody" I said shaking my head. "What about you, any boyfriends?" "Noo!" She said, her ears turning pink"Really?" I raised my brows. I knew that she was lying."Well, he is not exactly my boyfriend, just a good friend". Aww.. Penny blushing?"Is he someone I know?""Uh.. We studied together at school, so ya you'll know him, he was your senior though. ""Who is he?" I was curious about this senior guy who stole my sis's heart." Viorel stevans" She said and I bit my lip, do I know him?"I don't think I remember anyone by that name? " I said."Of course you know him! He was your brother's football buddy after all". I still couldn't remember, my brother had loads of friends back then and I don't really know much about them."Okay wait I think I have his photo somewhere" She said searching her phone."Here" She showed her phone.I gasped loudly when I saw the picture."See I told you that you'll know him" She said smiling. Of course I know him, he was my first crush after all!"But he went by the name VP" I never knew his full name as my bro and his friends would always address him as VP which I thought was his real name sounding something like 'vipee' , now I know that it was just an abbreviation. "Ya.. People call him VP in short" I wonder what 'p' stands for?"Hmm... He is a nice guy, you both will make a really good pair" I said.Even though he was my first crush, I have no feelings towards him now. He is a cool nerdy kind of a guy, who would play badminton with me and would help me in solving math problems. I had a crush on him for a very long time but he always treated me in a brotherly way. As time passed, I moved on and today he is nothing more than a silly childhood crush and maybe a friend, but nothing more."He is friendly and all, but it doesn't seem like he will make a move anytime soon" She said sounding disappointed."Don't worry, no sane person can resist your charm. If he doesn't ask you out soon, he is the worlds biggest dumb head! " I said"Hmm.. We'll see" She smiled dreamily.

I was happy that she liked a good guy, if he likes her back, they will be such a good couple.

"Are you sure that you still haven't met the perfect guy? " She asked turning the conversation towards me."Nope, I haven't met anyone. I'll let you know if I do" I said, my thoughts drifting to the arrogant man, whom I threw my coffee at earlier today. He was way too hot ,and looked way out of my league.Shit! Why am I thinking about him now?"You'd better and I will be your wedding planner okay? Don't you dare hire somebody else" She said sternly.I laughed at this. "You will be married before me sis, and ya..if at all I decide to get married you will be the only one who will organise my big day. " I winked at her."Pinky Promise?" Showing her pinky finger.I laughed and linked my little finger with her's and said "pinky promise"We spent some more time together gossiping and catching up with each other before I bid her a goodbye. For a lazy person like me, I had too much of interactions in a day, and it was very much tiring. Now all I look forward to is to have a good night sleep, without any disturbance.